On Wednesday, October 19, 2016, at approximately 8 a.m., narcotics investigators assigned to the Marijuana Dispensary Task Force of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) served a search warrant at a strip mall located in the 27000 block of Sierra Highway in Canyon Country.
Through a citizen informant that called to report the suspicion of illegal narcotics activity and the subsequent investigation which led investigators to additional information, an elaborate indoor marijuana grow system was discovered in several of the strip mall units.
An undetermined amount of U.S. currency and 2,484 marijuana plants at various stages of growth were seized. An additional 200 pounds of finished product (dried marijuana buds) and 50 pounds of edible THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) infused products, such as cookies, were seized. Carbon filters and elaborate air conditioning systems were among the equipment located in the indoor grow used to produce the marijuana and prevent the odor from filtering out.
Although three male adults were detained at the scene, two were subsequently released pending further investigation. The third male, George Tunis, a 28-year-old male black and resident of Los Angeles, was arrested for possession of marijuana for sales. He was transported and booked at Santa Clarita Valley Station. He has since bonded out.
The combined street value of the marijuana plants is estimated at approximately $6,210,000.
The dried marijuana buds and edible THC infused cookies and other products have a combined street value of $500,000.
LASD would like to thank the public for remaining vigilant and reporting suspicious activity. Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Sheriff’s Information Bureau at (213) 229-1700. If you prefer to provide information anonymously, you may call “Crime Stoppers” by dialing (800) 222-TIPS (8477), or texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org.

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Looks like Home Depot parking lot. When did they start selling pot plants!!!! Lol
It’s the center across the street from Uhaul
Where’s this?
Monica Candelaria Pete Barrioos
It’s by Dunkin Donuts
Cesar Celedon
Marisa Moussa right by State Farm!!!
Shannon it’s by our Mexican food spot by dunkin donuts
Oh come on!!!
Michelle Rodriguez Only in Canyon Country
Las Varas Nayarit
Getting ready for pot to be legalized in Cal. That will bring in crime and just like Colorado, ck.it out!
Crime will go down
Yea, probably not. The paranoia about marijuana is old. http://reason.com/archives/2016/04/25/early-lessons-from-marijuana-legalizatio
Crime will most certainly go up
All legalization will do is make people more comfortable in ADMITTING that they are smoking / eating it. If you think everyone isn’t already smoking the whacky tobaccy already, you are mistaken.
Lmfao, such idiot logic. You’re part of the prob…..
AhhhGee, have you checked the auto accidents atributed to pot, since they legalized pot in Co.? The crime rate has gone up there and there is a Hugh black marked for tax free pot too. The numbers of drug users and homeless increased as well as the lg amount of pot being shipped out of Co. IDIOTS are blind to the facts!
Crime as gone down check your sources. Why keep a weed user in jail (decriminalize)? Youd rather have actual criminals early released vs pot heads taking up space due to lengthy sentences? Time to decriminalize.
In states where it is not legal there is already a black market, so there’s no point there. You can’t 100% blame pot for people abusing other substances nor can you 100% blame it on the fact that somebody is homeless, that’s absurd. But bravo on the name calling, that’s a FANTASTIC way to get your point across!
government doesn’t care if it brings crime up or down as long as they get their taxes …wait til producers see how much tax they will pay , they will continue to hide it
Wow they sell everything now!!
Lived in Colorado for the last five years. Stoners grew everywhere out there and never bothered anyone. Leave them be…..
Wasting tax dollars working as overpaid gardners cutting and removing green plants. Way to go.
It’s just a plant people it’s never killed anyone
Mary Jo Davis
Waste of time and money and resources
Meadow Towns
That’s the mall where the new Dunkin Donuts is.
I guess tha jardineros plantaron la yerba ekivocada hahahha
Jaime Lechuga
Lol ? Que guey
por eso estaban los encubiertos ayi
Kaitlen Howard-Rodriguez I think this is where Charter College qas
Ya the guy rented a room in the building and was growing.. it ALWAYS smelled like weed
Party at the Cop Shop
Its just a plant. Poor people
It’s this ridiculous town!!
VOTE YES ON PROP 64!!!! This town and your “noses in the air” bullsh*t who think you’re better than others. Guess what?! Heroin is a WAY BIGGER problem in THIS TOWN, with 3-4 overdoses by teens every week than pot ever will be! Pull that tree outta your asses and pay attention!!?
John 27125 !!!
Santa Clarita needs to stop the heroin trade not get rid of a couple of plants
Such a shame. All that good mary jane going to waste. Expect less Doritos to be purchased this week.
I personally don’t smoke it but I don’t think it’s a big deal. Put your focus on other hardcore stuff lol
Nooo my poot
Damn! I wish I knew it was there!!!! I ran out….. ?
Andrew Roche
Right by Dunkin Donuts..?? Haha
Haha just saw your post
Wow! When will people get that it’s just a plant!!!
Heroin comes from a plant too
Steven Bennett right you are, but how many pot overdoses have you seen? And how much “heroin” is being grown in the Scv?
The plant Steven is talking about are poppies… Maybe we need to ban poppy flowers, too then?
calif poppy is state flower protected by the law …no touchy
Kara McArdle yes I know, so I’m not sure if we should just ban everything!?! It makes no sense!!
People smoke then eat donuts
or the other way around marcello…lol
Conveniently located next to dunkin donuts lol
I thought the same thing!
Those people where making bank!!! :p
Deena Tracey I knew they were starting a grow operation when we worked in that center @Charter!!
I just said that in another post lol
Yep we watched them bringing in carts of soil & other plant things. We could smell the grow lol
Oh my god that’s crazy! People always wonder why it smelled so strong! And I remembered Mrs Garcia always closing the doors when we were in the lab. ??
This is to funny
Hey Shay. How’s it going…we knew this was happening a year ago. Hope all is well with you
Great!! I know remember the bags of soil coming in lol ?
Did I see ur working for Hart District now? Good for you!!
Nice one for keeping schtum Shay! Only a little weed would grass! It is still like wartime prohibition here in the UK. The police have nothing better to do than waste public money criminalising wee hoolie scrotes for smoking basically. I just get a cheap flight to Amsterdam a few times a year and holiday there as well! Can you image what this is doing to the UK tourist industry? Maybe they will grow up one day but i am not holding my breath! (You get stoned that way!).
I still find it crazy that a plant growing in the ground causes so much drama.
Heroin comes from a plant
Steven Bennett Do you want poppy flowers to be illegal too then?
Comes partially from a plant, a plant that won’t grow here, (it’s not the California poppy).. and it’s also combined with morphine. Opium+morphine = heroin.. weed is just weed. It’s not poisonous like gypsum plants or oleander which are legal af!
i wondered why the calif poppies weren’t being stolen thanks for clariftying
Those cute little orange poppies that grow wild & in our gardens are not the same opium poppy grown for medicinal purposes. There is a law against growing those too. I believe it’s illegal to cultivate the coca plant as well.
All drugs are ultimately derived from plants. Except psilocybin and LSD, which are from fungi…
Amanda Rodriguez
Dude look at the pictures! #MindBlown
Thank you for protecting us from a plant…
Jen Sherman
Barbara Oramas Mulero In your hood Barb!!
Wow narcotics….oh wait no its just a plant >.> pretty sure cough syrup is more dangerous than “the devil’s” lettuce
Haha right
Mayor Bob
Joe Warren
Amecis lol
Can you imagine that?
Great job wasting our government resources going after weed plants that are going to be legal soon!
Yes I’m glad my tax money is being used to stop this idiots
Maggie MJ do you realize it’s going to be made legal in November? What a waste of law enforcement man hours for nothing!?
There will be a lot more raids after it goes legal. It will still be illegal to grow, it and I can tell you these people won’t be getting licenses, will cost to much and taxes will be crazy!
bingo brittany, my thoughts exactly…don’t think after weed is legal you can grow it anywhere you like …so people are still gonna do what they please and government still coming after them…im happy they got them …im all for paying your taxes
You will be able to grow your own legally without a license
Ya but you can’t grow 2,000 plants! And sell it on the streets.
Lol who buys marijuana from the streets….that has to be the dumbest thing I have heard in a while. These plants were grown for the dispensaries….you can literally have weed delivered to your home
And the 6.2 million is also bs. Weed doesn’t sell by the pound like it use to. 10 yrs ago yes, but in 2016 the market is so flooded.
Ana Bru wow
I mean, in a store front, in a strip mall? Really? It is close to Jakes Way though…
The ghetto
Chad, what do you think about this??
I say why ? Its just a plant and 2nd why
Sandy Lux
Nicole Schlichtholz
Another patient loses their medicine.
Las Varas Nayarit
Thats why the dunkin donuts was so addicting ?
How did no one know hum?
Sorry, should we not be focusing more on the prescription pill epidemic and heroin in our valley?!?!
…and meth!!
Lisa Ann Levesque amen
Uhhh. Its Pot, who cares
Heroin not making the news bc no one is dying in epic rates like they are in Ohio or other states… or at least I haven’t heard of any… I could be wrong
Thank you!
these pot farmers need to pay taxes if you want to have money to fight the heroin problem.
SCV tv, are you serious? This city makes enough money off giving people dui’s, it’s all about gettin money cause they broke the law not taxes. Smh
My buddy was down the street on the live feed on Facebook when that was going on lol
Burn them!! ….I’ll drive by in a few >.< ?????
Maybe burn them at City of Hope! Could do nothing but help!
Dope !!!!
Steve Lomeli
Ricky Santiago
Tim Bright check it out by the house bud
Sea of green.
People should be more concerned and worried about the tweekers, pill poppers and heroin addicts who rob and steal for their addiction. Marijuana especially in concentrate form is used as medicine!! And ok so if you do it recreational you don’t see stoners stealing and breaking into cars and garages…you see them in dunkin donuts cheering with some hot chocolate ??? what a waste of tax dollars and medicine!!!!!
Guess what I just used for Medicine so I can sleep tonight with out needing to develop a dependence for narcotics?
Heroin ?
Nah bro….. bath salts
You aren’t the only one but I live where it’s legal lol.
Ashleigh Chute it’s legal enough here lol..
Leslie Arellano
They all got released within an hour ?
Lauren Negrete Tin
Dang should of pulled up in my truck!
jason you could have helped out man
Shannon Scott
Edwin Lemus
Ohh I’m soooo glad they got the EVIL and DANGEROUS plant off the streets. Derp
Anthony Hernandez
Omg I’m dying! ???
Is there a drive Thur at that location ?
Andy Marino
Pesticide bomb mid harvest wtf lol Miguel Aldaz
Lmao. I wonder if their lazy asses just never cleaned it up. I doubt it though. Lol #knowyourmeds
Roy Arciga
waste of time and my tax money! I can just go down to the clinic and buy some.. so stupid
Nicolas Roman it happened around the corner
Laquita Perry
Samantha Duran
Desiree Db Aburto RIP
6.2??? Stephen Granados Brandon Granados Esdras Diaz
John Patrick Splaine Lincoln Abraham Sterling Junior
Sucks let them grow
Sarah Duenkel
TJ Melville
What shipping center ? Lol
Theres pigs then there’s cops. Pretty clear which ones we have in our town
Godam pig trampled my crops boy!
Sigh. When you make an arrest for the guys selling heroin and meth to our kids I’ll be impressed. But marijuana? That’s so 1970’s. It legal everywhere now. This is the equivalent of busting a moonshine operation.
Katie Presley
lol it’s lit
Josh Galdi
Josh Galdi hahaha
Jorge Ravelo
Dangerous taboo….Just ask Neil Diamond….https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuTQwN8QhqY
Good ?
Luke Sanchez Steve Garcia
Great! There goes all my stash I had hidden
Aaron Ransom
Nathanael Sparks
Wow they look ready for harvest what a lost
Far from narcotics it’s funny another state just had to throw out all cases dealing with weed because juries refused to prosecute any of them. And here’s santa clarita doing raids still. Gtfo of here
Sandra Jimenez- Diaz
Matt Singotti
wait till its legal ,
Ismael Fishy Flores
Sara Saltzman
Make it legal, tax it like cigarette’s and be done with it.
That’s right down the street from you…. KEVIN :)
If pot is just a plant and never killed anyone then why are pot dealers armed? Hint: I know the answer.
$6.2 million? Where do they come up with these figures? It’s high time (sorry) we pass Prop 64 and stop this silliness. Pot isn’t the problem, we have worse problems with prescription and synthetic/processed drugs. If this haul was really worth $6.2 million, that’s a lot of tax revenue our county/city lost…
“The third male, George Tunis, a 28-year-old male black and resident of Los Angeles, was arrested for possession of marijuana for sales.”
A 28 year old black? Seriously? SCTV, you need to work on your editing. Male black and black male are quite different terms, not that I feel the man’s color of his skin matters regardless especially when you failed to mention the color of the other mens’ skin.
$6.2 m wow! :(
Ya no saben en que gastarse mis impuestos! ?
Buenas inversiones diría yo ???
When having a grow with 1000s of plants, its probably best to not make it a store front location haha
Caleb DeVille holy moly
Chris Palma
Tina Fender
Marc Tyler.right in Canyon Country lol
Joey Huegel
Anthony Donato
Our Sheriff Deputies are required to enforce the current laws. If you want to change the laws, VOTE.
Good point Kristen…. get out and vote..✌️️♥️??
Right who cares . How about the killing and clowns . It just pot .
How about smoking pot and killing clowns? Two problems solved at once there!
Timmy C Flohr
6.2 million so there was over 400 lbs of dry cannabis lololol what a joke
Mike Thomas ? in the same city as us!
Wtf thats so much bank right there
We pass where this happened at least once a day.
Mike Thomas hell yeah!
Really sad!!!
Mike Murphy 6.2 mil!
I hate rats
Brett R Colletta
Kyle Lomont
Andrew Penaloza Dylan Ludwick we have been going all the way to Sylmar for nothing
What was the store front?
Meth and Heroin is what is killing our children out here.
I don’t smoke pot but don’t care about it either. Legalize it already.
Pot does not kill. Only cartels do and once it is legal we start cutting out the cartels.
Aaron Hartshorn
Qué tristeza
Tan bonitas plantas
My math puts me at 2500 lbs of dried bud?
It’s not legal yet??????
Yeah legalize it and we’ll have a lot of Spicolli’s out there behind the wheel! Far Out Man huhhh !!
4×4 Ares grows 2lbs average. In today’s market you get $2000 per 1 lbs. So……. how big was this place? Maybe someone’s math is off?
Realize that the ppl caught where doing it illegally. If they had bought they’re cultivation licenses and stuck to they’re licensed limits and still got busted, then there would be a problem but that’s obviously not the case ppl. Besides it’s not legal yet that’s the point and yes they’re are more dangerous substances in the world, no question but that doesn’t make it right and there was a time those were illegal too. Quit abusing it and maybe it would already be legal. Good work Sheriffs.
Was this your place ? Lol
Megan MacKelvie
Natalie Mundo El Gabacho
Just couldn’t wait for the election? Geeze….what a waste of medicine.
They’re still going to nail people like this after Nov. 8 ….. for tax evasion
Sure they will….just like they are doing in Colorado? Give it a rest!
Colorado had so much money they gave a tax refund cause they couldn’t spend it fast enough
This is was you saw the other Wednesday morning… Alex Mccaslin
It wasnt illegal they just robbed him hes free already
If they need a place to burn all that cannabis……..