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S.C.V. History
February 10
2013 - Motion picture helicopter provider David Gibbs of Valencia and two others are killed in crash at Acton movie ranch; Hollywood's deadliest on-set incident since triple-fatal "Twilight Zone Movie" helicopter crash in Valencia in 1982 [report]
NTSB report on helicopter crash

On Wednesday, October 19, 2016, at approximately 8 a.m., narcotics investigators assigned to the Marijuana Dispensary Task Force of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) served a search warrant at a strip mall located in the 27000 block of Sierra Highway in Canyon Country.

Through a citizen informant that called to report the suspicion of illegal narcotics activity and the subsequent investigation which led investigators to additional information, an elaborate indoor marijuana grow system was discovered in several of the strip mall units.

An undetermined amount of U.S. currency and 2,484 marijuana plants at various stages of growth were seized.  An additional 200 pounds of finished product (dried marijuana buds) and 50 pounds of edible THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) infused products, such as cookies, were seized.  Carbon filters and elaborate air conditioning systems were among the equipment located in the indoor grow used to produce the marijuana and prevent the odor from filtering out.

Although three male adults were detained at the scene, two were subsequently released pending further investigation.  The third male, George Tunis, a 28-year-old male black and resident of Los Angeles, was arrested for possession of marijuana for sales.  He was transported and booked at Santa Clarita Valley Station.  He has since bonded out.

The combined street value of the marijuana plants is estimated at approximately $6,210,000.

The dried marijuana buds and edible THC infused cookies and other products have a combined street value of $500,000.

LASD would like to thank the public for remaining vigilant and reporting suspicious activity.  Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Sheriff’s Information Bureau at (213) 229-1700.  If you prefer to provide information anonymously, you may call “Crime Stoppers” by dialing (800) 222-TIPS (8477), or texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org.


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  1. Looks like Home Depot parking lot. When did they start selling pot plants!!!! Lol

  2. Monica Candelaria Pete Barrioos

  3. Lori Stock says:

    It’s by Dunkin Donuts

  4. Marisa Moussa right by State Farm!!!

  5. Shannon it’s by our Mexican food spot by dunkin donuts

  6. Michelle Rodriguez Only in Canyon Country

  7. Getting ready for pot to be legalized in Cal. That will bring in crime and just like Colorado, ck.it out!

  8. Wow they sell everything now!!

  9. Cody Grubbs says:

    Lived in Colorado for the last five years. Stoners grew everywhere out there and never bothered anyone. Leave them be…..

  10. Pat Walsh says:

    Wasting tax dollars working as overpaid gardners cutting and removing green plants. Way to go.

  11. It’s just a plant people it’s never killed anyone

  12. Waste of time and money and resources

  13. Beth Ryan says:

    That’s the mall where the new Dunkin Donuts is.

  14. Rocio Garcia says:

    I guess tha jardineros plantaron la yerba ekivocada hahahha

  15. Kaitlen Howard-Rodriguez I think this is where Charter College qas

  16. Dale Andrews says:

    Party at the Cop Shop

  17. Its just a plant. Poor people

  18. VOTE YES ON PROP 64!!!! This town and your “noses in the air” bullsh*t who think you’re better than others. Guess what?! Heroin is a WAY BIGGER problem in THIS TOWN, with 3-4 overdoses by teens every week than pot ever will be! Pull that tree outta your asses and pay attention!!?

  19. James Jacobi says:

    Santa Clarita needs to stop the heroin trade not get rid of a couple of plants

  20. Such a shame. All that good mary jane going to waste. Expect less Doritos to be purchased this week.

  21. Lucy Romero says:

    I personally don’t smoke it but I don’t think it’s a big deal. Put your focus on other hardcore stuff lol

  22. Damn! I wish I knew it was there!!!! I ran out….. ?

  23. Right by Dunkin Donuts..?? Haha

  24. Tim Andrews says:

    Wow! When will people get that it’s just a plant!!!

  25. People smoke then eat donuts

  26. Conveniently located next to dunkin donuts lol

  27. Shay Taylor says:

    Deena Tracey I knew they were starting a grow operation when we worked in that center @Charter!!

  28. Kara McArdle says:

    I still find it crazy that a plant growing in the ground causes so much drama.

  29. Myk Halibut says:

    Thank you for protecting us from a plant…

  30. Barbara Oramas Mulero In your hood Barb!!

  31. Wow narcotics….oh wait no its just a plant >.> pretty sure cough syrup is more dangerous than “the devil’s” lettuce

  32. Ann Hustis says:

    Can you imagine that?

  33. George Mace says:

    Great job wasting our government resources going after weed plants that are going to be legal soon!

  34. Chad Goertz says:

    I mean, in a store front, in a strip mall? Really? It is close to Jakes Way though…

  35. Brandi Cobb says:

    Chad, what do you think about this??

  36. Thats why the dunkin donuts was so addicting ?

  37. Amy Bottoni says:

    Sorry, should we not be focusing more on the prescription pill epidemic and heroin in our valley?!?!

  38. Rodger Burko says:

    My buddy was down the street on the live feed on Facebook when that was going on lol

  39. Burn them!! ….I’ll drive by in a few >.< ?????

  40. Tim Bright check it out by the house bud

  41. People should be more concerned and worried about the tweekers, pill poppers and heroin addicts who rob and steal for their addiction. Marijuana especially in concentrate form is used as medicine!! And ok so if you do it recreational you don’t see stoners stealing and breaking into cars and garages…you see them in dunkin donuts cheering with some hot chocolate ??? what a waste of tax dollars and medicine!!!!!

  42. Nic Miller says:

    Guess what I just used for Medicine so I can sleep tonight with out needing to develop a dependence for narcotics?

  43. They all got released within an hour ?

  44. Jason Salter says:

    Dang should of pulled up in my truck!

  45. Scott Gibson says:

    Ohh I’m soooo glad they got the EVIL and DANGEROUS plant off the streets. Derp

  46. Is there a drive Thur at that location ?

  47. Pesticide bomb mid harvest wtf lol Miguel Aldaz

  48. Elizabeth says:

    waste of time and my tax money! I can just go down to the clinic and buy some.. so stupid

  49. Nicolas Roman it happened around the corner

  50. 6.2??? Stephen Granados Brandon Granados Esdras Diaz

  51. John Patrick Splaine Lincoln Abraham Sterling Junior

  52. What shipping center ? Lol

  53. Ralph Green says:

    Theres pigs then there’s cops. Pretty clear which ones we have in our town

  54. Sigh. When you make an arrest for the guys selling heroin and meth to our kids I’ll be impressed. But marijuana? That’s so 1970’s. It legal everywhere now. This is the equivalent of busting a moonshine operation.

  55. Luke Sanchez Steve Garcia

  56. Wow they look ready for harvest what a lost

  57. Far from narcotics it’s funny another state just had to throw out all cases dealing with weed because juries refused to prosecute any of them. And here’s santa clarita doing raids still. Gtfo of here

  58. Amanda Diaz says:

    Sandra Jimenez- Diaz

  59. wait till its legal ,

  60. Emily Garcia says:

    Ismael Fishy Flores

  61. Kevin Hill says:

    Make it legal, tax it like cigarette’s and be done with it.

  62. David Anderberg says:

    If pot is just a plant and never killed anyone then why are pot dealers armed? Hint: I know the answer.

  63. Brian Wood says:

    $6.2 million? Where do they come up with these figures? It’s high time (sorry) we pass Prop 64 and stop this silliness. Pot isn’t the problem, we have worse problems with prescription and synthetic/processed drugs. If this haul was really worth $6.2 million, that’s a lot of tax revenue our county/city lost…

  64. “The third male, George Tunis, a 28-year-old male black and resident of Los Angeles, was arrested for possession of marijuana for sales.”

    A 28 year old black? Seriously? SCTV, you need to work on your editing. Male black and black male are quite different terms, not that I feel the man’s color of his skin matters regardless especially when you failed to mention the color of the other mens’ skin.

  65. When having a grow with 1000s of plants, its probably best to not make it a store front location haha

  66. Beya Hansen says:

    Caleb DeVille holy moly

  67. Marc Tyler.right in Canyon Country lol

  68. Our Sheriff Deputies are required to enforce the current laws. If you want to change the laws, VOTE.

  69. Right who cares . How about the killing and clowns . It just pot .

  70. Bryan Seay says:

    6.2 million so there was over 400 lbs of dry cannabis lololol what a joke

  71. Mike Thomas ? in the same city as us!

  72. Sara Sterkel says:

    Mike Murphy 6.2 mil!

  73. Andrew Penaloza Dylan Ludwick we have been going all the way to Sylmar for nothing

  74. What was the store front?

  75. Jean says:

    Meth and Heroin is what is killing our children out here.

    I don’t smoke pot but don’t care about it either. Legalize it already.

    Pot does not kill. Only cartels do and once it is legal we start cutting out the cartels.

  76. My math puts me at 2500 lbs of dried bud?

  77. It’s not legal yet??????

  78. Yeah legalize it and we’ll have a lot of Spicolli’s out there behind the wheel! Far Out Man huhhh !!

  79. Chris says:

    4×4 Ares grows 2lbs average. In today’s market you get $2000 per 1 lbs. So……. how big was this place? Maybe someone’s math is off?

  80. Realize that the ppl caught where doing it illegally. If they had bought they’re cultivation licenses and stuck to they’re licensed limits and still got busted, then there would be a problem but that’s obviously not the case ppl. Besides it’s not legal yet that’s the point and yes they’re are more dangerous substances in the world, no question but that doesn’t make it right and there was a time those were illegal too. Quit abusing it and maybe it would already be legal. Good work Sheriffs.

  81. Was this your place ? Lol

  82. Juan Mundo says:

    Natalie Mundo El Gabacho

  83. Nadiya Littlewarrior says:

    Just couldn’t wait for the election? Geeze….what a waste of medicine.

  84. They’re still going to nail people like this after Nov. 8 ….. for tax evasion

  85. This is was you saw the other Wednesday morning… Alex Mccaslin

  86. It wasnt illegal they just robbed him hes free already

  87. lori says:

    If they need a place to burn all that cannabis……..

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