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Calendar Today in S.C.V. History January 14
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Cal Fire and the Los Angeles County Fire Department have reported that 24 people are dead after fires in Los Angeles County have burned more than 40,000 acres. It is estimated that more than 12,000 structures have been damaged or destroyed. There currently are three active fires in L.A. County. The Lida Fire near Acton is 100% contained.
1847 - Gen. Andres Pico (as in Pico Canyon) surrenders to Col. John C. Fremont, effectively ending the war between U.S. and Mexico [story]
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Helping the homeless is commendable. L.A. County 12% increase appalling. Expect that % to increase. In an “affordable housing” senior complex that does not abide by the L.A. County Rent Moratorium, rents can be raised whenever they want (2 increases within 1 year) and up to 10% each time. For a low income complex most of our 200 apts. are disabled, seniors, veterans with the extremely low end of the poverty level income, some with no housing assistance, this current increase of $50.00 a month more will, in my case put my “affordable housing” at over 100% of my income! I do not know what is going to happen but by not paying rent on first for full amount ($1,030.00, 1 bedroom), EVICTION and HOMELESSNESS is a definite possibility! Property owners taking advantage of elders, financial abuse!
I am a disabled senior in your district. I am about to become HOMELESS . I am praying you can intervene before 7/1/19 when I expect to get an EVICTION notice thru no fault of my own. The facility has 200 apartments and is listed as an “Affordable Housing”, “Low Income”,”Senior Apartment” complex and does not come under the federal housing authority, the city housing authority or the 3% rent moratorium issued through LA County. They are governed by I.R.S. (IRC Section 42)(L.I.H.T.C., low income housing tax credit) program. As such they are allowed to increase rents whenever they so choose (2 rent increases during first year while lease was still in force). They are limited to 10% each time. I have lived here exactly 3 years this month. When I initially applied it was determined that my “set aside” net rent would be 60%. With this latest 5% increase my rent will be OVER 100% of my social security retirement benefit income. I get no housing assistance. The only available help to me is only AFTER I become HOMELESS and even then I will be put on a waiting list for help! I believe part of your intent should be to help prevent the HOMELESSNESS to begin with! RENT GOUGHING here is one of the many issues here! Health and safety with numerous violations documented abound here! Section 8 housing has had their inspections with things overlooked! I formed a Tenants Association 2 years ago to try to cope with various forms of Elder Abuse and reported some of those to the local Senior Center, to Adult Protective Services, Sheriff’s Dept., local Fire Dept. Batallion Chief, few Case Workers and other organizations, national, state and local. The abuse has continued. Our health and safety have been and are in jeopardy! Regarding the IRS (IRC, Section 42) the owner and management co. are in violation and should not be allowed to continue to qualify for the tax credit! Two of those violations are: 1) due to long term negligent maintenance massive plumbing issues have caused flooding inside on all 4 floors, both west (2 yrs. ago*)and most recently, again on all 4 floors, with elevators, carpeting, padding, walls, tenants displacement all being affected. As I write this, water damage from 2 years ago is being dealt with. Internally walls were soaked, wood 2×4 rotted and BLACK MOLD grown. The walls are just now being ripped out and replaced. We tenants have been exposed to contaminated toxic air quality with lots of respiratory issues. 2) the maximum net rent that can be incurred is set at 60%. This newest rent increase sets my rent at over 100%, which is RENT GOUGHING, which is also referred to as Elder Financial Abuse! Please contact me with a solution before I and a few other residents become one of your statistics! Hoping and Praying, Virginia Kennelly.
661 373-6011.