The recent unauthorized sharing of personal information submitted to Facebook apps by users has prompted a call for tighter control, but meanwhile, the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station has some tips to help users protect personal information now.
Here’s the info from the station’s Facebook page:
“Do you know those ‘fun name tests’ shared by Facebook friends? The ones that take your profile picture and show you what you’ll look like in 40 years, or maybe what your future children will look like? It may seem like harmless fun, however, have you noticed that many of the apps ask you to ‘Login With Facebook.’
“Logging in with Facebook, although easy to do, gives the app access to your profile, which can include your friend list and photos.
“This is not just a one-time permissions request, as once you allow a third party access to your information, they continue to have access unless you manually go in and change your settings, removing their access.
“To change the permissions setting for your Facebook or to check to see which apps have access, complete the following steps:
“1. Go to Settings on your Facebook profile.
“2. Scroll down to Apps and you will be able to view on the ‘Logged in with Facebook’ the names of apps that you have shared information with.
“3. If you want to remove access, you can click ‘Remove App.’
“We’re looking out for you.”
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REAL NAMES ONLY: All posters must use their real individual or business name. This applies equally to Twitter account holders who use a nickname.
1 Comment
I prefer getting my FB privacy from Zuckenberg.