DATE: October, 2014 thru April, 2015
TIME: Various times
LOCATION: Castaic Elementary School, 30455 Park Vista Drive, Castaic
VICTIM: 4 Females under age 10
SUSPECT: Joshua Levine, 11/28/1971
UNIT: Special Victims Bureau- Sergeant Brian Hudson
On April 16, 2015, Detectives from the Sheriff’s Department’s Special Victims Bureau began investigating allegations involving the inappropriate touching of students by their teacher while inside a classroom at Castaic Elementary School. During the investigation, Detectives conducted several interviews of children who attend Castaic Elementary School, as well as other employees at the school.
On May 14, 2015, the results of the investigation were submitted to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office who filed four counts of Annoying/Molesting a Child against Joshua Levine, a 4th grade teacher at Castaic Elementary School. The suspect was arrested this afternoon (May 14, 2015) by the personnel from the Sheriff’s Department and booked at Santa Clarita Valley Station, where he is being held with bail set at $80,000.
Due to the suspect’s employment as a school teacher, Detectives believe there may additional children who may have been victimized by the suspect. Anyone who may have additional information regarding this investigation is asked to contact the Sheriff’s Department Special Victims Bureau at (877) 710-5273.
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Woah that was my first grade teacher years ago!!
Kaycie Rosas
This makes me so sick
Sam Townsend
Noelle Rupp
Don’t know him.
But it’s been nearly 20 years. Doubt he was there when I was.
Yeah, probably not. I think he was rather young. Like I said, arrested, not convicted.
Tanya Cavoto
She doesn’t go there but crazy!
Oh my god
Sam Townsend. Did you remember him? I can’t picture him.
I knew the name, never had him. But he was there when I was there.
Yeah. I can kind of picture him. I wonder how long he was with cast sic elementary. To be fair, he’s been arrested, not convicted. I always worry for, especially male, teachers. You just never really know. People can influence kids to say things. Money and lawsuits can be tempting to some people. I’m always skeptical until the proof is shown.
my son is 22 now and he had him when he was in 1st grade back in 2000 or 2001. He has been there for a very long time.
It says 2014-2015, but I wonder.
I don’t believe that he was my teacher
$80,000? seems pretty low for such a despicable act
disgusting! needs his penis cut off and gagged with it!
Innocent until proven guilty. Look what happened st Legacy.
Nothing happened at Legacy. Know the full story well before accusing.
That’s what she said innocent till proven guilty
Laura Oswald Dangelo
Leticia Scharfe
Jasmine Lorenza Garcia
Omg Lily Smith
Omg, that was my daughter first grade teacher in 2002
Hope it’s not true :/
It’s not what it’s made out to be :( I just talked to mom
I’ll text you!!
When it comes to children Guilty until proven innocent.
I totally agree.
You guys don’t even know the facts. Now days even if a teacher hugs a student if they are upset it is considered molestation!! Doesn’t mean he touched them or rapped them!!
Amanda Vera that’s exactly the point! A teacher should never touch a student IN ANYWAY! These are serious charges in which four 4th graders are involved! What the hells a matter with you? If your child came to you with disturbing allegations about their teacher, would you call them a liar? “Oh wait honey, we need to investigate this”. Or would you stand by your child no matter what?
If it’s true I hope the government kills him.
This was all going on and noone said anything before now!!
Brian Ortega
Alisha Fonder
Always new he was an Oddball, Real oddball
And none of these are what he did!
What did he do??? Amanda Vera
This seriously has been blown out of proportion based on everything I know and my child was in his classroom. He was interviewed several times. He scratched their back with scissors, they poked each other, they sat on his lap. Smart choice ? No
Molesting ? No
I hope this is as far as it went. I hope these girls weren’t molested. I truly believe it was just dumb and as a result of teaching for so long and being comfortable but not as a pervert. This mans life is destroyed. My daughter had him in 4th grade he never made her uncomfortable.
This guy kneeds to be put to death like every other rapist or child molester should be
April Selph Thompson
April Selph Thompson
You have to know the facts!! This isn’t true and he hasn’t been convicted! I know him since my mom has worked at castaic for over 12 years!!! Know your facts before you say he needs to be sent to death!
My son was in his classroom. He was interviewed several times by police , attorney and principal. He scratched their back they scratched his back they poked each other, they sat on his lap sometimes. All in class and in full view of all students. Smart choice ? No
I hope this is as far as it went. I hope these girls weren’t molested. It appears it was just dumb and as a result of teaching for so long and being comfortable but not as a pervert. This mans life is destroyed. My daughter had him in 4th grade he never made her uncomfortable. Her friends had them and not uncomfortable. As far as I know the girls involved weren’t upset and didn’t even mention any issues to school. It was another child who felt the teacher played favorites and the parent started an investigation. I see this blasted all over FB and the internet and all the conclusions made :/
Wtf sick bastards. I would be in jail if this happened to one of my loved ones.
OMG!! I went to that school years ago.
Nissa Fisher Brian Hoover
If it’s true— this is when cops should “accidentally” empty their weapons into his genitals- I’ve got 2 granddaughters under 10- no sympathy for molesters-
Maria Carmona
names should not be published until proven guilty. many of you have already tried and convicted him with NO facts. shame on you!
This so-called news story sounds very empty of facts. You are talking about a teacher who now can’t say anything to defend himself. The legal system in this country is broken just as our school system is. The comment posted “this is why you never touch a child” is so sad to see what our society has come to. We are afraid to comfort those in need because of how our actions can be perceived. I can not imagine why anyone would want to be a coach or teacher these days. No matter how this matter is resolved all involved with have their lives for ever changed for the worst. No matter even If he is found innocent his careers as a teacher is over. The little kids will be left confused and wondering about anyone who may show them some form of kindness. My favorite teachers back in the day were the ones who would give me a hugs after a fall on the play ground. I guess those days are long gone. But wait are our kids even allowed to run on the play grounds anymore for fear of a lawsuit looming? As I read so many of these posted comments I continue to lose more and more faith in our society. Be careful people your children hear more then you think.
What news story? As indicated, this is a statement from the Sheriff’s Department.
Without proposing to pass judgment on the alleged behaviors in this news report, it should be noted that scientific studies based on legitimate empirical evidence do not support the mass hysteria and moral panic that currently surrounds sexually expressed child/older person relationships, which are invariably cast as “child sex abuse/pedophilia.” As masturbation and homosexuality were demonized in the past, these irrational emotional responses are based on ignorance and fear, and are promoted by agenda-driven “victimological” academics who argue that all such relationships are intrinsically pervasively harmful. But is this supposed harm intrinsic to the interaction, or does it instead result from the social hysteria that occurs when such a relationship is discovered? Also, there are no legitimate data supporting intrinsic harmfulness, and no credible pathway or mechanism for such harm has been demonstrated. For further discussion, see
There are indeed some people who trick or force children into unwanted sexual interactions. But there are vast differences between consensual sexually expressed child/older person relationships and unilateral “child sexual abuse” by an older person. For a scientific journal discussion of these distinctions as they apply to boys, go to
Shatonda Williams Morgan LeMond
What the what
Jessie Thomas
Not enough facts?! Really? There was enough facts after interviews and investigations to arrest him. My daughter goes there. She shared the interactions with me and while in her case there she was not molested the interactions were inappropriate. It took several days of trying to get our daughter to open up and talk while we were fearing the worst. I hope none of you have to know what it is like to be informed the teacher of your child is going to jail for molestation charges. We are supposed to protect our children. My daughter was lucky. I feel horrible for the other little girls. I applaud them for having the courage to say something, to not ignore this like so many victims. I feel so horrible for what those parents are going through. Innocent until proven guilty….no problem I am ok with that. But if there are 4 girls, even 1, whose life was altered in any way from this, then he deserves the worst the justice system has to offer for the horrific crimes. Due to his bad judgment alone, at a minimum, I am glad he is leaving this profession. He did poke my daughter. He was too handsy. It isn’t ok in my opinion. Maybe Im over reacting. But this is my daughter and I should over react to situations like this.