[KHTS] – A number of items on the consent calendar agenda for the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors could affect residents in the Santa Clarita Valley and surrounding areas, if passed at the Tuesday board meeting.
The decisions concern improvements along State Route 126 and Commerce Center Drive, sewer fees, equipment for Pitchess Detention Center and cleaning debris from catch basins along the Santa Clara River watershed.
As part of the consent calendar, these item would be passed by one motion unless held for discussion by the board or members or the public.
Funding to Widen Highway 126
In 2011, the Board of Supervisors authorized loans from the Valencia, Bouquet Canyon and Eastside Bridge and Major Thoroughfare Construction Fee Districts to the Westside B&T District for the purpose of widening SR-126, realigning Henry Mayo Drive and relocating the entrance to Travel Village.
The SR-126/Commerce Center Drive Interchange Improvement Project is expected to cost $55 million.
The Valencia, Bouquet Canyon and Eastside Bridge B&T Districts were authorized to lend $3.5 million, $10.5 million and $7 million, respectively, during Fiscal Year 2011-12, but the funds were never transferred.
The new agreement would “allow the loans to be made in the current fiscal year or in any subsequent year,” according to board documents.
No date was given for the completion of the improvements.
Consolidated Sewer Maintenance District Annexations
Resident in the unincorporated areas of the Santa Clarita Valley, Stevenson Ranch, Castaic and Agua Dulce could start paying sewer service charges, pending a public hearing and approval by the county board.
The Consolidated Sewer Maintenance District intends to annex 25 parcels of unincorporated land that benefit from sewers maintained by the district.
“Owners of the affected parcels will be notified by mail, at least 45 days prior to the hearing date, of the exact amount of charge to their individual parcels as required by law,” according to a letter attached to the board agenda. “The sewer fee for a typical single-family home will be $50.50 per year in Fiscal Year 2015-16. Multiple-family residences, commercial, and industrial properties would be assessed a higher amount.”
The Santa Clarita City Council authorized the county to include portions of the SCV in the Consolidated Sewer Maintenance District in February 1989.
The action would “result in the annexation of an additional 10 miles of sewer lines to the District,” the board agenda reads. “The revenue to be generated will be sufficient to fund the increased service area.”
Cleaning Debris from the Santa Clara River Watershed
The board will also vote on whether to start accepting bids to clean trash and debris from catch basins along the Santa Clara River Watershed.
If approved, the board would “advertise the project and adopt the specifications that are on file in the Construction Division of the Department of Public Works for Catch Basin Cleanout 2014, …at an estimated maintenance cost between $135,000 and $160,000,” according to board documents.
The project would encompass cities and unincorporated communities along the Santa Clara River.
New Equipment for Pitchess Detention Center
The laundry facility at Pitchess Detention Center in Castaic serves to wash and process inmate laundry for entire Los Angeles County Jail System.
The board will vote Tuesday on whether to set aside $7 million and start accepting bids to refurbish the 34-year-old facility.
The Pitchess Laundry and Water Tanks Replacement Project would consist of replacing the water tanks and upgrading the Pitchess laundry facility.
The existing water tanks at Pitchess were originally built in 1938 and “have been in use far beyond their life cycle and went through many leak repairs during the years,” according to board documents. “A recent inspection discovered severe corrosion and steel loss, and delamination in large areas of their walls. After the old tanks are demolished and hauled away, the proposed two replacement tanks will be built and connected to the existing piping system.”
The project is scheduled to be completed by October 2015.
To read the full board agenda or stream Tuesday’s meeting live online, click here.
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You need to update your County Seal, your missing the cross atop the mission.
Yes, where’s the cross?????
Where’s the Star Of David? The Pentagram? The Crescent & Star?
County toooo cheep!
They removed it a couple years ago, now they want typo put it back, but of course the aclu is fighting it. A great use of taxpayer money in a broke state. http://www.dailynews.com/government-and-politics/20140206/aclu-sues-la-county-leaders-over-cross-on-county-seal
Yes but how are the County decisions going to affect SCV? That’s the real question.