The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors have proclaimed January as Homeowners’ Exemption Awareness Month in a unanimous vote earlier this week.
The Homeowners’ Exemption is part of a broader campaign by the Los Angeles County Assessor to raise awareness about property tax savings available for homeowners. It is estimated that nearly 400,000 homeowners have yet to take advantage of the Homeowners’ Exemption.
For the Homeowners’ Exemption application form, please click here.
“I have made public education a priority of my administration. Raising awareness of the Homeowners’ Exemption, which saves taxpayers money, is an important step forward,” said Assessor Jeffrey Prang. “Thanks to the Board of Supervisors’ support of Homeowners’ Exemption Awareness Month, we are better able to make homeowners aware of this benefit.”
The Homeowners’ Exemption lowers a home’s assessed value by $7,000, thereby reducing the annual property tax bill by roughly $70. To qualify for the exemption, the home must be the owners’ principal residence.
“We are pleased to proclaim Homeowners’ Exemption Awareness Month throughout the County,” said Supervisor Don Knabe. “Thank you to Assessor Jeffrey Prang for raising awareness and educating residents about property tax relief programs offered to homeowners.”
For more information on property tax relief, please visit the Office of the Assessor website here.
About the Los Angeles County Office of the Assessor
Los Angeles County Assessor Jeffrey Prang leads the largest local public property assessment agency in the nation. His staff of nearly 1,400 appraisers and support staff are dedicated to creating an accurate and timely property assessment roll. Last year, the Los Angeles County Assessor’s Office established values for more than 2.6 million properties valued at more than $1.2 trillion. For more information, please visit us online at, on Facebook at, or on Twitter at @LACAssessor.
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