Ahead of another forecasted Particularly Dangerous Situation Red Flag warning and extreme fire weather, Los Angeles County is asking the public to prepare.
Powerful and damaging winds are expected to arrive around noon today and last through Tuesday morning, Jan. 21, with the strongest winds occurring overnight. Peak winds are forecast to reach 50-70 miles per hour along the coast and in the valleys. Gusts are forecast to reach 60-100 miles per hour in the mountains and foothills. The Red Flag warning is expected to remain in effect until Thursday. These conditions may lead to extreme fire conditions, downed trees, power outages, and dangerous driving conditions.
The Los Angeles County Fire Department has implemented its augmented staffing plan by ordering additional staffing and pre‑deployment of ground and aerial resources throughout Los Angeles County.
Residents living in wildfire-prone areas should:
Sign up for emergency alerts: https://alert.lacounty.gov
Report any sign of smoke or fire immediately by calling 9-1-1.
Check your evacuation zone status and make a plan to evacuate if ordered: https://protect.genasys.com
Pack essentials in a go bag including medications and vital documents: https://ready.lacounty.gov/disaster-supply-kits/
Prepare for possible Public Safety Power Shutoffs: https://ready.lacounty.gov/power-outage/
For more preparedness tips, visit the Los Angeles County preparedness website, ready.lacounty.gov, follow @CountyofLA, @ReadyLACounty, @LACoFDPIO, and @LASDHQ on social media or contact 211LACounty free of charge by dialing 2-1-1 to request preparedness resources, tips and information.
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