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Commentary by Jeanne Duarte
| Wednesday, Apr 8, 2015

JeanneDuarteOver the past several weeks, there has been a lot of media attention about the SCV Sanitation District’s chloride compliance project. In addition to the already strict timeline that must be adhered to, another challenge has been thrown at the Sanitation District: the deep well injection site.

In October 2013, the SCV Sanitation Board approved the district’s Facilities Compliance Plan to meet the strict water quality requirements put on the district by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board. Through a public process, the environmental impact report was reviewed and commented on by the public and other interested parties.

The board chose Alternative 2 as the most cost-effective method of compliance with the least environmental impacts. This alternative includes advanced treatment with reverse osmosis to remove the excess chlorides (salt) in the water that is currently being discharged to the Santa Clara River. Through reverse osmosis, excess brine (salty water) remains and must be disposed of. Several methods were considered, including building a brine line to the ocean or to a Sanitation District facility many miles away.

That option was extremely costly and included the need to go through multiple jurisdictions to obtain approvals for the construction of the line. Can anyone imagine trying to get approval from multiple other cities to allow us to build a pipeline through their city in order for us to dispose of our brine waste?

Ultimately, the most feasible and cost-effective method of disposing of the brine is through deep well injection in the Santa Clarita Valley. This was approved in October 2013 through a public process, and we all know how many folks showed up to testify on this matter. Hundreds packed the room, and the common message was to keep SCV’s water in SCV and keep the cost as low as possible.

The Sanitation District Board subsequently adopted a fee structure that will support the approved compliance project. Once the fee structure was approved, the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board approved the project, including a time extension to allow the district to plan, permit and construct the approved project.

Somewhere in between the time of the EIR and the present, the Westridge Conservation Easement was filed by the county and the deep well injection (DWI) site was located within the conservation area and needed to be moved. An alternate site was found 800 feet to the south of the original site, outside of the conservation area. This resulted in the need for the Sanitation District to prepare a Supplemental EIR and allow additional public testimony.

The Westridge and Stevenson Ranch residents were unhappy with this location, and the result is that the district will find a new location. However, the Regional Water Quality Control Board is still holding the district to those strict timelines that have been agreed upon.

Many false statements were made during the past couple of weeks regarding what deep well injection is and how it will impact the valley.

Things that are important to know about DWI:

* The brine is injected approximately 2 miles underground, under the groundwater table;

* Sewage is not being injected into the wells, only brine;

* Brine is very salty water, but not as salty as ocean water;

* There are more than 47,000 injection wells in California that are commonly used to extract oil and gas;

* There is no evidence whatsoever that indicates DWI causes earthquakes. Fracking may be tied to seismic activity, but not DWI;

* Should an earthquake occur, the wells are automatically shut off, just like an oil well, oil pipeline or water pipeline would be shut off in the event of an earthquake;

* Once construction is complete, the wells are virtually invisible within a building;

* Construction will cause temporary impacts, just like any construction project. Short-term impacts are addressed through the EIR and permitting process. Issues such as dust control, traffic and environmental impacts are all addressed at that time;

* There are significant penalties for any delays in the timeline. The Sanitation District must meet the strict timelines or fines are imminent;

* Fines are paid for by the property owners, and are not a joke or something that is being used as a scare tactic. We’ve already seen one fine, and will see additional fines if the district does not continue with its progress.

We cannot lose sight of the fact that we must continue to move forward with this project or face insurmountable costs and fines. We already know we have a cost increase; we now need to keep that increase to a minimum. Businesses will pay a very large portion of this fee, and any additional costs will be borne by local businesses.

DWI, put in the correct location and conducted in the right manner, is a cost-effective and safe method of brine disposal.


Jeanne Duarte is chair of the nonprofit SCVOneWater and vice chair of advocacy for the (Santa Clarita) Valley Industry Association.

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  1. msc545 says:

    Deep well injection is the method used to dispose of fracking waste, and it has been positively tied to earthquakes. Do you think the waste itself causes the earthquake, or might it be the presence of the well?

    Since you think it is such a good idea, lets just put one in your backyard and find out.

    • SCVNews.com says:

      Don’t know about you, but I’ve got one (actually more) in my backyard. We’ve used deep-well injection in the SCV for more than 50 years (still do) and they’ve never triggered an earthquake.

      • msc545 says:

        Give it time. The fact that you have not had an earthquake doesn’t mean that you won’t have one, and it also doesn’t mean that other people haven’t had them or won’t in the future. Generalizing from one data point is really invalid.

        • SCVNews.com says:


          • msc545 says:

            Why am I not seeing the humor in this ?

          • SCVNews.com says:

            You have to laugh because the argument is so incredibly stupid (Leon speaking, naturally). Maybe you can afford the extra $1,000 per year, but nobody else can. You have two choices. Either every homeowner and renter can pay an additional $200 (approx.) per year for deep-well injection, or everyone can pay an additional $1,000+ per year for them to build a $500 million to $750 million chloride treatment plant. (Oh, they don’t tell you that part, right?) Those are your two and only two choices. Because if everybody stops DWI, they will have to build the treatment plant. And what if they don’t build the treatment plant? The state will put the sanitation district into receivership and build the plant for us and tax us $1,000+ a year for it. Because at the end of the day, there is NO GETTING AROUND complying with the Federal Clean Water Act. The feds (via the state) will make it so. And BTW it will put every mom-and-pop restaurant out of business because they have to pay proportionally more.

          • msc545 says:

            I’m sort of skeptical about the idea that this is a binary choice. I believe we have to comply with the Clean Water act (and of course we should), but I am not so sure that there isn’t an alternative to deep-well injection. Even if there is NO viable alternative, I think the real issue is where the wells are actually situated. If they have to go somewhere, perhaps they can be built somewhere that geologists can tell us is at least relatively safe. Having said all that, how much does an earthquake cost as opposed to the cost of a chloride treatment plant ?

          • SCVNews.com says:

            Well, I suppose the answer is that earthquakes are covered by FEMA (which isn’t funded quite as directly by the victims), but a chloride treatment plant isn’t …. but that doesn’t obviate the fact in the history of human existence, no man-made activity has ever triggered an earthquake. (You said you wanted a bigger data set.)

  2. Stop DWI says:

    SCVNews.com wrote: “in the history of human existence, no man-made activity has ever triggered an earthquake.”


    As far back as 1990, the US Geological Survey said:
    “Within the United States, injection of fluid into deep wells has triggered documented earthquakes in Colorado, Texas, New York, New Mexico, Nebraska, and Ohio and possibly in Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Mississippi.”

    Note: This report was written in 1990. In the last few years, deep well injection of large volumes of fluid has been scientifically linked to earthquakes as high as magnitude 5.7 in Oklahoma as well.

    • SCVNews.com says:

      That’s stupid, and if USGS used that terminology, shame on them. Human activity can cause a seismic event, but it cannot trigger an earthquake any more than it can cause a volcano to erupt, or a solar eclipse. By definition, an earthquake is a natural (i.e., not man-made) occurrence.

  3. Stop DWI says:

    SCVNews.com wrote: “in the history of human existence, no man-made activity has ever triggered an earthquake.”


    ‘At a packed town hall meeting days later, Ms. Cooper said, state officials called the shocks, including a 5.7 tremor that was Oklahoma’s largest ever, “an act of nature, and it was nobody’s fault.”’

    ‘Many scientists disagree. They say those quakes, and thousands of others before and since, are mainly the work of humans, caused by wells used to bury vast amounts of wastewater from oil and gas exploration deep in the earth near fault zones. And they warn that continuing to entomb such huge quantities risks more dangerous tremors — if not here, then elsewhere in the state’s sprawling well fields.’

    ‘“As long as you keep injecting wastewater along that fault zone, according to my calculations, you’re going to continue to have earthquakes,” said Arthur F. McGarr, the chief of the induced seismicity project at the federal Earthquake Science Center in Menlo Park, Calif., who has researched the Prague quakes. “I’d be a little worried if I lived there. In fact, I’d be very worried.”’

    • SCVNews.com says:

      That’s stupid. Human activity can cause a seismic event, but it cannot trigger an earthquake any more than it can cause a volcano to erupt, or a solar eclipse. By definition, an earthquake is a natural (i.e., not man-made) occurrence.

  4. Stop DWI says:

    SCVNews.com wrote: “That’s stupid. Human activity can cause a seismic event, but it cannot trigger an earthquake any more than it can cause a volcano to erupt, or a solar eclipse. By definition, an earthquake is a natural (i.e., not man-made) occurrence.”
    The US Geological Survey says:
    “Although it may seem like science fiction, man-made earthquakes have been a reality for decades. It has long been understood that earthquakes can be induced by impoundment of water in reservoirs, surface and underground mining, withdrawal of fluids and gas from the subsurface, and injection of fluids into underground formations.”

    • SCVNews.com says:

      We have yet to see any solutions presented by the people who oppose DWI. DWI will cost every homeowner (and renter) about $200 more per year in sewer fees, which we pay through property taxes. The alternative, a $500 million to $750 million chloride treatment plant, will cost every homeowner and renter $1,000 per year, or more, in additional sewer fees, and it will put most mom & pop restaurants out of business because they pay proportionally more. While it’s nice to think you and a handful of others can afford that, most SCV residents cannot. If you were to stop DWI, you would price most residents out of their homes. The state WILL come in and force us to build the treatment plant – or put the san district into receivership an do it itself – because at the end of the day, we WILL be forced to comply with the federal Clean Water Act. At the end of the day, ground disturbance through DWI, if any, (probably none), is irrelevant.

  5. msc545 says:

    Leon, please tell me what the difference is between an earthquake and a “seismic event” – you are hung up in the semantics here. It seems very clear based on substantial scientific data that DWI causes “seismic events”.

    • SCVNews.com says:

      Do you live in a fantasy world where human activity can cause something on the scale of the Sylmar or Northridge earthquake? As for ground disturbance, we create it all the time. Put a Richter scale on the floor of your home and jump up and down next to it. You will see that you are creating ever-so-slightly detectable earth movement.

      • msc545 says:

        I suspect that the actual magnitude of a human-caused “seismic event” has yet to be determined, so I am not sure why you are now alleging that it would be minimal. You might be right – but you might also be wrong.

  6. Stop DWI says:

    You are confusing science with CEA (California Earthquake Authority) insurance.
    Scientists say man-made earthquakes are a reality.
    The CEA says they will not cover earthquake damage that is even partially man-made.

    • SCVNews.com says:

      Those who say “DWI causes earthquakes” are using scare tactics to make people believe DWI can magically “trigger” something like a Northridge earthquake. And that is a lie.

      • msc545 says:

        How do you know it’s a lie ? If you combine DWI with a known fault, it seems to me that almost anything can result, ranging from nothing to extremely bad.

  7. Stop DWI says:

    Yes, we do have a engineering solution to the chloride problem which would cost approximately $2 to $4 more per month per home than deep well injection, but would also have the benefit of giving the Santa Clarita Valley up to 480,000 gallons of pure distilled water a day, up to 175 million gallons of pure distilled water a year. Minerals could be added to this pure distilled water for drinking, if we needed it for that purpose.

    • SCVNews.com says:

      Then you ought to submit a column laying out the proposal with facts & figures.

    • msc545 says:

      That is a REALLY great benefit. I would gladly pay a bit more for some decent water that isn’t so hard it bounces off my floor!

  8. Stop DWI says:

    It turns out that any deep well injection site planned for the Santa Clarita Valley area to deal with chloride compliance will have up to 500,000 gallons of brine waste injected into it per day. This means that up to 182,500,000 gallons of brine waste will be injected deep under the Santa Clarita Valley per year. That amount, 180 million gallons per year, makes it one of the largest deep well disposal sites of its kind in the nation. Dr. Art McGarr, world-renowned geophysicist with the US Geological Survey, provided computation for the maximum magnitude earthquakes that could be caused by injecting 180 million gallons of fluid per year. This analysis was based on the equations in Dr. McGarr’s groundbreaking “Maximum magnitude earthquakes induced by fluid injection” paper, published just last year in 2014 (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2013JB010597/abstract). The results are sobering. With 180 million gallons of fluid injected per year, in 1 year, the maximum magnitude of an induced earthquake would be 4.8; in 20 years, magnitude 5.7; and in 50 years, magnitude 6.0. What is even more alarming is that these magnitudes do not include any natural seismic activity, at all.

  9. Stop DWI says:

    Oil wells are common in California, but these are not a real concern. The reason is that the typical amount of net fluid being injected or extracted from each of these oil wells is not anywhere near 180 million gallons per year. As a comparison, one of Santa Clarita Valley’s most famous oil field waste injection wells, Sedlacek Well #8, only had 1.4 million gallons of fluid injected into it in all of 2014. The volume of fluid being injected into this oil well is less than 1% of what would be injected into the Santa Clarita Valley area deep well injection site for brine waste.

  10. Allan Cameron says:

    Hi Leon. This is Allan Cameron. I am disappointed in you my friend. You are not known for repeating something as fact that you yourself have not verified as being correct. The “We must comply with the Clean Water Act, or ‘The State’ will ‘put us into receivership’, build a huge plant for hunddreds of millions of dollars, and we will be stuch with the bill” has been repeated hundreds of times during the sorry history of “Chloridegate”. The statement is utterly false. The truth? Just how many times in California history has ANY political jurisdiction among the 483 cities, 58 counties and thousands of permitted dischargers, EVER been “taken over” by the State, placed in “Receivership” for a water quality/pollution violation? The answer: NEVER! Not one time. My source for this astonishing, absolutely true fact? All of the legal entities that would ever do such an enforcement action, all through out California Government. I spoke with each of them directly and personally. Despite this fact, endless Sanitation District expensive “pass outs” have continued to repeat this distortion. The “fines” endless mantra is also not at all based in fact.

    • SCVNews.com says:

      Alan, pal o’ mine, get real. How many school districts have been placed into receivership? I’ve lost count. Please tell me you weren’t one of those people who said we’d never get fined if we failed to comply with RWQCB’s demands. Because we already WERE FINED. You think they won’t fine us again? BTW – did you know there are people in Stevenson Ranch who don’t know it’s THEIR MONEY that the san district uses to pay the fines, and that THEIR TAXES are going up?

  11. Allan Cameron says:

    Also repeated endlessly is the comment that “If we do not willingly pay for and do Chloridegate, we WILL BE FINED by the Water Board, for a lot of money.” An example of “fines” is then given. This would be the 225,000 dollar fine paid about two years ago. The truth about that is this. That fine was proposed by Water Board staff. After the fine proposal was sent to the Sanitation District, the Sewage People had a choice. There were at least three levels of administrative appeal available at that point to contest the fine, just within the local Water Board structure. The third level would have resulted in a full blown public hearing before the local Regional Water Quality Control Board. If the Sanitation District had only asked, such a Water Board hearing could have happened in Santa Clarita. (This Board has been to Simi twice and Glendale once in about the last year). If the Public Hearing before the Water Board went against us, there were at least three more appeals available to save us our tax money. All during all of these appeals, any payment of the fine would have been suspended. So, what actually was done with our 225,000 dollars? The Sanitation District staff just agreed to pay it. They did nothing to save us our tax money. The Sanitation District staff, and the Water Board staff just placed a line item on an enforcement report that a fine had been proposed, and that the “finee” had said yes. So, how many time has the Public Board of the Regional Water Quality Control Board EVER had an agenda item before it about fining Santa Clarita? Please see next post.

  12. Allan Cameron says:

    Hi Leon. About “school districts” being placed in receivership”. Yes, quite a few school districts. Look for the details old pal. NONE of these school districts were placed “in receivership” because of a water quality or pollution issue, NONE. Again, in the history of California, NO GOVERNMENT AGENCY OR PERMITTED DISCHARGER has had that happen. NONE, NOT EVER!!!! It is well past time that the truth be told.

    • SCVNews.com says:

      Alan, write a column. I could not POSSIBLY care less about DWI. Only thing that drives me up the wall is when people say the asteroid is going to fall out of the sky and hit us if we do or don’t take some particular action. All I know is, if you end up costing me $1,000+ a year, I’m going to have to figure out a way to get even :)

    • SCVNews.com says:

      BTW what I *do* care about is running those San District board meetings because that’s what you said you wanted.

  13. jimvs says:

    Boys, boys, boys. Yes, I use the term because that’s how you are acting.

    We have lots of options. We can declare the SCV to be “South Norton” and secede from the Union.

    We can use eminent domain to run a brine line to the Pacific Ocean (and tell Ventura County to go fish – for saltwater fish).

    Back to South Norton – we can tell Sacramento to send us extra Delta Water to mix with our salty excrement(Castaic Lake is full of extremely nasty and corrosive water that the State says is “drinkable”); I can tell you from experience that state water turns brass into clay and eats Stainless steel.

    Reality says that none of us plebes has a chance in Hades of changing the courts, or the State from the path they have chosen. Unless you have at least two judges in your pocket (local and State) you won’t get anywhere.

    Roll over my friends. Take it like a Man. Fight like Hell for mitigation and cost control. But trying to find an honest and fair solution to this problem is like trying to get the electorate to pay attention. Unless you are going to spend Warren Buffet money, you may as well just move out of town.

  14. jimvs says:

    By the way, as long as we’re talking water, WTF happened with CLWA taking over SCWC and Valencia Water Co?

    It may be legal, or it may not; just because a judge says so doesn’t mean enough money couldn’t over turn it. There is way too much legal precedent to think that there is nothing going on here. And now that we’re semi-officially in a 100+ year drought (aka the kind that chased the Anasazi out of Mesa Verde and the rest of the lower plateau settlements), just exactly where does the CLWA expect to get water?

    0% transfers from the San Joaquin Valley means excessive pumping from the aquifer of the last un-dammed major river in Southern California. Soon, it will be drinking water for millions versus steelhead spawning grounds.

    Wanna know who will win? Go fish.

  15. Allan Cameron says:

    Hi Leon. There were (are) two, not just one lawsuit against the Valencia Water Company attempted purchase by the Castaic Lake Water Agency. The “purchase” question is far from resolved. One of the two suits was from SCOPE. That loss is being appealed. The second suit is from the Newhall County Water District. That NCWD suit is based on different causes of action, compared to the SCOPE suit. The NCWD suit has not yet gone to trial. So the Valencia “issue” is far, FAR from resolved.

  16. Allan Cameron says:

    jimvs. If you wish to be taken seriously, use your name. Leon, the chances of you (or anyone else) being charged $1,000 because they defeated Chloridegate are also zero. Lets say that all the many actions, currently in the pipeline all fail. (Which they won’t). There are already actions in place to take the independent Santa Clarita Valley Sanitation District into Chapter 9 Bankruptcy. The great news about that, is that it can (and will) be done whether or not the Directors agree. But that is an extreme solution which will not be necessary, because of other dynamics that guarantee victory over the “chloridegate” scam. Please see next post.

  17. Allan Cameron says:

    The folks who are going to totally defeat Chloridegate are not going to cost you money. Just the opposite. The victory will save you and everyone else a fortune. A false number, constantly told, is that the cost of “chloridegate” is down to “only” about 140 million dollars. That quote is then always followed by “only about 2 to 4 dollars a month for a homeowner”. Both statements are false, as far as what people really would have to pay. First of all, the 140 million dollar cost quote DOES NOT include finance/interest charges, and the huge costs for maintenance and engineering. When prodded, the Sewage People will then quote a number a bit higher than 200 million dollars. However, that number is based upon the Sewage People getting an ultra low interest loan from the State Revolving Fund, which charges half the State Bond interest rate. Obtaining such a loan is far from assured, and has not happened yet. There are many barriers to such a loan being issued.
    1. The State Revolving Fund has a 50 million dollar cap on the maximum amount it may legally lend to any one government agency.

    2. The State Revolving Fund demands that the borrower be highly credit worthy, and have a high credit rating. “Our” Sanitation District has no credit rating at all.

    3. The State Revolving Fund is dedicated to “rural infrastructure” programs. Santa Clarita Valley is no longer rural, and has not been for several decades, according to the legal definitions in place. If the Sewage People have to resort to bond financing, or to Certificates of Participation, the interest charges would be 100 percent higher than those being quoted, raising the project costs to about 240 million dollars. But wait, there’s more.

    The sewage people are 100 percent silent on the binding facts of the two approved “One Valley, One Vision” General Plans. These two plans, along with the zoning changes that came with them, allow the population of the SCV to more than double from its current level of 250,000. This, of course, means that the treatment capacity of the “Chloride Remediation Project” would have to double as well. That would bring the cost of this project to nearly half a billion dollars. Of course, it is not often (if ever) fully disclosed that because places like restaurants and supermarkets generate hugely more sewage than a “home”, they will pay hugely more for “chloridegate”. Of course, this means that the cost of food will rise for every person in Santa Clarita. The exact costs have never been discussed or disclosed. So Leon, the defeat of “Chloridegate” will save you, not cost you. As for the “fine” situation: “know ye the truth, and the truth shall set you free”.

  18. Allan Cameron says:

    Hi Leon. On two occasions, both in noticed Public Hearings, Sam Unger, the Executive Director of the Regional Water Control Board for Los Angeles/Ventura, and the Regional Water Qualtiy Control Board itself, when questioned, quietly revealed some facts about “fines” that should have been front page news, but were not revealed by any news “outlet” at all. Here are those facts. The Sewage People have said, hundreds of times, that the SCV must comply with “Chloridegate”, or “we” WILL BE FINED,SEVERLY, FOR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS! MAYBE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS! So just what is the truth of those statements? Undertaking such an unprecedented fine protocol would take planning, notice, scheduling, administrative resources, and far more. How many times has the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the only entity that could levy such fines had “fining Santa Clarita” as an agenda item before it? How many workshops, study sessions, budget sessions, informal discussions, notices and briefings from the Executive Director to the Board, much less full blown Public Hearings on the “fines” question have there ever been? (Wait for it). NONE! NOT EVER. Since this statement is a complete contradiction of what the Sewage People have said hundreds of times, how do I know this to be true. Easy. I got Sam Unger, and the Water Board to say so. On the record. On a recorded medium. I have the recordings. So you can hear the truth for yourself, you should listen. Sam Unger himself confirmed the truth, in response to a question from me, in the Santa Clarita City Council Chambers, in a hearing. Last August, I attended a Regional Water Quality Control Board hearing in Los Angeles, and bluntly asked the entire Board when and if they committed to fining Santa Clarita. They confirmed that they had never done so. So, what about the 225,000 dollar fine? See next post.

  19. Allan Cameron says:

    Again, as to the 225,000 dollar fine, the truth about that is listed in an older post “above” this one. That fine was NEVER the subject of any hearing. The Sewage People just paid our money, quietly, with no appeals. So, how about the 850,000 dollar fine paid directly to the Water Board by the City of Santa Clarita (Sewage People not involved) regarding the Shangri-La shear key de-watering wells? That, indeed, needs to be the subject of a column. One “teaser”. That money was paid with no appeal being filed on behalf of the true “stakeholders”…the rate/tax payers.

  20. Stop DWI says:

    Allan, your math is incorrect.
    The cost of DWI (deep well injection) according to the 2013 EIR is not $2 to $4 per month. The cost of a non-DWI solution, would be $2 to $4 per month per household more than DWI .
    The cost of DWI+sewage, according to the 2013 EIR is a $410 per year per household in 2012 dollars, which is $34.17 per month in 2012 dollars.
    This includes interest on the $130 million capital cost of DWI, and $4.2 million in O&M cost.

  21. Allan Cameron says:

    Hi “stop DWI”. The math you critique is not mine. It comes from the Sanitation District. I concur that it is incorrect. I was merely quoting it.

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The county of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation is hosting community meetings this month at 67 parks and nature center locations, including Castaic Sports Complex and Placerita Canyon Nature Center in the month of September.
L.A. County Parks Invites Public to SCV Community Meetings
The California Department of Transportation announced the southbound Interstate 5 will be reduced to one or two lanes from two miles north of Templin Highway (near the Whitaker Sand Shed) north of Castaic to Lake Hughes Road overnights Monday, Sept. 16 through Friday, Sept. 20 for paving work.
Sept. 16-20: SB I-5 Lane Closures Continue in Castaic Area
The Santa Clarita Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting Tuesday, Sept. 17, at 6 p.m., in City Hall's Council Chambers at 23920 Valencia Blvd., Santa Clarita, CA 91355.
Sept. 17: Planning Commission Continues Hearing on Speedway Property
The William S. Hart Union High School District Governing Board unanimously approved the appointment of Valerie Van Oss as the new Director of Fiscal Services and Mark Overdevest as the new assistant principal at Valencia High School.
Hart District Names Van Oss, Overdevest to Leadership Team
1964 - Fire fighters mop up after blaze in Bouquet Canyon that destroyed world's largest live oak tree [story]
No. 16 College of the Canyons took an early first quarter lead before suffering a 31-20 loss to visiting No. 13 Citrus College in its season opener at Cougar Stadium.
No. 16 Canyons Drops 31-20 Result to No. 13 Citrus
Eighteen William S. Hart Union High School District 2024/25 Teachers of the Year were recognized by the Governing Board on Wednesday, Sept. 11 during the regular meetomg pf the Hart District Board of Trustees.
Hart District Teachers of the Year Honored by Governing Board
The Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce will host the fifth annual Health & Wellness Forum - The A.I. Business Healthcare Advantage 7:45 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 17.
Oct. 17: Health & Wellness Forum The A.I. Business Healthcare Advantage
You may have noticed that things look a little different around our city. Maybe you noticed the motion sensor lights at our parks, or the solar panels being installed in city parking lots.
Ken Striplin | The Green Revolution in Santa Clarita’s Energy Practices
The Jeepers Creepers Half-Marathon will be at Valencia Heritage Park, Sunday, Oct. 13 starting at 8 a.m.
Oct. 13: Jeepers Creepers Half-Marathon
The Acton Agua Dulce Arts Council is hosting “Spooktacular”, a Halloween-themed art exhibition, at the TAADAA Art Gallery, Saturday, Sept. 14 through Sunday, Oct. 27.
Sept. 14-Oct. 27: ‘Spooktacular Art Show’ at the TAADAA Art Gallery
The city of Santa Clarita is inviting the community to attend the Sidewalk Poetry Reading Dedication on Wednesday, Oct. 2 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at The MAIN Theater, 24266 Main St., Newhall, CA 91321.
Oct. 2:  Santa Clarita Arts Sidewalk Poetry Reading Dedication
Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency was recognized by the USC Foundation for cross-connection control and hydraulic research for being a charter member.
SCV Water Honored as Charter Member of USC Foundation
The MAIN in collaboration with Eclipse Theatre Los Angeles will host Ray Bradbury's "Something Wicked This Way Comes" starting Friday, Oct. 11 at 8 p.m. at the MAIN, 24266 Main St., Newhall, CA 91321.
The MAIN to Present ‘Something Wicked This Way Comes’