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Deputy Ed Brown

The Real Side | Commentary by Joe Messina
| Monday, Nov 25, 2013

joemessinamugDEMOPRISY:  the hypocrisy of the Democrat ideology’s reality. It’s real and it happens all the time.

Case in point:  Bill de Blasio, recently elected as New York’s new mayor with 73 percent of the vote, has said his first order of business is to shut down all of the non-Planned Parenthood crisis pregnancy centers. Why? Because they don’t perform abortions.

You see, a crisis pregnancy center gives its patients all of the information needed to make a real decision before ending the life of a baby in the womb. Crisis pregnancy centers don’t make millions of dollars like Planned Parenthood does, so they can’t buy as many politicians.

The hypocrisy comes in when Democrats use terms like “equality.” Equality means “the state of being equal, esp. in status, rights, and opportunities.” Let’s focus on equal opportunities, because that’s what everyone tells me Republicans are not into.

This new Democratic mayor wants to give free space to Planned Parenthood on city-owned property, and he wants to shut down crisis pregnancy centers. Does this sound like “equal opportunity”?

What are you afraid of, Mr. De Blasio? Give women all of the information. Allow them to understand what that “blob of cells” they are carrying really is. Let them see the sonogram pictures of the “blob of cells.” Let them read all of the reports – the ones from the left that say the baby feels no pain, as well as the reports from doctors on the right, showing that the babies feel the pain at as soon as 8 weeks.

He calls the pro-life pregnancy centers a “sham” because they don’t provide enough abortions to keep up with demand. Does he mean the demand of those irresponsible couples who refuse to take the proper precautions if they really don’t want to do what nature and God intended?

To top it off, he expects the government to pay for it all. Isn’t that nice? Just so New Yorkers don’t have to be careful. Free sex, free drugs, free abortions.

Remember, we were promised that Obamacare wouldn’t pay for abortions, but states can add in that provision, and that’s what he is going to do. I predict New York City will be a cesspool within four years, back to the days before Rudy Giuliani. Mark my words.

This socialist lawbreaker who just became mayor has no shame and no integrity. He is a self-proclaimed, card-carrying Democrat-Socialist. He traveled to the Soviet Union as a student and honeymooned with his wife – in violation of the travel ban – in Cuba. It was against the law.

According to a recent article in LifeSiteNews, the mayor-elect spent many of his early adult years traveling “to Nicaragua, where he supplied the Communist Sandinistas – whom he called ‘really inspirational’ – and their allies with funds and food while working with the Quixote Center, a Maryland-based leftist Catholic group that once referred to American opposition to Communist leadership in Nicaragua as ‘spreading terrorism.’” Amazing.

Do you really think this person is who our founding fathers had in mind to govern us?

De Blasio has been elected to one of the largest American cities. He was elected because of the freedom and liberty afforded him by real Americans who fought and died for liberty and democracy. He supports and endorses oppressive communist countries, believes in socialism, and can’t find the truth with both hands and a manual.

People like De Blasio are the reason this country is in the trouble it is. They want to wipe out the very freedoms that allowed De Blasio to win one of the most powerful seats in the country. They are so sure they know what needs to be done to the country that they are willing to ruin it to prove their points.

America, wake up. Please. Pay attention. Make sure the people you vote for can and will do the job the REAL way … the American way.



Joe Messina is host of The Real Side (TheRealSide.com), a nationally syndicated talk show that runs on AM-1220 KHTS radio and SCVTV [here]. He is also the current president of the Hart School Board. His commentary publishes Mondays.


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1 Comment

  1. Betty Arenson says:

    Wow, Joe. Thank you for the great information.
    You called it correctly. We can probably count the time on a minute clock to see New York City spiraling downward at full speed in all of the uber-liberal debauchery.
    Former New York Mayor aka Successful Street Cleaner Rudy Giuliani must be crestfallen.
    One would think that after that crackpot,control freak named Bloomberg, NYC would want some sanity.
    But hey, 73% wanted de Blasio and they got him.
    We’ll see how long it takes tourists to figure it out.

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