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                   DATE: JUNE 12, 2020

                   I hope you and your families are well. Here is the latest update…

                   Fall Sports – The message I want to convey to all of you is that we are totally committed to
                   having Fall, Winter and Spring Sports during the 2020-2021 school year. I want to remind you
                   that the decisions to reopen our schools, and subsequently bring back athletic programs after they
                   have  started  their  academic  year,  will  be  made  entirely  by  each  local  Superintendent/School
                   Board from a public school district or each private school Head of School/School Board who
                   have the authority to make those decisions. I am sure they will follow the recommendations of
                   state and local health authorities in arriving at the decisions that are in the best interests of their
                   students and school communities.

                   This  week,  we  had  a  teleconference  with  the  CIF  State  Office  and  the  10  CIF  Section
                   Commissioners. At this meeting, there was a lengthy discussion regarding the various scenarios
                   that relate to Fall Sports. In the effort to give as much time as possible to make the most informed
                   decision we can, it was agreed that there will be an announcement from the CIF State Office
                   addressing the status of Fall Sports to be made no later than Monday, July 20.

                   CIF  Return  to  Activity  Guidelines  –  The  CIF  Sports  Medicine  Advisory  Committee  has
                   developed a comprehensive document to help schools/school districts/private schools prepare for
                   their student-athletes to return to athletic activities. Those guidelines are attached to this update.
                   Please keep in mind that these are recommendations and are subject to local county guidelines
                   that must be followed at all times.

                   Pre-Participation Physical Examination – The CIF State Sports Medicine Advisory Committee
                   has addressed the situation involving the difficulties students could experience in getting annual
                   pre-participation physical examinations. The CIF Sports Medicine Advisory Committee believes
                   that students need to have a pre-participation physical examination now more than ever. They are
                   recommending  that  a  30-day  waiver  to  obtain  a  pre-participation  physical  examination  be
                   available to those who wish to request it after their current physical examination has expired. The
                   specific  language  related  to  the  waiver  is  attached  to  this  update.  Also,  a  student-athlete
                   requesting  a  temporary  waiver  must  submit  to  their  school  administration  a  student  Health
                   Screening Form completed and signed by the student’s parent/legal guardian prior to participating
                   in tryouts, practice or interscholastic competition. These documents will be posted on the CIF
                   website,, in the coming weeks.
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