An investigation led by Deputy Juan Muralles of Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station Crime Impact Team led to the arrest of two suspects accused of stealing handbags, wallets, and credit cards from the lockers and vehicles of customers at three different LA Fitness gyms in Santa Clarita over the course of the last few months. Through an in-depth investigation that was conducted, two suspects were identified.
On Monday, July 23, 2018, deputies tracked down and arrested suspects Kali Draves, 31, and her boyfriend Louis Hanna, 29, at a motel in Castaic. The couple admitted to their involvement with the thefts at the three local LA Fitness clubs and said they were heading to another LA Fitness in the San Fernando Valley to commit another burglary.
A search of the suspects’ motel room and vehicle yielded handbags, wallets, driver’s licenses, payroll checks, credit cards, mail, key fobs, jewelry, and clothing from local stores. The duo were additionally found to be in possession of keys that are commonly used to open community mailboxes.
On Wednesday, July 25, the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office filed ten felony counts and five misdemeanor counts on both suspects, Kali Draves and Louis Hanna, at San Fernando Superior Courthouse that range from commercial burglary to grand theft charges.
Investigators have identified at least eighteen victims involving thefts or locker burglaries that occurred over the past few months, and are currently seeking additional victims. Anyone who believes they may have been a victim or has information on a similar crime can contact the Crime Impact Team at 661-255-1121 ext. 4414.
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Which Castaic Motel?
Castaic Inn?
Days Inn?
Unfortunately, these two will be released (if they haven’t already) as this is not a violent crime. The only hope for justice are the felony ones that qualify as Federal Crimes. Sad that there is actually no respect for other peoples property.
POSTtheir pictures! If they were released at lease we can spread the word to be on the lookout!
It is mnore than disrespect! it is a crime in most states.