Each week I am inundated with emails from people all over the country with stories that are “out of this world.” Some are so deep in conspiracy theories that if compiled, we would have a great science fiction novel. But let’s deal with a little reality, truth and fact.
Look at what’s happening on our college campuses. Jewish students being arrested at a peaceful protest for inciting a riot. They did nothing. The opposition started the violence because they wanted the Jewish students to stop “spreading their propaganda.” Wow, really? On our college campuses, where free thought and free flow of ideas are openly welcomed? Really?
Or recently, at a California college, a Jewish student was denied acceptance to a committee. Not because she was unqualified, but because she was Jewish. Yep. So much for institutes of higher learning and reason.
Where are the professors and administrators while all this is going on? Sitting around their little lib think-tanks, or should I say, “devoid of rational thought tanks.” There is little to no pushback from liberal academia. Why?
From what I have read, it’s because they are smarter than us. It’s because we are too uneducated to work it through without their help and anyone from “their world.” Any professors who take a more conservative stance on issues are immediately ridiculed and pushed out. Once again I say, so much for freedom of thought and free-flowing ideas on campus.
It seems most of these campuses have become little liberal concentration camps to reprogram those who have lost their way and gone down the conservative thinking path. They have to be reprogrammed and brought back to a more liberal way of thinking. Those already in the liberal camp are reinforced that all is good in their world.
No, you say?
On another wonderful American campus here in Communist America, the college is requiring all groups take LGBTQ training. When one group requested an opt-out, it was labeled a hate group. How tolerant of the left – once again showing their true colors. If I don’t agree with you (liberals), I’m part of a hate group. If you (liberals) don’t agree with me, you’re enlightened and I’m just backward.
Wow. How unenlightened on your part. I wonder what would happen if they pushed a mandatory “Intro to Religion” class? Whaddaya think, eh? Who’s the real bully here?
And if you’re not frosted yet, let’s look at banning the flag.
Yes, on our college campuses across the country, we have an ever-growing group of young men and women who don’t really understand how they got there. On one campus in particular, in sunny California, one of the student body groups decided to ban all flags from being displayed in prominent places on campus, especially the American flag because it was a symbol of oppression.
The American flag a symbol of oppression? They have no clue as to what oppression really is. Hey, ladies in that group, go over to Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia to get a taste of what real oppression looks like. You aren’t allowed to go to school, marry who you want, wear the latest fashion, or drive. Go ahead and protest the government there for equal rights. Let me know how that works out for you.
You have the right to be an idiot because of what that American flag really represents. Many people in years gone by came to this country (and still do) because of the freedom and opportunities it still represents. Those kids – yes, I say kids, because they are acting like children – don’t understand that they are on American soil where they are protected by American police and soldiers, who act on securing their freedom because of the American Constitution, all paid for with American tax dollars. The school gets federal (American) grants to the tune of almost $30 million a year.
In this case, the ban on the flag was quickly overturned. But still, professors at the school are urging the students not to give up the fight to ban our flag. Another bunch of dishonest loons.
Look, if you don’t like American symbols, you don’t see America as the greatest nation on the planet, or you think America is the great oppressor – get your meds checked and then move.
No. Really. Just move.
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Nice. Let’s evoke the Holocaust to try and drum up web traffic.
We really should ask the Iraqi people or the Vietnamese or the people of Afghanistan how great they think we and our symbols are. And where do you get off telling anyone that doesn’t agree with your fascist trash that they need to leave ? Your politics disgust me but I would never tell you to leave if you didn’t agree with mine. That would be un-american.
Or we should ask the Fillipino or Puerto Rican peoples, or the Cherokee, Nez Perce or Navajo. How about the Mexican or Columbian peoples. Or maybe we should learn some history. I won’t even mention the zoot suit riots or the Scottsboro boys.
I’m pretty sure most of academia stands up against antisemitism. Even one of your examples (UCLA jewish student denied being on commitee) had the school intervene. The girl ended up on the commitee and everyone involved apologized dozens of times.
I’ve read some of this guy’guy’s other blogs and he’s kind of a jackass, so you should really take what he says lightly. It’s just an opinions column.
Forgive me while I tap my liberal education to consider a rebuttal: you are a poor excuse for an educator (yes, Joe, being on school board makes you an educator). You are a myopic mouthpiece for a conspiracy spouting faction that is more interested in the dumbing down of the electorate. Your agenda is simple, rave on against Education so your followers see it as evil, thus keeping them from pursuing their own Education, relying on bloveators like you to be their education.
This town needs to get you off school board… Now, today, this minute. Anyone this anti-education should be as far away from schools as humanly possible.
And while I am at it, anyone who feels it necessary to first speak of the terrible treatment received by those Jewish students and then refer to universities as concentration camps should be as far away from Human beings as humanly possible.
Ignorant, mouth breathing, fool.
Jared you really missed the point , didn’t you? Right over your head. Sad.
Well MSC State Senator Janet Nyugen a Vietnam immigrant was so disgusted by this display she plans to introduce a bill to make banning the US flag on state campuses against the law. I think that speaks volumes. Plus he is not telling them they must move , it was just a suggestion if they don’t like the country.
Mike you are wrong. Antisemitism is on the rise on college campuses across the country fueled by growing liberal hate for Jews.
Lee , boy you showed him with you elitest superiority complex.
Mike Peralta I’m sure the majority do but there are countless amounts of favoritism and leniency towards certain groups and not the others. Islamic groups are given much of this leniency along with all the other liberal groups. Christian, conservative and other groups like them do not. To deny that educational institutions aren’t beyond liberal would be beyond ignorant.
Messina is a terrible choice to serve on a school board. What the voters were thinking when they elected him one can only guess. And shudder.
As for the occasional controversy on some college campus, there are thousands of said campuses, filled with young people who are feeling their oats, and issues like this will naturally arise from time to time. Cooler heads prevail and they eventually move on. It is all part of the maturation process for young people, IMO. A good learning experience for everyone involved, actually…
Nice. Evoking the holocaust to drum up web traffic. Real classy, Joe.
He never mentioned the Holocaust. Real classy, Jared
The “Professors” are encouraging the students to
persist in banning the American Flag on the Irvine
campus? No, Joe didn’t mention Irvine, but that’s
where the most recent occurrence was. These “Professors” aren’t uneducated kids, they’re the
“intellectuals” of our country supposedly. As far as I’m concerned they’re treasonous and should
be treated as such. Anyone know just what TREASON is anymore?