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January 18
1899 - Martin & Richard Wood buy J.H. Tolfree's Saugus Eating House (still inside Saugus Depot), rename it Saugus Cafe [story]
Saugus Cafe

| Thursday, Aug 13, 2015
Photo: Kris Kelso/SCVTV

[KHTS] – A motorcyclist was killed when he crashed his bike early Thursday morning in Canyon Country.

“A witness said the motorcycle passed him at high rate of speed, estimated at 100 mph,” said Detective Thomas Brooks with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station. “When the witness finally caught up to the scene, the witness found the motorcycle but not the person and called us. After a search of the area, they found the cyclist off the roadway and he was pronounced dead at the scene.”


[GOFUNDME Page to help defray funeral expenses]


Justin Anthony McKinnon

Justin Anthony McKinnon

The man is described as a 22-year-old male Caucasian, according to a police report.

Coroner’s office officials have identified the man and are waiting to notify the next of kin, said Coroner Spokesman Ed Winter.

The crash occurred around 2:48 a.m. Thursday on Whites Canyon Road near Nadal Street.

The motorcycle was traveling north on Whites Canyon Road just north of Nadal Street,” according to a report by Sgt. Richard Cohen of the SCV Sheriff’s Station Traffic Division. The motorcycle was traveling at a high rate of speed when the driver lost control and crashed along the east curb line. The victim was possibly traveling with another motorcyclist and racing.”

Whites Canyon Road was closed for several hours, Brooks said.

This is the second fatal crash to occur in that area in the past week.

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department officials are continuing to investigate the case.




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  1. Thomas North this is why you drive safe!!!!

    • Tonya Hunt says:

      IT’S Not just the oer sd on on a bike.. it’s you pi rop lk e in your cars who don’t look for us speeding in your cars talking on your cell phones cutting others off making un looking over your shoulders to see if it’s safe. Tailgating break checks not paying attention effect the guy or girl riding that bike. But if you ride please rock the gear ..

    • Tonya Hunt says:

      Sorry type o should say it’s not just the person on the bike

    • Eric Baker says:

      Rocking a safe speed would’ve prevented this.. Not justifying his reckless actions and tell other drivers to look out for someone driving like a maniac. Make it sound like he was right and other drivers are the problem.. This was his actions alone that caused this; not someone in a car not looking in the mirror. Don’t candy coat this Tonya.

  2. Trina Aeen says:

    There’s one that goes up Seco canyon almost every night. So fast and loud it wakes us up. I just know one day it will stop, because the same thing will happen. :(

  3. Lars Svanoe says:

    Eric Baker and Trina Aeen we are all sorry you were woke up – Hopefully you never experience losing a child or family member! Sleep well.

    • Eric Baker says:

      I lost a son and a sister.. I know what it’s like. No excuse for being wreckless and putting everyone around you in life threatening danger.

      • Kim Alvarez says:

        Well said Eric Baker, though it didn’t seem like you were actually complaining about the noise, more the concern that this will be the fate of another motorcyclist going too fast. I lost my sister in an accident, by the fault of the other driver. It’s not about blame, it’s about being safe.

    • Lars Svanoe says:

      Absolutely correct but no excuse for posting comments publicly that could offend the family of departed. And hoping it was someone is just asking for Karma.

    • Eric Baker says:

      Could’ve been another whole family he could’ve wiped off the earth, had he hit them at that speed. No excuse for driving like that.

    • Eric Baker says:

      I’m offended people justifying driving like a maniac..

    • Lars Svanoe says:

      Well sounds like you got your wish then…. Sleep Well

    • Eric Baker says:

      I will. You sleep well too thinking driving like a maniac and putting many innocent of lives at risk is ok. I’ve seen and lived it.. Have you???

    • Lars Svanoe says:

      I never condoned or agreed with riding wrecklessly – I just suggested it was unhuman to HOPE he was killed

    • Eric Baker says:

      Sorry if I sound jaded, but i’m sick of losing family members and friends, as well as hearing about other innocent lives being taken from someone that thinks it’s cool to be dangerous as can be to everyone around them. I’ve seen enough death to last 100 lifetimes. Sorry his family and friends had to deal with this, but my primary concern is everyone else’s lives that could’ve been taken as well. It happens too often.

    • U can’t wipe out a family in a car while on a streetbike

      • Kim Alvarez says:

        Unfortunately Tabitha, you can. I worked in a trauma center for 12 years. You’d be surprised what one motorcycle can do…

    • Eric Baker says:

      The hell you can!! knock them off the road and into a pole, off a bridge, over a big drop. They only need to lose control for a micro second.. He can hit a family walking…

    • Eric Baker says:

      I can’t believe you are trying to justify this.

    • No one is justifying people who drive like maniacs, Eric, but what you are doing and saying will only hurt the loved ones left behind and they have done nothing wrong. Please, have some compassion and human decency. Apologize and remove your comments.

    • Eric Baker, u already deleted your other post because everyone tore u a new one, just stop. A streetbike can’t knock a car off the road ! And it was at 230 am? Does your family walk at that time on Soledad none the less. Your being heartless

    • And since u deleted the last one here’s in response to your other lame remarks

    • Eric Baker says:

      I didn’t delete anything. It was pulled. I’m not being heartless, i’m being honest about this stuff. I see plenty walking at 2:30. Yes they can make a car lose control. I’ve watched it happen. Think what you think. When you lose friends and family from people like that, you’ll have a different tune. I said I am sorry for the family and friends, but don’t justify driving dangerously.

    • Nice, a picture of him riding dangerously.. Don’t think it’s very good to be showing such pictures after what that just earned him…. Hope other riders out there take this as a learning lesson about riding like that Alina.. My father always told me it was a matter of when; not if when riding motorcycles. Thanks for encouraging this type of driving Alina.. SMH.

    • Trina Aeen says:

      It’s not the point of being woke up. It’s the point of slowing down so these things don’t happen. It woke us up because of the high rate of speed. I’m not sure how that was misinterpreted, but I apologize for not making myself clearer.

    • Kristina Joy says:

      Wow this eric guy is ridiculous. Of course no one wants motorcyclists driving at high speeds. Or in any vehicle for that matter. Does that mean he deserved what he got? Absolutely not. Sorry you didn’t get your beauty rest, princess. RIP to he who was lost

    • Tonya Hunt says:

      Ok Eric next time your in yo u r car don’t speed dont talk on your cell I or text

    • Eric Baker says:

      I never do. I know better.

    • Eric Baker says:

      This isn’t about me Tonya and Kristina. This is about taking a lesson about what happens when someone drives dangerously. Hopefully someone out there will think twice and not try to go faster than their abilities. It’s very unfortunate what happened. I’ve lost too much already around me from senseless actions.. That’s why I think this really needs to stop. You can call me names and hate me all you want. The truth is the truth. I know what it’s like to lose those closest to me. Have you??

  4. Cory Rubin says:

    Drive fast, die fast.

  5. June Perez
    Is that the Tom we know?

  6. I heard about the accident this morning. So tragic. Sending up prayers for their family and friends.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I remember very well what it was like being 22
    And I was just as stupid as the young man driving this motorcycle
    The difference is
    I survived being 22
    He did not
    I’m sorry for his family and friends
    But let’s hope that this one terrible incident, which could have been prevented, provides enough motivation so that a bunch of other 22 year olds survive being 22

  8. Ashley Solon says:

    Rest in Peace Justin Anthony….my prayers to you and your family

  9. Marc Rice says:

    I live behind McBean and often hear people on motorcycles open up the throttle and hit high speeds. I always dread hearing a crash and, so far, it has not happened. Hopefully this young mans death will help his friends reevaluate the way they ride. RIP.

  10. David Hong says:

    How do you know he/she was going 100

    • It was stated in the article that the witness estimated the speed to be that…

      • m.robinson says:

        People Need to stop trying to estimate motorcycle speeds, because your all wrong! i passed a friend on the highway and when we got to his house he said” Man you was flying, i replied ” i was only doing 70 mph. Bikes accelorate way faster than any car, and your eyebals can NEVER judge the speed of a bike, the facts here are “Nobody was there, so stop all this speculating!!!! it could have been a locked up wheel , flat tire, slick spot, seized brakes, or a whole host of other things that caused him to lose control of his bike, also animals, rabbits possums, skunks, turkeys. just say a prayer , if you truly care and leave it at that!!! ive been riding 17 years and some losses have been due to their own actions and some not period. RIP Fellow Rider!!! “Burn Rubber Not your Soul” From All MC’s in Kansas.

  11. Lau Keyzer says:

    RIP but squids need to mellow out.

  12. Rest In Paradise Justin Anthony! My condolences to your family.

  13. So sad :( it’s such a heartbreaking news! Praying for his family. I’m gonna miss seeing him, since he loved down the street from my house :'(

  14. Ray Smith says:

    So sorry Kiddo…. Looks like you went out doing what you loved though.
    I do t know you but, I saw your love for ridding on your wall. Rest in Peace. Loving energy being sent out to the lives of those who knew you. ?

  15. Rip, I cannot believe this is real
    Prayers to his family

  16. Julian Mirza says:

    When will people learn

  17. Dale Goodman says:

    nat·u·ral se·lec·tion

  18. Anonymous says:

    Story says “This is the second fatal crash to occur in that area in the past week.” Anyone know about that? Very sorry for these families.

  19. evelyn Martinez says:

    This was my cousin justin the cousins have set up a go fund me page we appreciate your help even a small donation of a dollar can make a difference thank you http://www.gofundme.com/mdbu8w7g

  20. Matt Lightbody Joey Michalski dat road block

  21. I just saw a motorcyclist haulin ass up this street 15 mins ago!! Then i see the memorial for the other guy that got hit last week, slow the fk down!!

  22. 100mph in canyon country? Thats suicide not an accident.

    • 100 miles ANYWHERE, on a motorcycle, in a car….unless your driving a tank your going to be toast!

    • Yea but if you ever driven or ridin tgrough cc then youd know its a death trap. Theres a time and a place for speeding and racing and its not in scv road ways.

    • Tonya Hunt says:

      Your assuming he was going 100 mph but you have no facts to back I t up other than a high rate of speed.. I see cars doing excess speeds all the time in canyon country it’s not just people who ride bikes who speed. There’s also the ones who are not looking talking on there cell phones . Eating not paying attention not looking for us on bikes cutting us off making unsafe lane changes nit looking over your shoulders to see if its safe you people on cars speed all tge time when your not up tge cars ahead of you @$$.

    • yea but if investigation says around a 100+ mph then chances are any one “not paying attention will get what murphey’s law has placed for them.” i feel bad for him but lets be honest. it wasn’t a texting and driving accident he was probably paying close detail. but did not know how to handle life at 100 mph. rip to him and blessings to his family. but hes not the first and he wont be the last.. if only others would learn from this instead of being stubborn.

    • Don’t ever talk about Justin’s accident as a suicide do not ever . that’s so disrespectful for the people mourning his loss its a sad sad ordeal and it’s just too soon.

    • Tonya Hunt says:

      Fo YOU ride a motorcycle tho? It’s easy to sit on tge dude lines and assume … what bugs me is people who never rode criticize others I’m pretty damn sure u your self are guilty of speeding in a car what’s the differences. A u oung nan still lost his life and I’m sure one day his loved ones will see your post and it’s a difficult thing to see as a parent after loosing a son when his body is still warm.

    • Tonya Hunt says:

      Sorry for type o’s hard to type when someone’s post upsets you trying to type thu all tge tears

    • Im not saying it was a suicide im saying. Most riders who fly through this town get wrecked and go down hard. Not all will walk away. But cc is so crowed poorly lit and and roads are not well maintained.. There could be speculation its not his fault at all and the city could be to blame. I dont know the whole story not even trying to offend anyone. But anyone willing to hit that high rate of speed and anyone willing to allow it should be willing to accept tge consquences.

    • Im not saying it was a suicide im saying. Most riders who fly through this town get wrecked and go down hard. Not all will walk away. But cc is so crowed poorly lit and and roads are not well maintained.. There could be speculation its not his fault at all and the city could be to blame. I dont know the whole story not even trying to offend anyone. But anyone willing to hit that high rate of speed and anyone willing to allow it should be willing to accept tge consquences.

  23. Driving fast like that you better be a pro…. Even then you never know what can happen maybe people will learn now form one terrible thing that happen

    • Tonya Hunt says:

      Even pros know the risk and yes even pops die if y I u don’t ride you will b ever fully understand there’s a lot of idiots who never look for bikes even cars speed at high rate of speed.

    • Tonya I don’t understand why you keep defending bikers on every. single. comment. YES, drivers do not pay attention but it goes both ways. As a motorcyclist, knowing cars can’t see you YOU have to be the one to pay attention. In this case did a car take this young man out? No. He took himself out. So why do you keep blaming cars? You’re trying to make a generalization that all bikers do nothing wrong and don’t show off…where do you think the term squid came from?

      ANYWAYS, RIP to the rider lost, and prayers to his family and friends. Very sad day regardless of why or how it happened.

    • Eric Baker says:

      Tonya needs to justify this behavior, as it’s acceptable to be a reckless driver.

  24. So sad we were hearing a motorcycle go super fast in Newhall last night… Rip

    • Eric Baker says:

      I heard 2 last night about near the time this happened. It woke me up. I was expecting to hear a crash soon.. Heard them speed off into the night, down the road. Now I read this and think, “This had to be the same ones I heard screaming down the road”. No word on the other biker though.. I’d like to hear what he/she has to say about it…. It’s very tragic. Too many people think it won’t and can’t happen to them.

    • Eric Baker says:

      I heard 2 last night about near the time this happened. It woke me up. I was expecting to hear a crash soon.. Heard them speed off into the night, down the road. Now I read this and think, “This had to be the same ones I heard screaming down the road”. No word on the other biker though.. I’d like to hear what he/she has to say about it…. It’s very tragic. Too many people think it won’t and can’t happen to them.

    • Eric Baker says:

      I heard 2 last night about near the time this happened. It woke me up. I was expecting to hear a crash soon.. Heard them speed off into the night, down the road. Now I read this and think, “This had to be the same ones I heard screaming down the road”. No word on the other biker though.. I’d like to hear what he/she has to say about it…. It’s very tragic. Too many people think it won’t and can’t happen to them.

  25. Anita Walsh says:

    Prayers to the family

  26. Woke up last night to hear a high speed motorcycle doing what had to be in excess off 100mph on Seco Cyn. Wish those who ride like that will wake up and not become a statistic, or cause some innocent victim to become a statistic.

  27. Well you want to go racing then looked what happened!

    • Tonya Hunt says:

      And it cost him his life I’m sure his family would understand your lack of sympathy. Never the less as a rider my self we know the risk people not looking for us on there phones cutting us off not them speeding not just bikes speed. .. GODSPEED brother ride in heven.

    • Suzie Acosta says:

      My boyfriend is a rider himself Tonya and it’s 50/50 to say the least. Yes motorcyclist have to be careful be cautious of other drivers bc those drivers aren’t cautious of them, BUT this guy drove like a dick EVERY DAY down whites canyon. And he wasn’t a very experienced rider either, he barely knew how to use his clutch. Needless to say it’s tragic but an inexperienced rider shouldn’t have been racing or riding 100+ down a road that there are accident on all the time bc people lose control at the turns. I’m sorry for his families loss but this could have been prevented.

  28. Melanie Siebe McMorrow

  29. David Lester says:

    Sometimes being a nube is dangerous. High speed is the number one cause of death on motorcycles. Well, next to drinking and riding a motorcycle. Having a lot of power on a vehicle is sometimes too much for some riders. They need to drive a 4 banger car so they aren’t tempted. God rest his soul.

  30. You can always count on a go fund me being set up as soon as anyone dies. No matter the cause.

    • Kristina Joy says:

      Should there not be??? I don’t understand your comment. I’m so glad there is a place I can go to support someone who has suffered such a loss.

    • Sara Denos says:

      Randi have you lost an immediate family member suddenly?! Do you know the costs of having a funeral?! Not to mention all the time lost at your job! Luckily there was nobody else involved….and I certainly don’t see the harm in setting up a go find me for this man.

    • I’m really tired of seeing a go fund me every single time someone dies. I understand when a parent/breadwinner dies of cance, but I don’t understand 2 pages asking for 70k for the boy who died a few weeks ago. A funeral doesn’t cost that much. Family will also collect drivers insurance. Same in this case. Victims insurance will pay out for his death.

    • Sara Denos says:

      You have NO idea what the situation is. I’m sure they are not trying to collect money to go on a family vacation!

    • Oh wow, I’m shocked by your comment. Someone just loss their life, loss their son, brother, friend…show some respect . Your comment is so insensitive . Why do you care if they have a go fund me page? You don’t know their situation. And YES, funerals are expensive . Jesus..some people. Disgusting

    • Jenessa Fernandes. Wake up girl. People are scammers. We donated to a family who had a fire. Sofa, clothes, toilitries. Found out they never received our items. Btw. I did see a go fund me asking for money so they could take a vacation.

  31. Wow what a tragic loss. Heartbreaking, rip justin

  32. There was a Tabitha Jennings on the website side of this conversation saying you can’t take out a family in a car with a motorcycle. Since you can’t post images via their webpage, maybe she’ll stop by here and take a look. Tell us again how a motorcycle traveling at high speed can’t take out a car …

  33. Another for Tabitha Jennings …

  34. David Lynch says:

    There are old motorcyclists and there are bold motorcyclists, but there are no old bold motorcyclists.

  35. I am absolutely heart broken I cannot believe it such a handsome man gone way too soon I will never ever ever forget the memories I had and am lucky I had great memories with him

  36. Rip so sad my friend knows him and I know his parents :( prayers

  37. Rip rider!
    My condolences to your family
    Can’t believe u are gone bro :(
    See u in heaven brother!

  38. Rip rider!
    My condolences to your family
    Can’t believe u are gone bro :(
    See u in heaven brother!

  39. Rip rider!
    My condolences to your family
    Can’t believe u are gone bro :(
    See u in heaven brother!

  40. Rest in peace Justin, so glad I got to know you, and so sorry to hear this heartbreaking news. My thoughts go out to your family❤️

  41. Vanessa Jauregui Gonzalez

  42. Troy Wells says:

    I was sitting here at Henry Mayo ER when the paramedics brought in a John Doe motorcycle accident. CHP said he was doing 100+ mph when he lost control.
    He’s currently in ICU with a broken neck and internal injuries.

  43. Purpleging says:

    Cameras and speed bumps which were a trial in the Valencia early building have ruled out as needed. Now, what has to happen before speed bumps are in place so this race track on our City streets is allowed to be used for racing. The young lives that are gone seem to be enough to do something drastic to save lives. Then cameras to see what exactly is going on to intervene and remove license from those who insist on speed. Drastic measures need to be placed as this community waits for this to happen before looking for ways to prevent it.

  44. Steven Montenegro says:

    Rest in peace Justin. I’m proud that we were friends and thank you for all of the constant laughs. My love and condolences go out to his family.

  45. Jim Lynn says:

    Have you heard {awesome town] is number one in suicides? Do you think this might be a suicide?

  46. I found it :/ Lucas Jordan

  47. Such a tragic loss. My prayers to the family ??

  48. All this arguing. There was a death. It did not have to happen but it did. People, be kind to one another. Life is short and precious. It is much easier to love than it is to hate.

  49. That is very sad, and we will pray for the family members that God cradle them and there lost one in his arms.

  50. Rusty Sills says:

    Los Angeles, 1980 on a residential street a biker challenges me in a motorcycle race, fortunately for me I was in the left lane when a 1967 mustang backed out of Her driveway in front of us, he broadside Her at approximately 90 mpr, lived but suffered major facial reconstructive surgery.

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