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Today in
S.C.V. History
February 8
1990 - Rock 'n' Roller Del Shannon, whose hit "Runaway" topped the charts in April 1961, found dead at home in Sand Canyon [story]
Del Shannon

crash newhall ranch road

Photo: Rick McClure

 [KHTS] – The motorcyclist killed in a single-vehicle traffic collision on Newhall Ranch Road Saturday evening has been identified.

Daniel Curry Jr., 21, struck a fire hydrant at approximately 2:58 p.m. at the intersection of Newhall Ranch Road and Golden Valley Road, said officials with the Los Angeles County Department of Coroner.

Curry later succumbed to his injuries after being transported to Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, said Lt. Rob Hahnlein with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station.

crash newhall ranch road

Photo: Rick McClure

The incident caused water to flow into the street, but was shut off approximately 30 minutes later at 3:29 p.m., said Los Angeles County Fire Department Supervisor Cheryl Sims.

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  1. Devon Caddy says:

    my friend , he was on his way to work and me and a massive group of family and friends all heard what had happened. we love you danny. R.I.P. we love you and miss you so much <3

  2. Sabrina Lewis Tyler Joy

  3. Thomas Stefanski anyone you know?

  4. Rip fellow rider. Carve up that afterlife

  5. Poor kid. motorcyclists must acknowledge such possibilities each time they ride. Doesn’t make it any less a tragedy when it happens.

  6. Yesel Prado says:

    Mariela Jessica Grossman

  7. What’s with that picture above with a person texting while driving. He was riding a motorcycle not texting and riding!!

    • Edwin Mendez says:

      Shes a ignorant person who wants likes … u really think a motorcyclist would be texting …. im Sorry for your lost and sorry you have to see these horrible comments

  8. Lisa Orefice says:

    So sad RIP. ☮☮☮

  9. I’m his mom, I don’t want to see any negative comments on here. He was a safe driver and all of MY friends that rose with him and they all said that he was a safer driver at all times. He lost control

  10. Carol Round says:

    Incredibly sad, praying for his family and friends.

  11. My condolences to his family. May he rest in peace.

  12. So sad. RIP fellow rider.

  13. So sorry for your loss. Prayers

  14. Is this the bike vs hydrant you saw Michele

  15. Dan Hoskins says:

    RIP. All riders know the danger. Prayers for his family.

  16. Melanie Siebe McMorrow I am very sorry for your and your families loss. Prayers for you.

  17. Michele says:

    I came up on this accident no more than a minute after it happened. It angered me to see a man park his car and start recording with his cell phone, while others just stood there with stupid “what should we do” looks on their faces. It was WATER – not flames. If you didn’t want to move the victim, I can understand that – but at LEAST shield him from the water that was pouring down on top of him so he didn’t drown in his helmet. Not one of you moved to help him. I rolled my window down and yelled for someone to get the water off him. Had I not had children in my car I would have gotten out and done it myself. To the disgusting @#*#%^ who recorded it on his cell phone, I hope karma bites you in the @#*. This was a human life, not some sideshow attraction.

  18. Dan Seeder says:

    So very sad
    My prayers to his family and loved ones


  19. Melanie and family I want to sent my thoughts and prayers during this troubling time and we my family r here for u if u need anything god bless and god speed

  20. Austin Dean says:

    I still can’t believe it…

  21. So sorry for your loss Melanie Siebe McMorrow. ❤?

  22. Please people, stop making judgemental comments, this family is devestated.

  23. Mark Genter says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss Melanie, your in my prayers .

  24. Let’s remember that this is a local young man. This is a loss to our community to lose a young light. Remember that his friends and family will read your comments. As a community we need to come together and support Melanie Siebe McMorrow and her family not show our evil judgments. We do not know the cause of the accident and whether he was going fast or not, he was still a life that left too soon. Shame on anyone who feels that their opinion trumps the hurt caused by the comment. We are a small community, he could have been any of our family or friends. Recently our small town has lost too many young lives. If you don’t believe in prayer at least be a good person and show compassion towards the loss. For me I will pray for the family to find strength during this time. Please excuse any grammatical errors as I wrote this from my phone.

  25. RIP
    Prayers for u n family

  26. Please note Melanie is a good friend of mine and is so devastated by what has happened to her pride and joy her Son for God sake. Please please respect her and her angel that was taken from her.

  27. Heartbreaking!! We may not all know the family but know you are all surrounded by prayers!! I’m so sorry!!!! My heart aches for them ???!!!!!

  28. Family and friends should grieve the loss of this man not be worried about Facebook comments. Everyone has an opinion. Who cares what strangers say. You just lost a child, worry about that right now.

  29. Sorry for your loss…prayers for your family♡♡♡

  30. So sorry for your great loss.

  31. Dave Pettis says:

    There is a saying for motorcyclist. There are 2 kinds of riders. Those that have gone down and those that will. Sad but true! I’m so sorry for your loss. All riders please be safe!

  32. Jennifer Shaver says:

    Melanie, I have no words. I didn’t realize that it was your son that passed when I saw the messages on Facebook. You are the sweetest person and an amazing Mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I don’t know what to say other than send you my love, thoughts, condolences and prayers.

  33. I had met your son a few times. He and my BF’s son Steven are friends and friends with Cole. They actually came to the house a few months ago. He was a very nice young man. We are so very sorry for your loss and send prayers for you and your family.

  34. I worked with his Mom for many years and just saw her 2 weeks ago. She is amazing, sweet and genuine. My heart breaks for her.

  35. Melanie Siebe McMorrow I’m so sorry. If you need anything please call or text me.
    RIP Danny

  36. My heart goes out to this family! So very sorry for your loss ?

  37. Kim Stephens says:

    I’m so saddened to hear this. My heart aches for this young man’s family and friends.

  38. Denise Cupp Wertz says:

    I’ve been putting off sending my condolences to Melanie Siebe McMorrow and family because I cannot even imagine the pain she must be going through being a mother myself. I’m so sorry and it breaks my heart to hear that she is having to endure this.

  39. RIP so tragic sorry for his families loss what a tragic day for Santa Clarita to young adults list there lives today

  40. Lucy Romero says:

    Prayers for his family! RIP Danny!

  41. Christine says:

    I didn’t know him very well. He was a coworker. I felt so very bad when they made the announcement and I didn’t even know his name. I have made it a point to speak to all my coworkers now and learn their names. I see his face a lot as if I’d just seen him. God is resting his soul. Peace be with you Danny.

  42. Stephanie Horner says:

    Danny was a friend of my brother, Steven. He took me out and taught me how to drive his truck the day that I met him. I had so much fun with his crazy, adventurous self that night and I will never forget it. Even though I had only met him a few times, it was enough to know how amazing and kindhearted he truly was. I am so sorry about this awful tragedy and I will be praying for every single one of you during this hard time. Rest easy, Danny♡

  43. Sorry about your son Melanie. Rip sweet soul. No mother or father should ever have to go through losing a child.

  44. He work with my boyfriend and im am so sorry for his familys lose he was a very nice person as of Sat heaven has a new Angel

  45. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

  46. D Lester says:

    Horrible tragedy for this young man, family and friends. As a rider in this valley, a husband and father, I grieve every time I see a rider lose his life. Blessings and prayers to you, the family and friends of this young man. Rest In Peace.

  47. Mary Andres says:

    Prayers for the family ?

  48. My heart goes out to this family.

  49. Rip Danny, you never failed at putting a smile on my face and giving Jessie Edwards and I endless laughs. ?? such a sweet soul taken too soon.

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