Jan Sanborn and Loren Janes’ home after being destroyed by the Sand Fire.
When Jan Sanborn and her husband Loren Janes were evacuated during the Sand Fire in July, they lost everything: from memorabilia of their lives in the arts and entertainment, as Sanborn is a pianist and composer and Janes is a renowned stuntman from films like “Blazing Saddles” and “Back to the Future”, to the roof they lived under for over 20 years.
“I think with most things that come as a surprise, you at first don’t quite believe what you’re hearing,” said Connie Woodson, friend of Sanborn’s and Music Director at First Presbyterian Church in Newhall, recounting her reaction upon hearing the news in July.
“She, [Sanborn], said, ‘you know these things happen but God is going to take care of it. We’ll rebuild our lives.’”
It was in that moment that Woodson was inspired to find a way to “do something special to help,” which led to her spearheading the planning of a benefit concert, given on behalf of Sanborn and Janes.
Woodson says the concert will “be a broad spectrum, which is pretty much what we do at First Presbyterian.”
Given by various musical acts, from their Chancel Choir, a more rock and contemporary based band called Ever Thirst, and even a handbell choir, Woodson says the concert’s main goal is to help Sanborn and Janes.
“Because they lost everything and because she’s such a wonderful person and great musician, I wanted to do something to help them,” Woodson said.
The concert will be on Sunday, November 6 at First Presbyterian Church in Newhall, and begins at 4 p.m.
It is a free event, only asking for free will offerings which will be donated to Sanborn and Janes.
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