SCV Water Agency’s Engineering and Operations Committee will hold its teleconference meeting Thursday, Nov. 4, beginning at 5:30 p.m.
Items on the agenda include a report on monthly operations and production, as well as a status update on capital improvement projects construction.
To participate in public comment from your computer, tablet, or smartphone:
When the Chair announces the agenda item you wish to speak on, click the “raise hand” feature in Zoom. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak.
To participate in public comment via phone:
When the Chair announces the agenda item you wish to speak on, dial *9 to raise your hand. Phone participants will be called on by the LAST TWO digits of their phone number. When it is your turn to speak, dial *6 to unmute. When you are finished with your public comment dial *6 to mute. Can’t attend? If you wish to still have your comments/concerns addressed by the Committee, all written public comments can be submitted by 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting by either e-mail or mail.**
Please send all written comments to Elizabeth Adler. Refer to the Committee Agenda for more information.
For more information on how to use Zoom go to or for “raise hand” feature instructions, visit
**All written comments received after 4:30 p.m. the day of the meeting will be posted to the next day. Public comments can also be heard the night of the meeting.
– Listen in Toll Free by Phone:
– Webinar ID: 160 218 0388
-or join the Board meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone at
Please note: Pursuant to the provisions of AB 361 and SCV Water Resolution SCV-235, the SCV Water Board will continue to hold remote Board and Committee meetings due to the continuing State of Emergency for COVID-19 and the ongoing imminent risks to the health or safety of the attendees from COVID-19. The public may not attend meetings in person. The public may use the above methods to attend and participate in the public Committee meetings.
Click [here] to view full agenda online.
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