A reminder for Los Angeles County residents who have not yet completed the 2020 U.S. Census: September 30 is the deadline.
If you aren’t counted in the census, you won’t matter to those who distribute money for schools and health care in your neighborhood, according to the L.A. County Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services Department.
Everyone counts, regardless of immigration status.
It doesn’t matter if you are undocumented, an asylee or are a legal permanent resident. You can participate in the census. There are no citizenship questions on the census.
The census is private.
Fill out your form online today at my2020census.gov or by phone at 1-844-330-2020.
Under current federal laws, your responses are kept confidential and can only be used by the government to produce statistics. It is illegal for any census information to be shared with anyone outside the U.S. Census Bureau.
Visit my2020census.gov/ and participate today. Information is available in 59 languages.
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