The Hart School District has hired Sue Reynolds as career development coordinator, bringing her extensive career building experience to students in the Hart School District. Reynolds has been involved with the Santa Clarita Valley business and volunteer community for a decade with NewMarket Careers in Valencia.
The Hart School District career development department is dedicated to the mission of providing programs and services that lead to career awareness, and to assist students to develop the skills they need to be college and career ready. Students can enroll as interns, gaining school credit while gaining valuable hands-on experience working for area businesses. Students can use job-shadowing to gain exposure to career options they might otherwise have never known existed. Regional Occupation Program (ROP) class offerings provide pertinent instruction from businesspeople who work day to day within the industries that can lead to careers for students. It’s important for young people to learn how to work and where to work for the careers of the future.
She has been president of Soroptimist of Greater SCV, and has served the boards of SCV Chamber, SCV Domestic Violence Center, Circle of Hope advisory board, SCV Education Foundation, and many other community volunteer activities. Reynolds is active in the Valley Industrial Association and now chairs its Leadership Program. She has presented to area high school students, having participated in developing career curriculum for the VIA Education Committee Connect 2 Success program that began with the SCV School & Business Alliance and Junior Achievement.
Reynolds has worked for Fortune 50 companies, but also the smallest of small companies, having grown up in a family business that served the local farmers. She attended the local community college and joined the Illinois Department of Corrections in developing curriculum for prisoner “life skills.” After studying communications and graphics at Indiana University, she moved into corporate marketing communications, executive speechwriting, corporate training, and career coaching. Employers and clients have included manufacturing firms, NASA, chemical companies, implement dealers, state fairs, steeplechases, distributors, and entrepreneurs.
“I am so excited to be part of the Hart District to assist in providing students with real-life work experiences,” Reynolds said. “Our programs will help them be better prepared for the modern workforce with appropriate skills, as well as professionalism. These early opportunities often have long-lasting career impact.”
Reynolds is seeking business owners and managers interested in helping Hart District students become the workforce of the future. Please contact her at 661.259.0033 ext 232 or . Visit: for more information on Hart School District career programs and opportunities.
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Congrats Sue!
Congratulations Sue!!
Congratulations, Sue! Sounds like a tailor-made fit. All the best!