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S.C.V. History
February 10
2013 - Motion picture helicopter provider David Gibbs of Valencia and two others are killed in crash at Acton movie ranch; Hollywood's deadliest on-set incident since triple-fatal "Twilight Zone Movie" helicopter crash in Valencia in 1982 [report]
NTSB report on helicopter crash

Kaene Dean

Kaene Dean

A register sex offender from Saugus was sentenced Thursday to two years in prison for engaging in oral sex with a developmentally disabled minor, according to the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office.

Keane Dean, 26, of Saugus, was convicted of one count of oral copulation of a person under 16, said Ricardo Santiago of the D.A.’s office. He will also have to register as a sex offender for the duration of his lifetime.

The charge of performing a lewd act on a child was dismissed in court Thursday.

The parents of a young, developmentally disabled teenage girl reported her missing to the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station Tuesday, July 14, 2015, at 9:30 p.m. after they discovered her missing from home.

While patrol deputies searched the community, investigators checked her phone records.

Deputies called a phone number found on her phone records, and a man, later identified as Dean, answered the phone. He denied knowing the whereabouts of the missing girl.

Sheriff’s deputies went to the home of the suspect, where they were allowed inside by the suspect’s parents. Deputies soon found the victim inside the garage prior to 2 a.m.

The victim told deputies she had been befriended by the suspect the previous day while at a grocery store in the Santa Clarita area and that he had sexually assaulted her, according to sources.

Dean is a registered sex offender with a conviction for indecent exposure in the city of Glendale. He is serving parole for burglary.


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  1. Eric Baker says:

    Should have his penis chopped off, balls smashed with a sledge hammer, eyes gouged out, nose cut off, teeth pulled out, ears cut off, all fingers cut off and both legs mangled. Let him suffer for the rest of his life. All this AFTER he is tossed into general population.

  2. Brad Bergman says:

    That is it! 2 years…… SMH

  3. pig, bubba will get him

  4. Dave Lee says:

    If he’s a registered sex offender then it’s obviously not his 1st offense. Lock him up for good. Not a measly 2 years.

  5. Dk Persing says:

    What a sick piece of crap. I hope a “Lenny” type inmate does what he did to that girl to him so that he can have a taste of his own medicine. I also hope that the “Lenny” inmate will make this guy his prison girlfriend hahahaha

  6. Dan OConnell says:

    Despite his record as a repeat defender, he’ll probably be out in six months. This is only a slightly more stringent sentence than the guy who let his girlfriend go off a cliff and die in his car.

  7. Teri Cuadros says:

    Oh wow so he was on parole for burglary and a previous sex crime and still only got two years… Gross

  8. 2 years!!!!!! That’s it, Sick Bastard!

  9. Scott Parker says:

    Hang the bastard. We dont need to pay to house these kind of sick people.

  10. 2 years? Wow smh! Hopefully he gets what he deserves in prison and they put him in general pop.

  11. 2 years?!?!? That’s it?!??

  12. That’s california law for you! Pathetic!

  13. The girl was mentally disabled? That’s the first I’ve heard of it.

  14. THATS IT!!!??? No wonder people do this crap. The punishment is a joke.

  15. A slap on the wrist, sure hope Buba lets him know how it feels to be taken sexually advantage of

  16. Only two years he will do it again and maybe the next one won’t make it out alive lock the animal up for good

  17. Find out where he is going and drop a note………

  18. WTF justice did not prevail ??

  19. Where did this happen? Was he working when it happened?

  20. Sicko….life in or death!!

  21. 2 years… Makes me sick. He will be out in one.

  22. Ckay Walker says:

    Why only 2 very short years?????

  23. Is this because the young girl was developmentally disabled? Sickening. I hope prison will handle were we failed.

  24. Lynn Bronson says:

    Why is he still breathing?

  25. This guy should have his dick and balls removed from his body and fed to a pit bull.

  26. Linda Brown says:

    Jeanette I so agree with you 2 years is not enough

  27. Rocio Garcia says:

    People like this shouldn’t be close to children

  28. We know we’re he lives time will tell

  29. Only 2 years. Why so he can do it again. Why bother locking him up.

  30. No mention of him being an immigrant or his possible pending deportation? He is an immigrant illegal or legal No? If Slava Voynov is met with ICE after being released from prison this guy better get the same!


  31. Freak needs to be put down

  32. lock him up and throw away the key!

  33. John Diego says:

    Wow! That’ll teach him! The laws are a joke.

  34. Rich N Winni says:

    Two years, Really?! I suggest ALL sex offenders get tattooed: “Sex offender” on their forehead!!!
    Each time they look in the mirror, hopefully it reminds them of how sick & disgusting they are!
    The tattoo would be visible to the public and we can educate our children not to associate with them. Tattoos are permanent. These SICK sex offenders need to walk in shame!
    That’s where I would want my tax money to go toward: the tattoo since we can’t send these sick bastards in their own private island!

  35. 2 years? That’s all? 22 years would be more like it.

  36. This is just great:( something is very wrong with the system…he should be sent to prison for life…so sick…sick…sick

  37. Sadly he will be out of jail in a year but that poor victim will be permanently psychologically and emotionally devastated. He should have received the maximum prison time. Dang lenient judges need to be removed from the bench, their poor judgment make our communities that much unsafer. :(

  38. Eileen Gatica Pavia

  39. Lori Root says:

    Sex offenders do not change! 2 years only? If I was her parent, I would be waiting outside the prison the day he gets out.

  40. mboron says:

    The girl was in the garage of his parents’ house??
    They didn’t know it?? The whole family needs to be in jail! What does “prior to 2 AM” have to do with it?

  41. We need Alcatraz open for all these @×’#☆¤ sickos!!!!!

  42. scott says:

    2 years? U fokking WOT m8? The judge needs to be disbarred for this miscarriage of justice. He’s a REPEAT OFFENDER for crying out loud! This state is ass backwards in regards to criminal justice. Prison realignment and retroactive penalty reductions (AB109 and Prop 47) are doing nothing but putting criminals back on the streets and contributing to rising crime rates. Great job progressives!

  43. Adrienne Moe says:

    SMH, but luckily we have a task force to get illegal fruit off our streets!! When will people finally see the disgusting inequality in our “justice” system! We have people in prison doing more time for having weed on them!!!!! Ugh.

  44. Midi put a bullet in him

  45. How about lock him up with Bubba for life!!!

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