The Santa Clarita City Council recognized Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station deputies Chris Morgan, Tanner Sanchez and Mario Acosta Tuesday for their major role in helping keep local streets safe from drunken drivers.
Morgan, Sanchez and Acosta each received a certificate during the council’s regular meeting, where it was highlighted that the three men collectively made 56% of all DUI-related arrests in the city during 2018.
“Needless to say, those arrests saved a countless number of lives, and we can’t thank you enough,” Mayor Marsha McLean said.
The three deputies were also recognized by Mothers Against Drunk Drivers for their efforts to stop people from driving under the influence.
Morgan first joined the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department in 1999 and joined the SCV station in March 2008. As of the end of May, he has made a total of 1,514 DUI arrests and made 139 in 2018.
Sanchez has been with the Sheriff’s Department since 2014 and was assigned to the SCV station in April 2017. Since then, he has made 30 DUI arrests in the local area and 25 in 2018.
Acosta joined the department in 2015 and moved to the local station in April 2017. He has 74 related arrests under his belt since joining the SCV station, 54 of which were made last year.
For the 2018 calendar year, SCV deputies arrested 386 impaired drivers and 218 of that total were made by the three recognized Tuesday, according to station spokeswoman Shirley Miller.
Said SCV Sheriff’s Station Capt. Robert Lewis: “I am proud that we have such dedicated deputies who are passionate in keeping the Santa Clarita community safe.”
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