The Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency, or SCV Water, and Los Angeles County Waterworks District #36 have released their Annual Water Quality Report for 2018.
Also known as the Consumer Confidence Report, the report describes in detail the quality of local water supplies in the Santa Clarita Valley in 2017.
SCV Water and Waterworks District #36 continuously work to ensure residents have access to a reliable supply of high quality water at a reasonable price.
The State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water requires water agencies to provide all customers an annual report on the quality of drinking water and to show how it meets federal and state drinking water standards.
There is an additional explanation of the requirements and test results in the report.
Due to a change in the law and a desire to save our ratepayers money, SCV Water is posting the report on its website and mailing notices of its availability to customers.
To view the 2018 Annual Water Quality Report, CLICK HERE.
Paper copies of the 2018 Water Quality Report can be obtained by contacting SCV Water, or your water retail division identified in the report.
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