The city of Santa Clarita invites non-profit organizations interested in learning more about the 2023 grant cycle of the Community Services and Arts Grants Program to a webinar via Zoom on Wednesday, Sept. 21, at 10:30 a.m.
The Community Services and Arts Grants Program will once again make funds available to non-profit organizations that provide community and arts services to Santa Clarita residents. For the 2023 grant cycle, the Santa Clarita City Council has increased the available funding amount to $200,000 to help support one-time projects, program enhancements and pilot programs.
This meeting is highly recommended for all non-profit agencies interested in applying for grant funds. The meeting will include details about the grant program, timeline, funding eligibility, grant categories and other criteria. Participants will also be given time to ask questions and receive answers from panelists Phil Lantis, Arts and Events Manager, and Amy Seyerle, Management Analyst.
The 2023 Grant Application Packet will be released on the same day, Sept. 21, and will be available online.
To participate using Zoom, use Webinar ID: 823 1224 6991 and Passcode: 574125
Zoom Webinar direct link.
For more information on the City’s Community Services and Arts Grant Program, including required materials, submission guidelines and more, contact Katrina Fernandez at (661) 286-4165 or visit the website.

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