As part of an ongoing workshop series for family caregivers, College of the Canyons and the Santa Clarita Valley Senior Center will host a caregivers’ workshop at the Senior Center in Newhall on Saturday, September 30 from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
The “Coping with Caregiving: Part One – Essentials for Self-Care for Caregivers” workshop is designed to help caregivers learn to better care for themselves, and those receiving their care.
In this workshop, led by Jerome Front, LMFT, participants will explore mindfulness for caregivers, learning techniques to manage stress, build resiliency and improve interpersonal skills.
Being a caregiver in a family can sometimes feel like a draining and relentless emotional roller coaster. This stress can lead to emotional reactivity, escalation, impatience, and even a feeling of burn-out when family members and professional caregivers are stretched to their limits in every way.
This workshop will help caregivers identify aspects of stress. Participants will learn how to use mindfulness for self-care, for managing stress, and simple ways to pass it along to those you care for. By using an active, experiential learning process, participants will practice mindfulness together, discuss it, and learn more about the basics.
The workshop will touch on current research, but more importantly, in down-to-earth language, will outline practical ways caregivers can use mindfulness for themselves and those they care for.
Workshop Learning Objectives
Participants will learn how to:
1) Identify parts of the stress cycle;
2) List three aspects to mindfulness practice for reducing stress;
3) Discuss ways mindfulness can positively affect interpersonal caregiver situations;
4) Create their own regular mindfulness practice for self-care
About the Presenter
Jerome Front is a year-round Adjunct Faculty member in The Graduate School of Clinical Psychology at Pepperdine since 1999, where he has taught multiple courses, including creating the “Mindfulness & Psychotherapy” Course which was countable towards Graduate Degree Credit. He has attended three eight-day, group trainings on Mindfulness for helping professionals taught by Jon Kabat-Zinn, beginning in 1997.
A Licensed Marriage, Family and Child Therapist, Front also teaches three weekly meditation classes, and has a clinical private-practice in Studio City, since 1994. For the past 20 years, he has led the experiential mindfulness training called the “Mindful Retreat Workshop” in Malibu, as well as leading an annual weekend Continuing Education Mindfulness Retreat, called “Mindfulness in Deep Relationship” at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, since 1999.
To register for the workshop, call 661-361-3118 or click here.
“Coping with Caregiving Part Two” is slated for October 21, and the “ABCs of Long-Term Care Options will follow on November 18, also at the Senior Center at the same times.
The SCV Senior Center is located at 22900 Market Street, Newhall 91321.
For more information, contact Paul Wickline at 661-362-3152 or
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