Photo: Brian Cypher/Defenders of Wildlife
Caltrans and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife remind motorists to remain alert for wildlife on roadways during Watch Out for Wildlife Week, which runs September 18-24.
“Drivers can improve their own safety by simply slowing down and remaining alert while driving,” said Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty. “We are committed to safety while being mindful of the environment, using signage, fencing, and undercrossings to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions along roadways, especially in wildlife corridors.”
“Between now and December, deer and other wildlife are more susceptible than usual to vehicle collisions,” said Marc Kenyon, CDFW’s Human-Wildlife Conflict Program Manager.
“Soon, deer will start their annual migrations to winter range, bucks will be preoccupied competing for mates, and bears will be searching for food in preparation for hibernation,” Kenyon said. “Such natural behaviors can lead these animals into the way of unsuspecting drivers. Drivers can prevent collisions with animals by being careful and paying attention.”
Wildlife experts offer the following tips for motorists:
· Reducing your speed will increase your response time to avoid colliding with a crossing animal. Photo courtesy of Caltrans.Be especially alert when driving in wildlife areas, and reduce your speed so you can react safely.
· Pay particular attention when driving during the morning and evening, as wildlife are most active during these times.
· If you see an animal cross the road, know that others may be following.
· Don’t litter. The odors may entice animals to venture near roadways.
The Watch Out for Wildlife campaign is supported by Caltrans, CDFW, Defenders of Wildlife, and the Road Ecology Center at the University of California, Davis.
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1 Comment
so Sad – so Much Wilderness taken Away from Wild Life ” Animal’s ” I Miss the Beauty of Seeing Wild Life while enjoying Nature !!!