SACRAMENTO – To help reduce collisions with animals and birds, Caltrans and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife remind motorists to be on the lookout during “Watch Out for Wildlife Week” Sept. 16–22.
“With every project we build, we look for innovative ways to protect drivers and wildlife,” said Caltrans Director Laurie Berman. “That can be as simple as installing flashing warning signs or putting in specialized fencing and crossings to provide wildlife with safe passages. Drivers can make a difference too, just by staying alert.”
“Watch Out for Wildlife Week” coincides with the season when California’s deer and elk migrate and look for mates, and the state’s roadways often cut through these animals’ migration routes.
It’s vital that drivers be especially alert now through December to avoid collisions with wildlife. These crashes not only harm wildlife, but collisions with large animals can damage vehicles and cause injury and death to drivers and passengers.
“In the fall, wildlife exhibit natural behaviors that can lead them to more unpredictable movements, and nearer to humans and roadways,” said Vicky Monroe, CDFW statewide conflict programs coordinator.
“Deer, bears and other wildlife are most likely to be killed or injured by vehicle collisions between September and December,” Monroe said. “Bucks fight for mates during the breeding season, does travel more with their fawns, and many deer herds migrate to their winter ranges. Black bears travel farther for food as they enter a period of excessive eating and drinking to fatten up for hibernation.”
According to the California Highway Patrol, 12 people died and 383 people were injured in 2,134 collisions with wildlife on state, county and local roadways throughout California in 2017.
Wildlife experts offer the following tips for motorists:
* Be extra alert when driving near areas wildlife frequent, such as streams and rivers, and reduce your speed so you can react safely.
* Pay extra attention driving during the morning and evening when wildlife are often most active.
* If you see an animal on or near the road, know that another may be following.
* Don’t litter. Trash odors can attract animals to roadways.
* Pay attention to road shoulders. Look for movement or reflecting eyes. Slow down and honk your horn if you see an animal on or near the road.
The “Watch Out for Wildlife” campaign is supported by Caltrans, CDFW, Defenders of Wildlife, and the Road Ecology Center at the University of California, Davis.

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