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Today in
S.C.V. History
February 19
1803 - Indigenous family members removed from Caamulus (Camulos) village, Piru area, are baptized at San Fernando Mission [record]

Officials: 2017 California Fire Season “Most Expensive Ever”
Tuesday, Jan 9, 2018

By Matthew Renda (CN) – With rain finally headed toward Southern California this week, the state’s worst wildfire season ever may finally end if precipitation snuffs out what’s left of the largest fire in California history still smoldering in the back country. The complete containment of the last...

Officials Lift Mandatory Evacs in Burn Areas

In a continuing effort to efficiently work with partnering governmental agencies to ensure safety for the residents, business partners and animals in the areas we serve, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department acts as the Regional Mutual Aid Area Coordinator. In preparation for potential hazards...

Road Closures, Mandatory Evacs for Creek, Fish Fires Burn Areas
Monday, Jan 8, 2018

Creek Fire Mandatory evacuations are issued for the following areas to approximately 300 residences (homes, not residents as previously posted) : Kagel Canyon, Lopez Canyon, and Little Tujunga Canyon. Fish Fire Mandatory Evacuations in the area of Brookridge Road and Mel Canyon Road, in the city of Duarte...

Feinstein, Harris Press Trump to Declare So Cal Wildfires Major Disaster
Thursday, Dec 21, 2017

Washington—Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala D. Harris (both D-Calif.) Thursday called on President Trump to declare the Southern California wildfires a major disaster and make federal assistance available to wildfire victims. “We strongly support Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.’s request for a...

Ralphs Pitches In to Aid Wildfire Victims
Monday, Dec 18, 2017

Ralphs Grocery Company will collect donations at check stands in all of its supermarkets to help the victims, families and communities in Southern California affected by the recent wildfires, the company announced today. Customers can support the relief efforts to bring aid to victims of the wildfires...

Local School Collecting Clothes, Toys for Creek Fire Victims
Thursday, Dec 14, 2017

Castaic Elementary School is collecting gently used children’s clothing and toys for the victims of the Creek Fire in Sylmar. “We have had an overwhelming response of donations,” said Principal Stephanie Beach. “So much so, we’ve had to open up a second drop-off point at...

Assistance Center for LA Wildfire Victims Opens Tuesday
Monday, Dec 11, 2017

The county and city of Los Angeles will open a local assistance center for victims of the recent wildfires on Tuesday, December 12 that will operate daily through Saturday, December 16. On Tuesday through Friday, the center will open at noon and the last entry will be at 8 p.m. On Saturday, doors will...

Rye Fire 93 Percent Contained, Creek Fire Nearly Out
Sunday, Dec 10, 2017

The Rye Fire is 93 percent contained and the Creek Fire is 95 percent contained, according to a Sunday evening update from CalFire and the Los Angeles County Fire Department. #RyeFire The Rye Fire stands at 6,049 acres burned. No evacuations or road closures are in effect. One firefighter was injured,...

Rye Fire 50 Percent Contained, Creek Fire 70 Percent Contained
Friday, Dec 8, 2017

CalFire and the Los Angeles County Fire Department updated residents on the status of the Rye Fire and Creek Fire, as well as evacuation locations and road closures as of Friday at 6 p.m. County and local firefighters, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies, along with other police agencies, county...

United Way Sets Up Funds for Fire Victims

Wildfires are currently devastating regions of Southern California – with hundreds of thousands of acres destroyed and people displaced – from Ventura County to San Diego. United Way of Greater Los Angeles has set up the Southern California Wildfire Fund to help victims of these fires rebuild their...

Newest Additions to SCVNews.com
1803 - Indigenous family members removed from Caamulus (Camulos) village, Piru area, are baptized at San Fernando Mission [record]
From Malibu to the South Bay, winter storms have washed large amounts of timber, twisted metals and other debris, as well as charred silt and sediment, from recent wildfires onto Los Angeles County beaches.
Debris Cleanup, Sediment Testing Ongoing at L.A. County Beaches
California Institute of the Arts presents "Work From Home," a postgrad group show Feb. 22-March 22 at The Reef LA.
CalArts Exhibit ‘Work From Home’ at The Reef LA
Joshua trees are only pollinated by yucca moths, but how do the moths know when it is time to pollinate? That is what Pryce Millikin, a California State University, Northridge biology graduate student, is trying to figure out, and he’s asking the public to help.
CSUN Master’s Student Asks Public Help to Collect Joshua Tree Data
Finally Family Homes has announced a free Housing Authority Seminar & Community Workshop designed to educate renters, landlords, property owners and management companies about housing rights and responsibilities. The seminar will be held Saturday, March 1.
March 1: Finally Family Homes Offers Free Housing Authority Seminar
The Castaic Union School District Board of Trustees will host a special meeting at noon on Wednesday, Feb. 19 to approve updated job descriptions for elementary school and middle school principals, assistant principals and the executive assistant to the superintendent.
Feb. 19: Castaic Board Special Meeting to Approve Updated Job Descriptions
Head Coach Monte Brooks has never seen what he saw Saturday, Feb. 15. In each game of a doubleheader against Cal Poly Pomona, The Master's University batters hit a walk-off home run to win each game.
Two Walk-Off Bombs Complete Sweep for Mustangs
Marston’s Restaurant is hosting an all-day (breakfast, lunch, dinner and take-out) fundraiser on Thursday, Feb. 20, for Carousel Ranch’s Annual “Carousel Wishes & Valentine Kisses” campaign.
Feb. 20: Marston’s Restaurant Fundraiser for Carousel Ranch
Members of the Santa Clarita Valley Council of Knights of Columbus recently donated children's jackets to the Child & Family Center in Santa Clarita.
Child & Family Center Seeks Donations for Families
College of the Canyons track and field posted another strong showing to begin the 2025 season, this time combining for four wins and six second-place results at the Pirate Invitational hosted by Ventura College on Saturday, Feb. 15.
Canyons Track Teams Finish Top Five at Pirate Invite
The city of Santa Clarita Film Office has released the list of eight productions currently filming in the Santa Clarita Valley for the week of Monday, Feb. 17 to Sunday, Feb. 23.
Feb. 17-23: Filming This Week in the SCV
Median rental prices in Santa Clarita climbed 5.9% in January, the second-highest increase in the Los Angeles metro area according to a report prepared by Zumper Los Angeles, an online rental platform.
Zumper Los Angeles Reports Santa Clarita has 10th Highest Rent
The city of Santa Clarita is wranglin’ volunteers for the upcoming Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival to be held Saturday and Sunday, April 12-13 at William S. Hart Park in Newhall.
Volunteers Needed for Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival
1955 - Actor and nightclub owner Ace Cain incorporates the Rocky Springs Country Club in Sand Canyon [story]
Ace Cain
Tax season is here and the California State University, Northridge’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program is operating at 15 different sites throughout Los Angeles county, ready to assist low-income taxpayers.
CSUN VITA Clinic Offering Free Tax Preparation Services
California State University, Northridge’s Institute for Sustainability is collaborating with Conservation Concierges, as well as CSUN’s Department of Geography and Environmental Studies and the College of Social and Behavioral Studies to host a wildfire lecture and career symposium, 2:30 p.m. Friday, March 7.
March 7: CSUN Wildfire Symposium on Environmental Education, Employment
The Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency will hold its regular board meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 18 starting at 6 p.m.
Feb. 18: Santa Clarita Water Agency Regular Meeting
Spring is here, and there’s no better time to explore everything Santa Clarita has to offer. Whether you’re looking to try a new hobby, sign your child up for sports or discover recreational opportunities near you, the city’s Seasons magazine is your ultimate guide.
Ken Striplin | Your Guide to an Exciting Spring in Santa Clarita
With grocery prices having risen more than 25% over the past five years, the personal-finance website WalletHub has released its report on the "States Where People Spend the Most & Least on Groceries" to offer insight into where Americans are having the most trouble affording food.
Wallethub: States Where People Spend More on Groceries
Guitars for Vets Newhall Chapter has announced a Celebration Day, 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21 to recognize three of its veterans who have successfully completed 11-week guitar instruction program.
Feb. 21: Guitars For Vets Celebration Day
The Santa Clarita Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 6 p.m., in City Hall Council Chambers. It will consider an application for a new Verizon Wireless facility.
Feb. 18: Planning Commission to Consider New Verizon Facility
Sponsorship opportunities and tickets are now available for Vine 2 Wine, Circle of Hope’s signature wine-tasting event which will be held 6:30 p.m. Saturday, March 22 at the Sand Canyon Country Club.
March 22: Circle of Hope’s Vine 2 Wine Sponsorships Available
The regular meeting of the William S. Hart Union High School District’s Governing Board of Trustees will be held Wednesday, Feb. 19, beginning with a closed session at 6:15 p.m., followed by an open session at 7 p.m.
Feb. 19: Hart Board Public Hearing on Initial Teachers Union, District Proposals
The Santa Clarita Symphony Orchestra invites music lovers and Broadway enthusiasts to its Broadway Classics concert at 4 p.m., Sunday, March 16 at Canyon High School Performing Arts Center.
March 16: Santa Clarita Symphony Presents Broadway Classics Concert