Last week, Sen. Scott Wilk, (R-Antelope Valley), introduced legislation – Senate Bill 1452 – in a move to bring a Global War on Terror Memorial to California.
“The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have taken a serious toll on California families,” said Wilk. “Nearly 800 of our bravest and brightest young men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice on the battlefields of the Middle East since September 11, 2001. This bill is the first step toward creating a memorial to forever recognize these warriors and the gratitude we all have for their selfless service to our state and nation.”
The bill will create a committee of experts to study the best practices for the development, funding and construction of the project; the first step in a process that mirrors the successful pathway taken by legislators following the war in Vietnam which led to the completion of the California Vietnam Veterans Memorial in the California State Capitol Park in Sacramento.
“Memorializing these fallen heroes is the least we can do and it is with a somber sense of pride that I introduce this legislation,” said Wilk. “Whatever our opinions of the underlying conflicts may be, there is no disputing that these Californians paid the greatest price for us all and that their actions are deserving of our highest appreciation, respect and, certainly, of a memorial in our State Capitol Park.”
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Gee Scott, how can anyone oppose this kind of Requiem for our engaged and fallen brethren.
I cannot do so. I can point out that you yourself are not one of those people. I can also point out that you are the elected representative of those who have served, and of those parents who have lost loved ones in service to our country.
I would ask you to do the same thing for your represented citizens of this district: stop the completely ridiculous pretention that the new Water District is just the same old thing.
It is not, the same old thing. And you are the person who wears that hat where it comes to the world of Santa Clarita and it’s water.
You should wear that hat proudly, and explain to your constituents just how the new Water World will improve their lives. And then stand up and continue to explain how that works when they realize that you and the local power brokers have spavined the system in order to make CLWA our new Lords of Water.
Scott, really – is this exactly what we need?
How about roads, mass transit, finally solving homelessness?
Geesh, another token political ploy.
Very appropriate ?
Let’s get real and truthful, Scott. Bush’s invasion of Iraq, an unarmed country that was not a threat to us and had absolutely nothing to do with the horrific events of 9/11/2001, was and is a war crime of the highest magnitude. We hanged Nazis for much less following WW2.
Now you want monuments to memorialize those who contributed to the slaughter of a million innocents. Shame on you. Shame on us all for allowing it to happen.