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The Honorable Board of Supervisors
               April 28, 2020
               Page 2

               As a result, the economy has experienced severe shocks, including significant stock
               market volatility.   Local businesses and employment have been hurt by declines in
               consumer and business spending.         Cancelled tourism, conferences, sporting events,
               concerts, and other large-scale gatherings, have contributed to the economic damage.
               Many economists believe that a recession has already taken hold.

               We now anticipate that several revenue sources will be impacted by decreased spending
               in the local economy, including sales and use tax collected in the unincorporated areas,
               Proposition 172 Public Safety Sales Tax, Realignment Sales Tax, Measure H Sales Tax,
               and Hotel Tax (Transient Occupancy Tax).            Ultimately, COVID-19’s impact to the
               County’s budget will depend on the severity and duration of the crisis.

               BUDGET OVERVIEW

               The FY 2020-21 Recommended Budget total of             $35.5 billion reflects a decrease of
               $594.2 million in total requirements when compared to the FY         2019-20 Final Adopted
               Budget.  General County funds, comprised of the General Fund and Hospital Enterprise
               Funds, reflect a decrease of $445.6 million.      Special Districts/Special Funds    reflect a
               decrease of $148.6 million.     The total number of budgeted positions will increase by
               113, bringing the total to 112,873 budgeted positions.

                     Fund Group                                   2020-21                            %
                    ($ in Billions)       Final Adopted       Recommended          Change        Change

                Total General County          $27.925             $27.479          ($0.446)        -1.6%

                Special Districts/               8.130              7.982           (0.148)        -1.8%
                Special Funds

                     Total Budget             $36.055             $35.461         ($0.594)*        -1.6%

                Budgeted Positions            112,760             112,873            113            0.1%

               *This decrease is primarily due to reductions in fund balances across all fund groups.
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