Page 4 - laco20200427budget
P. 4

The Honorable Board of Supervisors
               April 28, 2020
               Page 4

                      Antelope Valley Social Worker Bonus―Adds $6.7 million for DCFS, partially
                       offset by federal revenue, to continue to recruit and retain experienced children’s
                       social workers and supervising children’s social workers to geographically
                       hard-to-staff offices.

                      Adult Protective Services―Provides $5.0 million and 20 positions to the
                       Department of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services (WDACS)
                       to address an expected increase in caseloads, fully offset with 2011 Realignment
                       funding and federal funding.  These positions will provide a more targeted and
                       effective service approach for seniors in need.

                      Foster Care Assistance―Provides $33.0 million to DCFS for projected
                       placement rate increases, partially offset by a projected caseload
                       decrease.  Foster care assistance is  paid on behalf of children in out-of-home
                       placements who meet the eligibility requirements specified in applicable State and
                       federal regulations and laws.

                      Adoption Assistance Program (AAP) and Kinship Guardianship Assistance
                       Program (KinGAP)—Adds $31.8 million to DCFS for projected AAP and KinGAP
                       placement rate increases and caseload growth, partially offset with State and
                       federal revenue.  The AAP helps prospective adoptive parents meet additional
                       expenses of children, including those with special needs. KinGAP provides funding
                       to children and transition-age youth who leave the juvenile court dependency
                       system to live with a relative legal guardian.

                      Title IV-E Waiver―Reflects a $98.3 million decrease of federal revenue due to
                       the sunsetting of the Title IV-E Waiver,  offset by new federal Families First
                       Transition Act funding and prior-year one-time funding previously set aside in the
                       Provisional Financing Uses (PFU) budget unit.

               Affordable Housing and the Fight Against Homelessness

                      Affordable Housing―Provides $50.0 million of new one-time funding to reach a
                       total of $100.0 million for the development and preservation of affordable
                       housing.  The funding will support affordable housing for very low and extremely
                       low-income or homeless households, as well as other support services such as
                       rental assistance, rapid re-housing, homeownership, and move-in assistance.
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