Home of Lennie Paul Tracey where neighbor Anthony Jay Davis’ body was found Sept. 24, 2011. Photo: SCVTV
A Canyon Country man was sentenced to 50 years to life after being convicted of murdering his neighbor in September 2011.
Lennie Paul Tracey, 51, of Canyon Country, was sentenced Friday for the murder of Anthony Davis, who lived next door. Tracey also received 14 years for assault with a firearm.
The sentences must be served consecutively, according to a court official, which means that should he still be alive after he serves most of his life sentence, he will then have to serve time for his second count.
California’s sentencing guidelines mandate that those convicted of violent crimes must serve 85 percent of their sentence before they are eligible for parole, meaning Tracey will have to serve a minimum of 54 years.
The two men had a long running feud that boiled over Sept. 24, 2011, when Tracey shot Davis and then assaulted Davis’ wife.
Local deputies responded to calls of an assault with a deadly weapon back in September 2011, finding Davis lying on the ground outside of a house, with a gunshot wound. Paramedics pronounced him dead at the scene.
A jury convicted Tracey Nov. 7, 2012. He has been in jail in lieu of a $1 million bail since.
“(The jury) convicted (Tracey) of one count of first degree murder, and the jurors found that he personally and intentionally discharged the firearm that killed his neighbor,” according to Sandi Gibbons, spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.
“They also convicted Tracey of assault with a firearm, against (his neighbor’s wife),” Gibbons said. [Where the murder occurred, in Google Maps]
Calypso Lane is located off of Ermine Street in an otherwise quiet, tree-lined neighborhood of single-family homes.
Court records show Lennie Tracey’s only criminal history in Los Angeles County was a DUI conviction in 1997.
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