Canyon Country (East) Crime & Public Safety Report: Week of Jan. 23-29, 2017
Aggravated Assault- 27300 block of Sumac Court
During an argument, one neighbor pointed a handgun at another neighbor. After the police arrived, the suspect was arrested.
Residential Burglary- 27200 Rose Mallow Lane
Person(s) unknown entered the victim’s residence and stole jewelry and electronics.
Residential Burglary- 27900 block of Tyler Lane
Person(s) unknown entered the victim’s unlocked garage and stole a cell phone and electronic cigarette.
Arson- Oak Canyon Road / Soledad Canyon Road
It was determined by the Los Angeles County Fire Department that a vehicle near the above intersection was set ablaze intentionally. The incident is still under investigation.
Commercial Burglary- 16600 block of Soledad Canyon Road
Person(s) unknown shattered the front window to a business near the above location and stole the cash register which contained approximately $1000.00 in cash.
Aggravated Assault- 28300 block of Sand Canyon Road
One suspect was arrested for lunging at the victim with a screwdriver during an argument.
Vehicle Burglary- Jakes Way /Daniel Drive
Approximately 15 vehicles parked near the above location were broken into. All vehicles had property taken from within. These incidents are currently under investigation.
If you see or suspect a crime is being committed, pay particular attention to the features of the offender(s) and any vehicles involved. Try to be prepared to provide at least the following about the offenders:
When reporting a crime by telephone, remain on the phone until the dispatcher is fully briefed with all the information necessary to dispatch the appropriate response personnel to the scene.
1. Age, race, height, and weight;
2. Hair color and style, beard and mustache;
3. Notable characteristics (acne, scars, glasses mental state, etc.)
4. Clothing description;
5. Location where last seen;
6. Last known direction of travel;
7. Vehicle description and distinctive markings.
Witnesses who wish to remain anonymous may do so. It is more important that a response be dispatched as quickly as possible.
As always, please call or email me if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Deputy Jonathan Wilson
661-255-1121 EXT. 5159
Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Twitter @SCVSheriff http://www.twitter.com/scvsheriff
SCV Station Homepage - http://www.santaclarita.lasd.org
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/SantaClaritaValleySheriffsStation
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