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March 31
1870 - George Gleason & partners apply for patent on gold lode in Soledad Canyon [story]
gold mining

Commission will also reconsider AT&T's proposal to put cell-phone towers in Canyon Country Park.
| Friday, Dec 21, 2012

walmart092712cThe Santa Clarita Planning Commission will consider Westfield’s request for changes to the Valencia Town Center mall to accommodate a Walmart grocery store, when the commission holds its first regular meeting of 2013.

A Walmart Neighborhood Market would be the Arkansas retailer’s fifth store presence in the Santa Clarita Valley, which already sports three regular Walmart stores and one Walmart-owned Sam’s Club membership outlet.

Development plans were initially slated for commission review in October, but mall owner Westfield Town Center Venture LP wasn’t ready to go.

Now it is. Westfield intends to put the grocery store into a vacant, 30,399-square-foot space in the Patios section of the  mall, and Westfield is asking the city to let it redesign the vehicular entry at Valencia Boulevard, the parking lot south of the Patios, and the parking lot south of Sears.

walmart092712bIt’s also seeking approval for new shopping cart return areas, an elevated loading dock, and architectural changes to the outside of the building.

The commission will hold a public hearing on the plans Jan. 15 starting at 6 p.m. at City Hall, 23920 W. Valencia Blvd.

At the same meeting, commissioners will reconsider a request from AT&T Mobility to erect two new cell-phone towers inside Canyon Country Park.

Plans call for the replacement of two existing, 22.5-foot-tall light poles with two new light poles that would be topped with cell phone antennas at a total maximum height of 36 feet.

The new poles and a new trash enclosure would be contained within a single structure that’s intended to match the look of other structures in the park.

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  1. TAC says:

    Putting a Walmart grocery store in the patios is the best retailer westfield can come up with? so pathetic. what does that say about valencia? thought the Patios was supposed to be a high end retail environment? but let’s forget about that aspect, which is really more embarrassing than anything, for now, and focus on the awful parking design that supports (or doesn’t support) the Patios. unless westfield is planning a major parking structure, parking and traffic will continue to be bad.

  2. TAC says:

    But then, sure the same city bozos who approved Trader Joes moving and taking over that new space next to best Buy (without revamping parking & traffic) a few years ago, will blindly approve Walmart’s expansion.

  3. anon says:

    A grocery store at the mall??? Classy choice, Westfield! Why did they bother with the Patios if they
    are going to add a Walmart grocery store? Just one more reason for me
    to dislike this shopping center. People in Santa Clarita can drive to the other 3 Walmarts within a 5 mile radius
    for their groceries.

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