Continuing the push to rebuild and maintain California’s infrastructure, the California Transportation Commission has allocated nearly $593 million to 124 transportation projects that will alleviate traffic delays, repair aging roads and bridges and encourage bicycling and walking.
“These projects will help us maintain and modernize California’s transportation system,” said Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty. “Each of these projects is an opportunity to improve safety, goods movement and access and mobility for all travelers in California.”
The newly allocated funding includes $391.7 million from the State Highway Operation and Protection Program for 31 projects that will maintain and preserve the investment in the state highway system and its supporting infrastructure.
These capital improvements consist of projects covering maintenance, pavement repair and rehabilitation, safety improvements and upgrades to bridges throughout the state.
Allocations also include:
· $75 million for 12 Traffic Congestion Relief Program projects that will relieve congestion, connect transportation systems and provide for better goods movement
· $42.7 million from the Active Transportation Program for 53 biking and pedestrian projects
· $30.8 million for four Transit and Intercity Rail Program projects
· $28 million for 22 capital improvement projects both on and off the state highway system as part of the State Transportation Improvement Program
· The remaining $24 million in allocations came from various state and federal transportation accounts.
Among the projects that received funding allocations today were:
· $117.6 million for pavement, median barrier, and traffic monitoring system improvements in the cities of Bell, Vernon, Commerce and Los Angeles.
· $31.1 million for construction of auxiliary lanes, realign loop connectors and improve traffic light signals on southbound I-110 off-ramps in Los Angeles County.
· $8.8 million for construction of one High Occupancy Vehicle lane between San Bernardino Freeway (I-10) and Pomona Freeway (SR-60).
· $2 million for street, sidewalk and lighting improvements in the city of Los Angeles.
SB 1, passed by the state Legislature and signed by Governor Brown in April, will soon take effect and provide the first significant and stable increase in state transportation funding in more than two decades. Caltrans, along with the CTC, is committed to making investments into California’s infrastructure system efficiently and effectively, and putting those dollars to work as soon as possible.
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Funny how the Governer of the same State Gov’t that’s been scamming the gas tax money into the General Fund that was slated for road Infastructure for twenty plus years now tries to look like the Hero; “SB 1, passed by the state Legislature and signed by Governor Brown in April, will soon take effect and provide the first significant and stable increase in state transportation funding in more than two decades. Caltrans, along with the CTC, is committed to making investments into California’s infrastructure.” And the Press never called the State on it for accountability to Taxpayers.. Shame.
My hope is they will be honest and use that money as intended…It seems like so many times it doesn’t…