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1850 - Henry Mayo Newhall arrives in California [story]

Homeowners in Castaic’s Hillcrest community “just said no” to a fee increase the county Parks Department said it needed to maintain landscaping in public rights-of-way at current levels.

In May the Board of Supervisors set a Proposition 218 hearing for June 24. Under Proposition 218, property owners have a right to give thumbs-up or thumbs-down to special fees that are levied through property taxes.

A majority vote was needed for the increase. Ballots were mailed to property owners, and the “proposed increase assessment failed to pass,”  according to a notice from the Parks Department.

Parks staff had said the additional money was needed “to keep pace with the increasing costs of utilities, labor, and materials used in providing continued landscaping and maintenance services.”

Without it, officials said, landscaping maintenance would be curtailed “to include only the center medians and parkway panels on Hillcrest Drive.”

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  1. It is about time to say no to these constant property tax increases/end runs around Prop. 13.

  2. It is about time to say no to these constant property tax increases/end runs around Prop. 13.

  3. Sandy Devis Holguin and Tracy Linkes

  4. Sandy Devis Holguin and Tracy Linkes

  5. John Brooks says:

    Unfortunately there are many green belts throughout Hillcrest that will now be the responsibility of the private homeowners. If they are unwilling or unable to keep up the maintenance all the property values in Hillcrest will decrease.

  6. They tried this in our subdivision, wanted to take over our HOA funds to spread the money to other parts of the area. Told them to take a hike. We pay enough with the HOA fees this would have doubled our monthly fee to pay for someone else’s street!

  7. msc545 says:

    Utility costs have not increased – as usual, the government agency just wants more money.

  8. Dee Dee says:

    Everyone needs to stick together and start saying No. They were charging Valencia HOA and a fee of $400 a month called Melorose (spelling might be wrong) for what! It’s ridiculous . The more you make, the more they take. Stand up for your rights. Good Job Castaic residents. You Rock.

    • Chad Holzer says:

      Mela-roos are different from a landscape maintenance contract. LA is no longer taking care of the area. It needs to be done! otherwise, the neighborhood values will decrease and you will be responsible for the maintenace yourself. So, Castic residents… good job for not caring about your neighborhood

    • Dee Dee says:

      Actually I live in Castaic , by the mountains , a few years ago when the hills needed cleaning, I called the Fire Dept. Told them it was a fire hazard, they located the owner of the land. He sent out a crew and cleared all the brush. All done without paying $400 Mela-Roos . God Bless you Mr Chad, we do care in Castaic

    • Dee Dee says:

      Actually I live in Castaic , by the mountains , a few years ago when the hills needed cleaning, I called the Fire Dept. Told them it was a fire hazard, they located the owner of the land. He sent out a crew and cleared all the brush. All done without paying $400 Mela-Roos . God Bless you Mr Chad, we do care in Castaic

  9. Steve says:

    I have been a resident there for 16 years and its been a constant battle to get them to maintain the common areas. Rodent infestation and overgrowth is the norm with these people. They only come and trim when you got to the district office and scream. What happened to my and everyone else’s $250 a year they collected for maintenance

  10. GK says:

    The measure failed and now the county is saying their are going to STOP ALL maintenance in the Hillcrest Park area!

    If you live in Hillcrest Park – join our conversation online:


  11. Can anyone tell me the boundaries of the zone Hillcrest is in? I live off of Hillcrest and we don’t have center medians any where near us…just landscape on Hillcrest.

    • Laura says:

      As you drive up Hillcrest from The Old Road, Jackie, there is a short median with grass and trees. I think that’s the one we are talking about. I echo GK’s recommendation: if you live in the area, join the Nextdoor website so those of us who will be impacted can discuss the issue.

  12. They probably want the money for all the new projects at Central Park and Rivendale.

  13. Now they will be handing over the maintenance of hillsides to owners. There wasn’t enough money for one person to keep the landscaping and care up. Good luck to everyone keeping things looking nice on your own!

  14. There goes the neighborhood.

  15. LOL Shawna Hamann-Suffredini I was just about to say that!

  16. Steve says:

    What about irrigation?

    • Laura says:

      Steve, each homeowner would be responsible for their own irrigation for areas that are now being watered by the county and paid for by our assessments.

      • Anonymous says:

        So I am perfectly clear they will continue to tax us for common area maintenance however we will be paying for water and maintenance. I’m in the wrong business. Reminds me of mafia tactics

  17. This is not good. Huge hillside at our property edge

  18. If you actually live in Hillcrest Park – and care about your neighborhood – please join the discussion online: https://nextdoor.com/invite/jsksbnmnrensnwxpeswa

    This is not so much a tax increase, as opposed to a pretty important service that will keep our neighborhood looking good. Of the 900 or so homes in the Hillcrest Park area, only 360 homeowners participated in the last vote. 240 against – 140 for the measure.

    We’ve heard that the County plans to STOP ALL landscape maintenance in the Hillcrest Park area. If this is truly going to be the case – property values will more than likely fall, insurance rates may skyrocket…

    Btw, the proposed increase was about $30 per month – a small price to pay for what will happen to the neighborhood.

    Again – I urge all Hillcrest residences to join the conversation and do what is best for our community:


  19. Most of us don’t have hillsides! It’s time you get off your laziness and take care of your own hills! My vote is still NO! The money will just be used somewhere other than Hillcrest Park! Wake up and smell the coffee people

    • Hi Rich –
      Whether you have a hillside or not, if you live in Hillcrest Park, this measure will have a negative impact on your home’s property value, as well as potential for a significant increase in homeowner insurance. Currently, the county has stopped maintaining the hillsides and are only doing Hillcrest Parkway, which will also stop if nothing is done.

  20. Kelly Ross says:

    Wow Rich!! Great thinking.

    I bought my home knowing my taxes are paying the maintaince and water of our slope off the parkway and now you feel since you don’t have a county maintained slope that we should cover at our own expense the maintaince and water and still pay the price in our taxes. Hopefully they won’t decide you have to pay extra for your kids to go to school or the fire department to come save your home or your life if needed.
    You say “My vote is still NO!”. Lucky you. You got to vote….
    I hope you will be happy when all the slopes around Hillcrest are dried out and on fire and our property values are falling.

  21. I’m not buying the negative impact on my home’s property value. And I’d rather pay my homeowners insurance a little more money than anybody else more taxes! My vote will still be NO

  22. I did not receive a ballot to vote, I wonder how many others had their ballots “lost in the mail”?

  23. BK says:

    I love the “maintain the center median landscape”. That’s one small stretch of grass at the bottom of Hillcrest. Time to stop being fleeced!!!

  24. Now why did they need an additional $27,000 per month? Extra personnel or equipment? Why don’t you ask them what this money is for. It shouldn’t be for some other project!

  25. Dave says:

    I think that a lot of us would be willing to pay if it was verified to be necesary and appropriate. $30/mo is $360 per year. If that amount is multipled by all the hundreds of residences the number seems way more than the cost of inflation. What assurances do we have that increase is appropriate? We need to see numbers! Numbers wouldn’t be hard to produce and should be required BEFORE ANYONE stops providing services that will impact our home values and even more important, fire hazards.

  26. Please let us know whatever is going on. How can we vote if we have no knowledge about it .

  27. Hear The Facts says:

    All I have to say is have fun taking care of the slopes and brush clearance behind your homes. Whether you have a planted slope or a natural area behind your home or if you don’t have anything behind your home you still have all the common area landscape up and down Hillcrest Parkway that needs to be taken care of and watered. I don’t think most of the people that live here know but in my paper work it states that my property extends out onto the slope areas, however I signed a document that says that it is for ingress and Egress only and that I have granted the easement to the Los Angeles County and I can not do anything on this portion of land, Read before you sign People.

    There are several Landscape water meters that water these areas, have you not heard on the news that the price of water, gas, power, etc has gone up? Have you not noticed that your utilities at home have gone up, and your water usage will go up even more know that you are going to have to water the landscape on the slope behind your home? Ooooo by the way also since the areas behind are homes belong to us that means when it is time to clear the brush for fire season we will be calling ourselves to clear it or call someone and pay them to clear Ian’s if not guess who will be liable if someone’s house burns down because we did not comply with the fire department brush clearance.

    It is ashame that people are so quick to react without looking at the bigger picture. Come on people do the math the assessments that we are paying where back from 20 years ago and I am sorry to tell you all if you have not noticed the price of EVERYTHING HAS GONE UP.

  28. Hear The Facts says:

    Also I see people saying that the money will be used else where, the money that is collected for our Landscape Maintenance District can only be used on us, that’s right no where else. do the research.

  29. Dave says:

    So Hear the Facts says that there has been no increase in 20 years? I’m sorry but I doubt that. The government never gives up a chance to have a tax increase.

    Even if it is true all that I’m saying is that we need numbers. I don’t think that’s too much to ask. I find it ridiculous that we would simply vote yes or no based on someone saying that they need my money. Heck, I’m going to going to my boss tomorrow and tell him that I need my money. The real world does not work like that.

    It sounds a lot like extortion to simply say give me more money or else I’m going to stop doing my job. Did we get an independent audit? Did they give us any facts? I’m a relatively new residents so excuse me if I’m not up to date on the latest information. All I know is that wherever I lived before we were given solid numbers before voting for an increase in any sort of fee.

    • Anonymous says:

      In the last 16 years of my residency here I can honestly count the number of times I have seen them working on both hands. They continue to assess us with nothing to show. My rear hill has not been touched by them in 3 years. But I pay every year. Where is the logic in that

  30. Hear The Facts says:

    The meeting that was held at the sports complex they explained everything and showed the facts. I got the notice about the meeting and got my ballot in the mail, and Anonymous that is why if I have a concern I call the number on my tax bill and they send someone out to look and address my concerns.

  31. Hear The Facts says:

    Dave, you say that it sounds like extortion to simply say give me more money or else, however the fact is that if you get 10 miles to a gallon of gas and your tank is on empty and you need to go 15 miles and only have enough money to by 1 gallon of gas, what are you going to do about getting the other 5 miles? WALK

  32. Hear The Facts says:

    Dave, extortion to me is not given the chance to vote or see the facts, such as the increase in gas tax, DMV tax , sales tax and so on.

  33. Kelly Ross says:

    I think what most people aren’t realizing is the huge amount of money the developers spent on the infrastructure to maintain the landscaping. Tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent on water mains, valves, timer control stations and Edison feeds. Once we allow this to be shut down and disconnected we will never able to get it up and running again without a huge expense that would be unrealistic.
    I believe we shouldn’t let them stonewall us and they should give us a more detailed accounting but we can’t let Hillcrest go to shambles. Also the vote should be put out to all homeowners not just a select few.
    Everyone should be made aware of the detrimental repercussions a no vote means to our community and home values. It’s too bad there is not enough money from our taxes to handle the expense but everything has gone up and we can’t realistically think landscape maintenance shouldn’t either.

    • Anonymous says:

      Kelly you have to be made aware that county fails miserably at maintaining the slopes at least by me they do. The mountain adjacent to my property still has not filled in and it’s been 16 years due to lack of irrigation. We were all bullied by the developer to sign the rights away to our slopes and told we may not even step foot on them let alone improve the landscaping and now myself and my neighbors are stuck with rodent infested overgrown trash. Tell my why I should give them a raise for horrible work

      • Kelly Ross says:

        Anonymous, I agree with all your points. My slope still has bare areas after 13 years and the water has been shut off for long periods of time. However we should have fought for the dissapproval of the services we receive a long time ago which is another topic instead of letting it all go to waste. I don’t think the maintenance crews are responsible for rodents and trash. You think it’s bad now just wait and see what no services will look like.

  34. Dave says:

    Well if Hear the Facts is telling the truth about the sport complex (which I don’t doubt he is) then it’s extortion because they gave us the numbers that I am talking about. (Provided the numbers are real which again I am likely to believe.)

    The question is what do we do now? Many of us did not know about voting either because we were not paying attention or not even here. (I know many new neighbors.) At this point what do we do? It seems that the proposal was turned down and that there’s nothing to do at this point.

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