State legislators released statements following the hike in the gas tax and vehicle registration fees.
After casting a ‘No” vote on Senate Bill 1 (SB1), Senator Scott Wilk, R-Antelope Valley, released the following excerpts from his floor statement. SB 1 is a $52 billion transportation tax increase which includes a hike in the gas tax and vehicle registration fees.
“When I came to office in 2012 our state budget was $99 billion and this year’s proposed budget is $125.2 billion, yet the Governor has not increased road funding by a single dime.
“We’re told this $52 billion proposal will go to roads. That is not true. Only 60% of the funds will be applied to road maintenance and there’s zero funding for expansion of lane capacity….
“…I co-authored a real transportation plan that dedicated billions to road construction and maintenance, contained reforms and accountability measures to ensure monies were spent as promised without raising taxes.
“SB 1 will punish my constituents and ALL but the wealthiest of Californians – those who can afford to live near where they work and who drive brand new, fuel-efficient vehicles.”
Senator Wilk is a co-author of the transportation plan that would dedicate $7.8 billion of existing money to road repair, without raising taxes.
Assemblyman Dante Acosta (R-Santa Clarita) issued the following statement on Friday in response to Sacramento Democrats passing the largest gas tax hike in California history:
“It’s disheartening to watch the supermajority of Capitol Democrats place the burden of their mismanagement squarely on the backs of the poor and middle class – there is clearly a huge disconnect between Sacramento Democrats and the people they are supposedly representing.”
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Absurd….California is a mess
Just California! !!!!!!!!!!!!
Absolutely ridiculous, stop funding illegals , then we wouldn’t need this extra taxes
Lmfaooo ??? SamSamuel Cruz
Tf ?
??idiot alert!!! Stop funding your dumb ass presidents vacations
You’re an idiot
Don’t Cry Santa Clarita you Libs voted jerry and his wrecking crew into office.
No we didn’t
The third-world invasion tax.
Need a list of those who voted for this tax so we know who to not vote for next year.
Jerry to California’s, is u is or is u ain’t my constituency…
O brother…we got us ole..timin…thieves..in..da..big..house…
How many times can we pay for the same roads to be fixed, and the money goes somewhere else!
To all who voted yes on the bill, I hope you all lose your seats in the next election. We, the people should have had a say in the tax hike and all you legislators know that most ( if not all ) of this tax money will not be used to improve our roads. We the citizens need to have a say about where our money is spent. All the money that we have voted for or been charged “fees” ( another word for tax ) for in the past has been diverted for projects that we, the people have had no say in.
Gov. Brown needs to go too!!!!
We are not for your gas hikes. You do not represent your people and need to use money for what it’s supposed to be used for. That’s why our gas tax is the highest in the nation already. Stop charging us more money when you have enough. Pete Knight had a much better idea. Start listening to your people.
$0.12 isn’t much and I wouldn’t have a problem with it if it indeed was assured that 99.9% would be used towards our infrastructure. The problem is, this bill alone won’t ensure all funds go towards repairing our roads!
Another thing, what happens to all tax money already being collected! As it is, California already pays one dollar more than any state in the nation, aside from Hawaii. We are robbed right before our eyes.
Something to consider: diesel vehicles (trucks) will pay a higher rate, I think .20 or .22 per gallon. How do grocery stores receive their goods? Chances are, by a truck that uses diesel fuel. How do Amazon purchases get delivered to us? Chances are, by a truck that uses diesel fuel. Companies aren’t going to eat this extra cost, we will pay more for food and other goods and services. Last November, voters chose to raise state sales taxes to pay for road repair. Mayor Garcetti is already gleefully planning to divert those voter approved funds for projects other than road repair now that Governor Brown and his cohorts decided to ram this new tax increase down our throats. Politicians continue to mismanage funds, and the people of this state pay for it all. It is an outrage, plain and simple. Maybe some people earn enough to pay all these tax increases. I’m happy for them. I however, am not in the same boat. I can’t afford to continue funding politicians who mismanage my tax contributions.