Valencia, Zone 5
Public Safety and Crime Prevention Information.
Snapshot for 04/01/2013 through 04/07/2013.
Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station Crime Prevention Unit
Zone 5-Valencia reported fourteen Part-1 Crimes during the past week. The criminal incidents included residential/vehicle burglaries, and shoplifting from local businesses.
Two residential burglaries occurred between the 24000-27000 block of Victoria Lane on the same day between the hours of 9:00 am- 2:30 pm. Entry/exit was made via the side garage door. Victims reported that the garage door lock/key hole had been damaged. The items stolen included various tools, flash lights and security camera systems. This case is under investigation.
Two vehicle burglaries occurred in various areas of Valencia. One vehicle was parked in a parking space at the 23500 of Lyons Avenue. Entry/exit was made by smashing the rear passenger window. Items stolen were jackets and spare keys. The second burglary occurred on the 24100 block of Creekside Road. There was forced entry made to the passenger door. Items stolen were an Apple IPad and the victim’s credit cards. All items stolen were visible from outside the victim’s vehicles.
Do not become a victim! Please do not leave valuables unattended or visible in your vehicles. Secure items in locked trunks or take personal belongings with you when you exit your vehicle. If possible, park in well-lit areas. If you see any suspicious activity or vehicles in your neighborhood, please call the Sheriff’s Station immediately at 661-255-1121.
There were twenty six arrests made by proactive Santa Clarita Deputies assigned to the Valencia area last week. Arrests included spousal battery, possession of narcotics, driving under the influence of alcohol, drunk in public, warrants and shoplifting from local businesses.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Valencia (Zone 5), please feel free to contact me at 661-799-5164 or email me at It is my goal to keep the residents of Valencia informed and educated on current crime trends and concerns.
Remember, by continuing to work together we will send a “Not in Santa Clarita” message.
Deputy Regina Yost
661-255-1121, EXT. 5164
Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
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