File photo from January 2015.
George Runner, who represents the Santa Clarita Valley on the state Board of Equalization, has been named vice chair of the board. Member Jerome E. Horton will continue as chair.
“I’m honored that my colleagues have entrusted me with this new role,” said Runner, who was reelected to his second term on the board in November. “I look forward to working with them as we serve and continue to protect the taxpayers of California.”
“Governor Brown and President Obama have set forth bold initiatives that challenge the revenue generating agencies to administer equitable stimulation of our economy and recommend tax reforms that generate measurable results, consistent with their policies,” said Horton. “I believe the Board of Equalization, under the leadership of Vice Chair Runner, and Members Fiona Ma and Diane Harkey, is up for the challenges of shaping and administering tax policy that helps California create jobs, stimulates investments, and protects the poor, while strengthening the middle class.”
Horton represents the Third Equalization District which includes Ventura and portions of Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties. Runner represents the First Equalization District that includes inland California from San Bernardino County to the Oregon border.
The five-member California State Board of Equalization (BOE) is a publicly elected tax board. The BOE collects $56 billion annually in taxes and fees supporting state and local government services. It hears business tax appeals, acts as the appellate body for franchise and personal income tax appeals, and serves a significant role in the assessment and administration of property taxes. For more information on other taxes and fees in California, visit www.taxes.ca.gov.
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