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S.C.V. History
July 5
1914 - Rev. Wolcott H. Evans, the future "pastor of the disaster," named pastor of Newhall's First Presbyterian Church [story]

The Tesoro del Valle community in northern Saugus will grow by 820 homes if the county of Los Angeles approves the developer’s new plan.

Tesoro was always envisioned to be built in phases. In 1999 the county approved the initial phase of 1,552 homes, but only 1,077 homes were actually built.

Now, the property owner intends to go back and build those 475 unbuilt homes, along with 237 homes that were previously approved for later phases.

What’s different now is that the developer is asking the county for permission to build 108 additional homes as a “density bonus.”

In exchange, 365 of the 810 homes would be age-restricted for seniors.

[Read the new Environmental Impact Report; see more maps]

Technically Phases B and C, the new construction would spread Tesoro’s footprint northward.

The developer is requesting an oak tree permit to remove 11 oak trees and encroach on a twelfth, a permit to build within a Significant Ecological Area and hillside management area, and an exemption from ridgeline preservation rules within a community standards district.

A supplemental draft environmental impact report has been released. A hearing before a County Regional Planning examiner is scheduled for March 29 at 6 p.m. at Tesoro Del Valle Elementary School, 29171 Bernardo Way.

The public has until April 12 (forty-five days) to submit written comments to Marie Pavlovic, L.A. County Department of Regional Planning, Land Divisions Section Room 1382, 320 W. Temple St., Los Angeles CA 90012, or by email: mpavlovic@planning.lacounty.gov. Questions may be directed to the planning office at (213) 974-6433.


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    • WhytAmerican says:

      Elizabeth, it will end when we stop allowing so many foreigners come here and when we stop having so many kids. You all keep reproducing, what do you expect? How many kids do you have? Every one woman brings 1,2,3 or more into the world. Then they bring 1,2 or 3 or more…and so on and so on.

      Not everyone has to breed!

      I’m a 47 year old woman & I didn’t bring kids into the world, yet I have to deal with it cuz you all think you need to spread your genes. There should be a ban on allowing foreigners in and there should be a ban or a cap on giving birth. when that sh*t stops, the building will stop.

      • Rhonda says:

        @WhytAmerican – There is no need for that kind of response. Racism and sexism will not stop the construction. You are clearly very passionate about this, why not offer a solution or doing something constructive instead of spouting hate in a small forum. If this is the only contribution you are capable of making, then we don’t need your help.
        By the way, the last time I checked, a woman couldn’t make a baby on her own.

      • Araksi D. says:

        I’m sorry you’re living such a miserable and lonely life “WhytAmerican.”

  1. Greg Banta says:

    Just what we need. It won’t be long before we have to leave at midnight , to arrive at work for a 7am start.

  2. Jeff Einbund says:

    There’s already a watering restriction where is the water for this project going to come from ?? All the houses out 126 and the one being built on Plum Canyon. REALLY ?‼️

  3. Ugh! What is it an average? Three people per household and an average of two cars per household.

  4. 820 Homes is a lot.???????

  5. Dwayne Pine says:

    City Council needs more $$$$$$$

  6. In 5 years l will be in Arizona retired laughing at this mistake called california.

  7. Too, too many. The more homes, the more water we will have to buy from the north and at a higher cost. That is if there is any water. ?

  8. What are they thinking?No water,traffic is already horrible! Are they nuts!

  9. Hahah so glad I’m already in Texas that town is gonna swallow itself in 5 years if not sooner

  10. Kevin Miller says:

    Dripping Springs Texas here I come!

  11. Ana Saavedra says:

    Are they making more freeways??? Greedy people ???

  12. Jason White says:

    Keep building and driving up the value of my home so I can sell my 1600 square foot home for $750k and leave.

  13. Soooo, we were told to turn off our outdoor water all week long because of some shortage or repair, or other. Where’s the water coming from? Why has my bill doubled for half as much? Mello Roos? Wtf

  14. Thanks more Awsome traffic

  15. John Whitlaw says:

    Where is the water coming from ?

  16. Left two years ago. You couldn’t pay me to move back. Scv was great in 80s and 90s. Went downhill after that.

    • Chris Cory says:

      Well we have been here almost a year and you couldn’t pay us to move back to Acton. ? We love it here and Staci’s commute is SO much better than it was on the 14 from Acton.

  17. Developers don’t care because they don’t have to commute like the rest of us. They just laugh to the bank.

  18. David Green says:

    Exactly what scv needs! More f***ing houses.

  19. If people are truly upset are they gonna go to the city hall and complain….. or just bitch on here?

  20. Brian Pera says:

    Oh good

  21. Dave Osburn says:

    Based on Data USA, 820 homes = 1,640 more cars on the road. Ugh

  22. That is CRAAAAAAZY, why,why,why, why does there need to be so many , BUILD ANOTHER FREEWAY INSTEAD .

  23. Mike G says:

    Show up to meeting like me and say no and to

    Write or call this Maria lady from the planning commission

  24. Dan Spindler says:

    Hey Santa Clarita planning! I saw this one tiny piece of dirt behind a store on Copper hill. If you could find it and build another house on it, that would be great. See then we could make sure we have totaly packed every square inch of this place with houses and people.?

  25. Crap that’s a lot of houses!!!

  26. Please please all write Marie stating in the article. This is too many homes for this area.

  27. Yap will be so congested here in SCV & the Home price will start half a M

  28. Please please read the article! It’s the County of Los Angeles. Unincorporated area….. Geez people..

  29. Hope they create more jobs in SCV. That’s what we need more than housing. Develop an area for place of entertainment so that we do not need to travel outside SCV

  30. Crazy. Do we have enough water? Traffic is horrible. WHY ?????

  31. Patrick says:

    People, please slow down and read the article. This is our side the City in the County area. Complain to the County. If you don’t like it, there are other cities. I’ve lived all over the U.S. and the world. No place is perfect, but SCV is near the top. You can’t stop growth, only manage it.

  32. Why? As if our daily commute to the valley for work isn’t enough.

  33. And building more roads and freeways for all those cars?

  34. Not crowded enough here already ???

  35. Let’s all keep ruining SCV

  36. Randy Rodi says:

    So where can i start a petition ill be looking for signatures

  37. Brian Scott says:

    Get out while you still can! Don’t come to Oklahoma though, we’re full. I hear Ohio has plenty of room!

  38. Jetson Sky Cars only cuz the roads are maxed out

  39. When will the madness stop ??‍♀️

  40. Where exactly are these being built?

  41. Jeanne says:

    No, you can’t build on ridge line!! No, there is lots of wild life there! Just because we need affordable homes for seniors we can’t be blackmailed! Who says these senior homes will even be under 400,000 which is where seniors need the prices to be. 300 – 400

  42. James White says:

    It’s the new valley. No land shall go untouched. Just wait for the inner city traffic jams to come.

  43. El Rey says:

    This is what happens when you let rich smart folks run your town. They only care about the money. Santa Clarita businesses haven’t flourished since the market collapse. Rent still going through the roof. Housing didn’t just go up. It went way up. Yet… the amount of commerce didn’t. Don’t believe me. Drive around and tell me what local businesses thrive that aren’t corporate chains. Are there? Yes.. struggling. Also yes.

  44. Ryan Arthur says:

    Everyone complaining about the development in this thread should submit official written comments to the county, with the information provided. Commenting on an article is not enough to get things done.

  45. Stupid! There are too many ppl in SCV, too much traffic!

  46. Shellie Kitzes Bremner

  47. Brian Wood says:

    Yeah, more traffic!

  48. Dan says:

    It looks like North Lake with over 3,000 homes adjacent to Castaic will get County Planning Commission’s approval at or after their April 18 meeting. The Environmental Impact Report for that project didn’t even mention the 21,000 Newhall Ranch homes going in at the 126/5, and has pretty much swept the water problem under the rug. The Planning Commission doesn’t even seem worried about water or traffic.

  49. Dan says:

    A friend with a map of various housing developments in SCV shows 44,000 units going in. At three people per household, this will grow our population by somewhere around 50%. Going to turn this place into another San Fernando Valley.

    • SCVNews.com says:

      Sounds about right… they consider “build-out” to be 470,000 people; SCV is a little over 300,000 today (of those, just over 200,000 in city)

  50. Dan says:

    We’ll all be moving to the San Fernando Valley to get out of this mess!!!

  51. Jen Muchka says:

    Matt Muchka did you see this? Ugh! ?

  52. travis levy says:

    Is it wrong to wish for an earthquake and scare a lot of people out of CA? LOL

  53. Kerry Malony says:

    I guess we are out of the drought

  54. K Aholt says:

    Time to move out of SCV!

  55. Not Not Not Happy!!! ?????

  56. Mary Cobb says:

    Fix up homes. Stop building them

  57. It’s important that we use this time for public comment and voice your opinions. The issue I have is that LA County Supervisors get to decide and not the city. The supervisors do t live here nor do they understand the Consequences of their actions.

  58. More brilliant planning. Such a shame.

  59. D.j. Smetana says:

    Gonna be a cluster !!#* in a few years. And the water companies are gonna $$$$

  60. So we have no new roads, no new water inlets, no new real infrastructure, not enough police and our crime rate is up. Really???? This is just ridiculous.

  61. Susie Evans says:

    Will there be enough water for this development, the new one in Castaic east of I5 and the 21,000 homes off the 126 west of I5? And are these developers going to tell them how close they are to the JAIL,a So Cal GAS STORAGE FACILITY and the DUMP????? Oh, and the JAIL is no longer an honor farm it is a full blown jail, with a maximum security block????? Hope everyone does a Google Earth of the areas before they buy!!!!

  62. Stop building in SCV

  63. More homes !!!
    Oh well i be more busy fixing plumbing problems

  64. Tony Follett says:

    Once the one valley one vision plan was in place it was all over for the reasons that the city was formed. High density building everywhere.

  65. WhytAmerican says:

    Keep on breeding people. So many of you are upset by how many of you have kids? How many kids? 1,2,3,4? Well guess what? Your kids have kids, how many? 1,2,3?
    You all keep multiplying then get upset when more houses need to be built to accommodate and heavier traffic and longer lines. You all don’t need to keep having babies! They cost a ton, they are whiney brats who suck the life out of you and they appreciate nothing. Then when you get old they put you in a nursing home and sell or keep your assets. Not cute. Nit worth it. Stop breeding or stop complaining.

    Each year there are approximately 4 million births in the U.S. and 2.4 million deaths. The growth due to natural increase (total births minus deaths) is therefore 1.6 million per year. Yet according to the Census Bureau’s decennial census, U.S. population is growing by approximately 3.3 million per year.

  66. Rich King says:

    Jeanette Ramirez

  67. Joanne Buendia you were right

  68. SCVTeam says:

    If you don’t like California, get the heck out! Funny that some of you are out of California supposed to be “happy”, yet you still come to this website to see what the city is up to like an ex girlfriend who isn’t over her ex. ??

  69. Judy Reinsma says:

    All of this passion against Tesoro warms my heart but where were you in the 1990’s when a small group of people fought like hell to keep any Tesoro from being built. We were alone against the developer, the County and the founders of the City of Santa Clarita who did everything in their power to get this project approved. That and every development built since the 1980’s too. The homes most of you now occupy were once verdant agricultural fields and oak covered hills, features that drew my family to buy acreage and build our horse ranch here. We got crowded out of Sylmar, which too was once a very lovely place to live with open fields, dirt roads, and little traffic.
    I sincerely hope that you are successful and can stop or downsize this project. Being a realist though I am afraid since it was already approved and the developer has followed every rule and regulation to the “T”, as well as adding the open space, senior housing and smaller “footprint” it is going to pass the Regional Planning Commission. If not, the developer has strong grounds for a lawsuit against the County.

    I’ll be interested to see how this plays out. I wish everyone who is coming together to fight this, and Plum Canyon and Castaic developments the best of luck. You will need it. I’m too old to do this again.

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