Roberto Celedon
A Canyon Country man who pleaded guilty to an animal abuse charge in 2012 was arrested again Friday for similar charges.
Roberto Celedon, 27, of Canyon Country, was arrested in at his home in the Tick Canyon area of Canyon Country, Sheriff’s Station officials said.
“He was booked on (Friday) at 8:30 p.m. on a felony animal cruelty charge and a probation violation,” said Deputy Josh Dubin of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station.
“Deputies with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station assisted the Department of Animal Care and Control in this investigation,” Dubin said.
Officers with the Department of Animal Care and Control, acting on a tip, requested deputies’ assistance in their investigation.
He allegedly was found in violation of the terms of his probation regarding a 2012 plea deal to an animal cruelty charge.
Celedon was not allowed to own or purchase animals due to the terms of his probation, and officers were acting on a tip that he was doing just that.
A slaughtered animal allegedly was found at his Canyon Country home, according to officials.
After an extensive investigation, Los Angeles Animal Control officers served a search warrant last year at the property, and arrested Celedon on charges that he was acting as an illegal backyard butcher.
More than two dozen animals were rescued from his property by The Gentle Barn, at that time. More than 50 animals were taken from the premises, according to Evelina Villa, spokesperson for the department.
Most of the livestock – goats, sheep, cows and a horse, went to The Gentle Barn, a rescue group on Sierra Highway that rehabilitates farm animals.
Many of the animals had been starved and abused, with animal control officials noting their condition as some of the worst they’d ever seen.
Other animals, including dogs, a cat and fowl – pigeons and hens – were taken to the Castaic Animal Shelter, where they are being cared for, Villa said.
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