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Today in
S.C.V. History
March 26
1821 - SCV (with the rest of Alta Calif.) becomes territory of Mexico during war for Mexican independence from Spain [story]

elephant-bar-restaurant-valencia-close-thursday-after-13-years-4[KHTS] – After nearly 13 years in the Santa Clarita Valley, the Elephant Bar Restaurant on McBean Parkway will close Thursday because there is “not enough traffic to sustain the business,” a spokeswoman for the company confirmed Monday.

The restaurant, which serves a wide range of cocktails, American fare and Asian fusion dishes, has 66 employees.

“We’re doing our best to accommodate the (employees) who’ve expressed interest in working in another one of our restaurants,” said Leslie Liberatore, spokeswoman for Elephant Bar.

Employees at the Valencia location were only given four days notice that the store was closing, said a waitress who would not give her name for fear of retribution.

Other local Elephant Bar restaurants in Burbank, Northridge and Simi Valley are also closing, Liberatore said.

These are among several closures across the country, according the the Elephant Bar Facebook page. Page administrators confirmed that locations in Stockton, Modesto and Rancho Bernardo would be closing.

For more information about the Valencia location or to visit them before they close, call 661-799-8640.



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  1. Ashley Rupp says:

    Lifetime of memories, Le sigh

  2. Ashley Rupp says:

    Lifetime of memories, Le sigh

  3. Kyle James says:

    I remember getting kicked out of there when someone in my party decided to dance on the table. Good times. RIP.

  4. Kyle James says:

    I remember getting kicked out of there when someone in my party decided to dance on the table. Good times. RIP.

  5. Shane Greedy says:

    Sucks! Good times in that place when they first opened up!

  6. Shane Greedy says:

    Sucks! Good times in that place when they first opened up!

  7. Food wasn’t that good

  8. Food wasn’t that good

  9. That place was cool to go to for a few years but then the bad food put an end to that.

  10. That place was cool to go to for a few years but then the bad food put an end to that.

  11. Renee Franke-White

  12. Renee Franke-White

  13. !!!YAY!!! It was always terrible!

  14. !!!YAY!!! It was always terrible!

  15. yaayyy time for something better!

  16. yaayyy time for something better!

  17. Their food is disgusting

  18. Their food is disgusting

  19. Elephant Bar in general needs a new menu

  20. Elephant Bar in general needs a new menu

  21. Yay?? People are losing their jobs!! Have some respect!!!

    • I AGREE WITH YOU 100%….we were talking to our waitress and she just got told yesterday she is getting laid off and she just graduated college and has tons of bills to pay, and now has no job to pay it. :( I really wish the employees well…went there today and they all had such a great attitude even though they knew what was coming in the next few days.

  22. Yay?? People are losing their jobs!! Have some respect!!!

    • I AGREE WITH YOU 100%….we were talking to our waitress and she just got told yesterday she is getting laid off and she just graduated college and has tons of bills to pay, and now has no job to pay it. :( I really wish the employees well…went there today and they all had such a great attitude even though they knew what was coming in the next few days.

    • I agree with you as well. My sister is a host there and just had a newborn baby she has to support. It’s terrible to see people so excited about the fear and pain of others.

    • Becca Lynn says:

      i have 2 kids, they gave us 3 day notice, really screwed us over :(

  23. Elephant bar is gross food! And horrible service once took me over hour to get bill there after asking over and over for it. Not suprised they are closing

  24. Elephant bar is gross food! And horrible service once took me over hour to get bill there after asking over and over for it. Not suprised they are closing

  25. Kyle James says:

    I think Tiny Naylor’s or Tips should take over the location.

  26. Kyle James says:

    I think Tiny Naylor’s or Tips should take over the location.

  27. msc545 says:

    I suspect this is probably related to the high prices and poor quality of the food…

  28. They used to be busy, I like this place but they have made allot of changes that I think people did not like.But I am bummed it is going.

  29. They used to be busy, I like this place but they have made allot of changes that I think people did not like.But I am bummed it is going.

  30. Ben Stroba says:

    Come on Buffalo Wild Wings !!!!

  31. Ben Stroba says:

    Come on Buffalo Wild Wings !!!!

  32. I love this restaurant

  33. I love this restaurant

  34. Kim Leon says:

    How sad. We’ve always had good, friendly service and enjoyed the food. Best wishes to the employees.

    • it really is sad…the employees were barely given any notice…they were just told yesterday that they close thursday…today my waitress was EXCELLENT, and she told us why they were closing, plus my mom called the headquarters and they in a roundabout way said what was going on…

  35. Kim Leon says:

    How sad. We’ve always had good, friendly service and enjoyed the food. Best wishes to the employees.

  36. Steve Reich says:

    It was overrated food. It didn’t know what it wanted to serve. I feel bad for the people losing their jobs

  37. Steve Reich says:

    It was overrated food. It didn’t know what it wanted to serve. I feel bad for the people losing their jobs

  38. Finally someone make it better

  39. Finally someone make it better

  40. Yahhhh! I hope something better goes in there!!

  41. Yahhhh! I hope something better goes in there!!

  42. Food wasn’t good

  43. Food wasn’t good

  44. I love their food and service! I never had a problem! It will be interesting to see what takes its place

  45. I love their food and service! I never had a problem! It will be interesting to see what takes its place

  46. Brandon Haynes oh no! No more buffalo chicken.

  47. Brandon Haynes oh no! No more buffalo chicken.

  48. John Fortman says:

    I think we should find another huge chain that serves boring food, in enormous portions, that is overpriced, has a contrived atmosphere, but will be a steady and certain source of rental income for years to come.

  49. John Fortman says:

    I think we should find another huge chain that serves boring food, in enormous portions, that is overpriced, has a contrived atmosphere, but will be a steady and certain source of rental income for years to come.

  50. Kim Sloan says:

    Hey SCV We need a Cheesecake Factory maybe they could use that building!!!

  51. Kim Sloan says:

    Hey SCV We need a Cheesecake Factory maybe they could use that building!!!

  52. That location was terrible, the food was terrible. I have visited the one in Oakland, Vegas and Burbank and this one was by far the worse.
    Bring Cheesecake Factory or California chicken cafe.

  53. That location was terrible, the food was terrible. I have visited the one in Oakland, Vegas and Burbank and this one was by far the worse.
    Bring Cheesecake Factory or California chicken cafe.

  54. Itzel Rivas says:

    Good times@ Adriana Riivas Alejandra Martinez and my grandma

  55. Itzel Rivas says:

    Good times@ Adriana Riivas Alejandra Martinez and my grandma

  56. John Fortman says:

    This seems like an unlikely location for a CF. It has none of the flair that surround their other restaurants.

  57. John Fortman says:

    This seems like an unlikely location for a CF. It has none of the flair that surround their other restaurants.

  58. Kyle James says:

    Bring back Harry’s Place!

  59. Kyle James says:

    Bring back Harry’s Place!

  60. Hated the restaurant to noisy food was blah went a few times an haven’t been back in years

  61. Hated the restaurant to noisy food was blah went a few times an haven’t been back in years

  62. hope they replace it with Cheesecake Factory!

  63. hope they replace it with Cheesecake Factory!

  64. They could turn it into a Roy’s without even changing the decor much. Whatever they turn it into, I hope the employees get a shot at new jobs there.

  65. They could turn it into a Roy’s without even changing the decor much. Whatever they turn it into, I hope the employees get a shot at new jobs there.

  66. Brian Yelton says:

    Sad for the employees that are losing their jobs. Elephant bar has had a terrible menu for too long. Why wouldn’t they see that aren’t making the cut and make changes?

  67. Brian Yelton says:

    Sad for the employees that are losing their jobs. Elephant bar has had a terrible menu for too long. Why wouldn’t they see that aren’t making the cut and make changes?

  68. We never had bad food. This is sad for the work staff and the customers who liked it. :(

  69. We never had bad food. This is sad for the work staff and the customers who liked it. :(

  70. Lina Boulos says:

    Cheesecake Factory!

  71. Lina Boulos says:

    Cheesecake Factory!

  72. I work there and this was extremely hard news for all of us. My last shift is Thursday night and its gunna be sad for all of us.

  73. I work there and this was extremely hard news for all of us. My last shift is Thursday night and its gunna be sad for all of us.

  74. Tony Munshi says:

    I liked it….sad to see it go

  75. Tony Munshi says:

    I liked it….sad to see it go

  76. WHAT????? WE♥ that place!!!!!

  77. WHAT????? WE♥ that place!!!!!

  78. So sorry Tiffany Tovar

  79. So sorry Tiffany Tovar

  80. David Lozano says:

    Over price. Food sucked

  81. David Lozano says:

    Over price. Food sucked

  82. Erick Hall says:

    Noooooo, that place was great!

  83. Erick Hall says:

    Noooooo, that place was great!

  84. Em Are says:

    Cheesecake Factory will do well in SCV…we have lived here for over 12 years now & surprised it still hasn’t happened. :)

  85. Em Are says:

    Cheesecake Factory will do well in SCV…we have lived here for over 12 years now & surprised it still hasn’t happened. :)

  86. Shannon Lee says:

    Gross and over priced. .. not worth the hype should have updated years ago …. bad business decisions not employees :-)

  87. Shannon Lee says:

    Gross and over priced. .. not worth the hype should have updated years ago …. bad business decisions not employees :-)

  88. Corrina Marg says:

    Put in a Cheesecake Factory please!

  89. Corrina Marg says:

    Put in a Cheesecake Factory please!

  90. It’s always packed when I’m in there!!!! Doesn’t make sense!!!

  91. It’s always packed when I’m in there!!!! Doesn’t make sense!!!



  94. Hopefully we get a cheese cake factory

  95. Hopefully we get a cheese cake factory

  96. PF changs??? Pei wei is down the street..

  97. PF changs??? Pei wei is down the street..

  98. very sad My husband and I go there often.

  99. Won’t miss it. Hope something with good food goes in

  100. Chris Perez says:

    They should put in a Sonic

  101. That’s cuz they raised their prices and drastically lowered their food quality. That place was good when I was a kid, but it totally sucks now. I second replacing it with a Cheescake Factory!

  102. Cheese cake factory!!!

  103. LOL….not enough traffic? that place is packed! Not enough traffic for their poor business model maybe.

  104. Won’t miss it. Cheese factory!

  105. Was always crowded when I went!!!!

  106. Yes….CHEESECAKE FACTORY!!!!!!

  107. Josh Shannon says:

    Had some good times there!

  108. Claudia Rios says:

    Sad…..had good times there…..but yes the should put a Cheese Factory!

  109. Irvin Burton says:

    To bad, I enjoyed the restaurant.

  110. Cheesecake Factory or Tony Roma’s!!!!!

  111. That place is garbage anyways…lol

  112. We had a Tony Roma’s where Mimi’s is now, it failed miserably. Bring a Portos, way too small for a Cheesecake Factory.

  113. Hopefully cheesecake will come!!!!!!!

  114. Bummer to see it go I still remember opening day. Thank U for 13 years

  115. Did anyone else also notice the article says they will help the employees find other jobs at their other restaurants, yet all the other local ones which is Simi, Northridge and Burbank are ALSO closing! Contradicts the help part as no employee will want to drive further!

  116. Duane Rice says:

    They are closing ours in Ft Myers citing the exact same reason.

  117. Mil Ng says:

    Only good thing there was the chicken fingers. Good riddance.

  118. Was just there Wednesday with my son Eric. .,.we love it….and yes, it was always crowded…….very sad. Olive garden here we come.

  119. Our family celebrated birthdays, great report cards, and graduations at that location. We’ve always had great service, and any food issues were handled with grace. Our best wishes to the employees that are shouldering the toughest loss.

  120. Will Davison says:

    Hooters hooters hooters

  121. I think it’s gonna be a midget wrestling bar soon..

  122. Chef Deezel says:

    PEOPLE that unit is TOO SMALL for a Cheesecake Factory!!! Those places AVERAGE 15,000sq ft. If Valencia’s demographic won’t support an E Bar or a Bristol Farms WHY would Cheesecake come here?

  123. I remember when onions were grown there and it didn’t take an hour to get from Saugus to Valencia.

  124. Mini Marie says:

    ^onions and pumpkins where Central Park is I miss that smell

  125. Please cheesecake!! Or Portos!

  126. Edgar Ruiz says:

    Sandra Vasquez Ruiz

  127. It’s about time!! Replace it w/ Cheesecake Factory or Old Spegetti Factory!!

  128. That’s dumb. There’s plenty of ‘traffic’ passing through that place

  129. Chin…. mi primo hasn’t told me Jorge Zavala

  130. Jorge Zavala says:

    Yeah I just saw this today :/ y eso q I was right by there today I went to olive garden con wendy , Jonathan Arriaga

  131. Caren Prince Ryan Dangelo Nicky Cline

  132. Tanya Evert says:

    Thats sad their closing best wishes go to all the employees there

  133. So our $100 meal which cost us like $30 bucks is the reason theyre closing lol Jorge Zavala

  134. Silvie Faust says:

    Something’s must come to an end…

  135. Well for sure no Cheesecake Factory that place is to small for one. Hey I have an idea!!! ANOTHER PIZZA PLACE! Lmao….I say California Chicken Cafe for sure!!

  136. Rattlers is my favorite

  137. So sad but hey thats the way life is at times. This economy is rough

  138. That place sucks ass.

  139. Eli Vasquez Allisa Benjamin

  140. Matt Bilyeu says:

    I heard a Starbucks XXL is taking over this spot.

  141. Evan Hadley says:

    John W Hadley III

  142. Greg Brown says:

    This is so sad but the comments remind me of a famous quote “Wanna make $17 dollars, the hard way?” By Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack. Time to get back to college. Cheese Cake Factory or The Old Spaghetti Factory!

  143. Lower your prices, this place is way too “EXPEN$IVE” for what it is.

  144. Ate at this one once. Food wasn’t very good and the service was pretty bad. The elephant bar in Burbank is much better.

  145. Food wasn’t good. Drinks were weak.

  146. Bring back SHAKEYS pizza !!!!!

  147. Peggy Peters says:

    Burbank location is also closing Thursday. :(

  148. Wow, The Northridge location just opened last year…what a waste of funds.

  149. Keith Dill says:

    Hey let’s build sixty thousand new homes.Because Awesometown is doing so well. Lmao

  150. Lorena Sands says:

    How about bringing in The Stinking Rose… Mmmm GARLIC

  151. I heard the one in Simi is closing on Thursday as well.

  152. Carol Parker says:

    Portos is soooooooo good. Would love one out here. The one in Glendale always has a long line.

  153. Dena Utvich says:

    dang i loved that place!!

  154. it was aight. Bring PF Changes or Cheesecake!

  155. Head Porto’s might be coming to newhall!

  156. Casie Ploof Esteban Pallares hm

  157. Joe Marenghi says:


  158. We need a Cheesecake Factory for Awesometown to really be awesome!!

  159. That sucks. I second the Cheesecake Factory nomination though. Lol

  160. Cheesecake factory or pf Chang’s!!!!!!!!!

  161. They might not make it to thursday. The head cook walked out and they have a 90 minute wait. Complete chaos.

  162. Jerson Morales we are not gonna be able to use our gift card!

  163. Ed Rogers says:

    Went once. Wasn’t worth what I paid. Insert grumpy cat meme here.

  164. After getting food poisoning there, I’m not sad to see it go.

  165. Never once did I thoroughly enjoy my food there. Hopefully something better will replace it

  166. Cheesecake Factory!!

  167. Cheesecake factory…always disliked elephant bar

  168. Syreeta Brown we should of went when we had a chance

  169. Kevin Mayo says:

    From what I have heard they are closing more than this one.

  170. So not cool love Elephant bar

  171. Sad i loved their spinach dip. It’ll never be a Cheesecake Factory, the building is way too small and the patio is practically non-existent.

  172. That’s to bad love that place

  173. Dave Wilke says:

    Because it sucks

  174. Zita Flores says:

    All the memories…

  175. Laura Conant says:

    Safe a trip and go somewhere else. It took me 50 minutes to get my drinks

  176. Nooooooooo! it’s the closest watering hole within walking distance from the office at lunch!

  177. Laura Conant says:

    Staff don’t even care they are closing down. You will wait another 2 hrs to get an appetizer

  178. You gotz one at the Beach? We got one here!

  179. Karina Sanchez Gonzalez whack!!!!!!

  180. Can I have the ceiling fans out of there? :)

  181. What are they gonna do with all the Elephants?

  182. Chris Cruz is this true?

  183. Karen Ehrlich-Christie says:

    Oh no! We always went there for special occasions, family from out of town always wanted to go there. Weren’t always happy when they took our favorite items off the menu and what replaced them but the food and service always was good. Probably lost traffic to the new restaurants in the mall. Oh, SCV, you fickle foodies.

  184. Terrible service! Over rated and menu not that great, live down the street went there 4 times in 10 years

  185. Come on Cheesecske Factory!

  186. Very Surprised. They always seemed busy to me.

  187. Jill Needs says:

    I am very surprised. I always have a wait for a table. I will be sorry for it to go.

  188. At least 3 of the 40 elephant bars are closing this month! I wish cheesecake factory but like a few have mentioned it would have to be totally redesigned for it to have the cheesecake factory feel. I think it could be a PF Changs or Famous Dave’s! Too bad for all the employees they screwed over by not even giving a 2 week notice.

  189. Great… Just got a 50 dollar gift card for that place as a gift. :-(

  190. Tina Marie says:

    actually its closed as of tonight so you shouldn’t even go there

  191. Vicki Nikola says:

    I always had great service loved happy hr. Replacing everything with pricey places like what r downtown Sorry for the workers

  192. It’s terrible how people can rejoice in such a fearful situation for others. Hundreds of employees are losing their jobs and all people can do is say ‘Yay!’ Sickening.

  193. For those of you who have gift cards,you have until Thursday to use them…Thursday is the closing day!!

  194. Daniel says:

    Now that the elephant bar is closed, I’m hoping there’s a cheese cake factory coming?

  195. Yard House PLEASE!! :) And then Bring Back Bob’s Big Boy while you’re at it SCV (on the old road where Hamburger Hamlet was… good fwy & Magic Mountain traffic there!)

  196. The Yard House PLEASE! :) And then Bring Back Bob’s Big Boy while you’re at it SCV (on the old road where Hamburger Hamlet was… good fwy & Magic Mountain traffic there!) :)

  197. The Yard House PLEASE! :) And then Bring Back Bob’s Big Boy while you’re at it SCV (on the old road where Hamburger Hamlet was… good fwy & Magic Mountain traffic there!) :)

  198. Nichole goltz says:

    I am a waitress there myself. Everyone there at the elephant bar is like a family together. It’s our second home and they are taking it away from us. They are not helping with transfers as there is nowhere to transfer to. All of our regulars, our wonderful managers, the team in general all gone!. We have lives also, kids, bills, to all of you who say service sucked. We always have done what we could to make it the best. Yes, people make mistakes. Can’t judge a whole chain of restaurants on that!. The food sucking I have been there just under a year and we have had new items coming out a few times. Just once doesn’t cut it for a restaurant. I have had my guests say nothing but the best. Not only valencia but 15 other locations are gone also.all of us are upset and sad this is has to happen. So many people out of jobs.

  199. Kelli Pascoe says:

    Sad for the employees!!!!

  200. Kelli Pascoe says:

    Sad for the employees!!!!

  201. John Baehr says:

    cheesecake factory sucks and this place did too!

  202. John Baehr says:

    cheesecake factory sucks and this place did too!

  203. :( Bring it to Canyon Country

  204. :( Bring it to Canyon Country

  205. Come on Cheesecake Factory.

  206. Kat Coleman says:

    I met a very dear friend of 10 years Steve Graham this was a grate place to network. Will be missed

  207. I would like to see something that isn’t a chain. Give smaller business a try.

  208. Trudy Olins says:

    I have heard Valencia has a cost for many businesses which makes it difficult to survive here. I don’t know if is true but we have many empty venues here. This place was always packed.


  210. Wally Purdy says:

    Very sad, but their food quality had gone downhill pretty significantly in recent months.

  211. Tyler Drake says:

    They should put a Texas Roadhouse

  212. Gross food. Thank goodness.

  213. Good. I never cared for the food at this place

  214. Paula Garner says:

    Oh no! I love their food

  215. kathy says:

    Awesome town, I think not. This article has had the most comments of any article I have read from SCVtv. I guess it shows just what our priorities are here in so-called awesome town. People can’t wait for the next best thing to open up. Here’s a thought maybe that building will be sitting empty for years to come like oh lets say the building that used to house Applebee’s.

  216. More business for Backwoods Inn!

  217. I feel bad for the employees losing their jobs. But that restaurant stinks!

  218. Kim Stephens says:

    Whoa, seriously? Any night I’ve been there it’s always a 15-20 minute wait!

  219. Rosie Solano says:

    That sucks and the one in Northridge just opened not that long ago

  220. Agree with Zita Flores, lots of memories there, had fun having drinks on the patio, feel sorry for the workers but have to agree with most of the comments about the food bring total crap

  221. Agree with Zita Flores, lots of memories there, had fun having drinks on the patio, feel sorry for the workers but have to agree with most of the comments about the food bring total crap

  222. Aaahhhh sad, Jenny its like a little but of history disappearing, still, onwards and upwards, there’s a new elephant bar out there waiting for us to find it x

  223. Aaahhhh sad, Jenny its like a little but of history disappearing, still, onwards and upwards, there’s a new elephant bar out there waiting for us to find it x

  224. Nick Ehlen says:

    Food sucked who cares

  225. Nick Ehlen says:

    Food sucked who cares

  226. Jeff Gardner says:

    This is so sad to see a good restaurant close down in our community.. Go out to eat people…

  227. A “good” restaurant? It’s just another typical valencia chain restaurant. The food sucked. Sad for the employees losing jobs. But I’d like to see some real restaurants open instead

  228. Ha! Good call Brandon Meijer doesn’t surprise me.

  229. I love the Elephant Bar ,were there last week.

  230. Kelsey Davis says:

    Cheesecake factory!

  231. I'm batman says:

    I’m batman. And this place is closed today. Rawrrrrrr

  232. Did you all see the comments on the official EB page about Valencia’s location? Apparently last night a lot of people went to pay a last visit to the restaurant. Higher up management came in and basically kicked people out. Called the cops and kicked the employees out too stating they “owed” EB? So ultimately closed last night vs Thursday now.


  233. No big lose. The place is over priced the drinks and food are weak.
    I don’t feel so screwed going to a little dump like the Habit.

  234. Nichole goltz says:

    We actually closed today we did the same thing today had to refuse people of service. It was horrible. Cops were called today on employees. It was a mess.. so as of today elephant bar valencia is shut down for good.

  235. No big lose. The place is over priced.
    The food and drinks are weaks.
    I dont feel so bad going to a little dump like the Habit.

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More than 60 Double-crested Cormorant eggs and chicks were rescued from a failing tree in Marina del Rey and are now receiving intensive care at the nonprofit International Bird Rescue’s Los Angeles Wildlife Center, thanks to a coordinated effort between the Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors and Bird Rescue.
Cormorant Chicks Rescued by L.A. County DBH, Bird Rescue
The city of Santa Clarita has announced the release of the fourth episode of Santa Clarita Voices, the city’s official podcast that highlights the stories, experiences and conversations from city leaders, businesses and organizations.
Santa Clarita Voices Episode Four Released
The Master's University track and field squads competed in two weekend meets, at the UCLA Bob Larsen Classic on Friday, March 21, and at the Westmont Collegiate Classic on Saturday, March 22.
Two Times the Fun for TMU Track
The Master's University men's volleyball team welcomed the NCAA Division III Hobart College Statesmen for the first time on Bross Court in The MacArthur Center, getting a three-set win in the process on Friday, March 21.
TMU Gets Non-Conference Win Over Hobart
The Master's University baseball team made the road trip to Prescott, Ariz. to play a doubleheader against Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, taking a 12-2 loss and a 14-6 win Friday afternoon, March 21.
Mustangs Split Doubleheader Against Eagles
Logix Federal Credit Union partnered with the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco to support local relief and recovery efforts in response to the devastating wildfires in Southern California.
Logix, FHLBank Match Donations to Support SoCal Wildfire Relief
Spring is fast approaching and the moment we’ve all been waiting for is right around the corner.
Ken Striplin | Step Back in Time to the Wild West at the Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival