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Today in
S.C.V. History
October 19
1945 - Acton Hotel, est. 1890, burns down; arson is suspected [story]
Acton hotel fire

Local citizens, business owners, public service providers, and law enforcement officials have expressed concern regarding increasing criminal activity in transient encampments located in the Santa Clara Riverbed. There is also a growing concern over the environmental impact caused by illegal transient encampments.

transientcamp3The transient population in this area has been an ongoing concern for an extended period of time. For the past several months, numerous agencies were brought together to create a task force which would address homeless issues in the Santa Clarita Valley.  Agencies such as the Department of Mental Health, Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, Veteran’s Affairs, Volunteers of America, Behavioral Health Services, Bridge to Home, and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department have joined forces with City of Santa Clarita staff members in an effort to help resolve these quality of life issues for all parties involved.

On Monday, February 9, 2015 deputies assigned to the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station coordinated an effort with city and county social services, as well as deputies from the Special Operations Bureau (formerly COPS Bureau), Parks Bureau and reserve deputies to conduct an illegal camp enforcement operation of the Santa Clara Riverbed area.

transientcamp2The Feb. 9 enforcement day was the culmination of several months of focused outreach efforts and frequent advisories at the camp locations, letting the individuals living there know that it is illegal, and that individuals would be arrested if they did not seek out social services options that were available to them or work toward changing their current living situation.  Many transients contacted took advantage of services offered; however, a large percentage of the transient population in this area repeatedly refuse assistance.

transientcamp1On Friday, February 6, 2015, City staff posted a 72-hour notice of evacuation at the camp locations, and contracted with a construction crew for a one-time cost of nearly $10,000 to clear out the camps, as well as some of the brush that was used to support the illegal dwellings.

During the Monday morning operation, personnel found many of the areas were replete with trash, debris, human waste, personal property, and drug paraphernalia.  Personnel also discovered alleged stolen property and weapons within many of the encampments.

The enforcement event resulted in at least eight trespassing citations. One male adult was arrested on an outstanding felony “no-bail” warrant.  At least 12 separate transient encampments were cleaned of all trash and debris.  Some personal property was collected from the riverbed area and will be stored for 90 days in compliance with state law, in order to provide the owners an opportunity to retrieve their property at a later date.

There will be several more operations like this in the future as camping/living in the Santa Clara Riverbed area is no longer an option.  No further information is available at this time.


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  1. He’ll ya send them to down town

  2. Where exactly is it you would like them to go ? Obvi if they had another option they would already be there…the shelter only has limited space…then they not only turn the rest away…they must leave the location as well…so what are you proposing as an alternative…?

    • I guess they could stay with you…

    • Staci Soles says:

      Kitti St John since you are so concerned let them live with you. Most of the people in these areas are young adults “wash kids” as they are called. They thought they would be “cool” and leave home cause they THOUGHT they could live on their own. Reality hit…they need jobs to survive. Not going out robbing businesses and people. They shower at the apts behind Pavilions and leave not only their germs, but needles in the bathrooms where parents try and enjoy a day of swimming. The city of santa clarita and the sheriff’s dept are NOT responsible for giving these people anymore options. They NEED to do their job and keep our streets clean and safe!

    • Go to skid row or homeless shelter or your house

    • Go to skid row or homeless shelter or your house

    • Jeff Sims says:

      Simple if they aren’t trying to improve their situation then you must go. Those that refuse help did exactly that refused the help.
      Letting people live in filth is not being nice or helping them it’s creating illness and disease.

    • Jeff read the article. Good job Jeff! Apparently others did not :-)

    • Ethan Waldorf, Jeff Sims, Anibal Gutierrez, Just because an individual is homeless does not mean they are completely nomadic and have no roots to any geographical location. If you ask a homeless individual who resides in the 661 if they would like to go to Downtown LA or elsewhere, most likely they will say no because it’s a foreign area to them. They consider Santa Clarita their home because a lot of times it’s the only place they have ever lived. It is completely ignorant to think that all homeless people should just hitch a ride to Downtown LA and call it a day. It’s not going to happen. In terms of the Homeless Shelter, Santa Clarita does have one but the resources are limited. I find it interesting that SCV is the 3rd largest city in the ENTIRE LOS ANGELES AREA with a population of over 300,000 as of December 14, 2014 AND our average household income is $87,000 per year. There is A LOT of influence here, in addition to individuals who could support our shelter being open year-round etc. etc. This boils down to priorities. This town does not place this issue as a priority they are willing to focus on. As long as this occurs then everyone can embrace for the inevitable which is increase of homeless population and an increase in drug use. Jeff Sims I agree with you that a majority of the population at this site refused help, therefore there should be a lack of tolerance for this kind of behavior, however, what are we really going to do about this? Prop 47 passed which has lead to less accountability and consequences for drug users and at the end of the day the police are not responsible for packing homeless people up and dropping them off out of our city limits. IF that were to happen, those individuals will make their way back here, not to mention, that is against the law ESPECIALLY if these homeless individuals are being discharged from the hospital. Read up on The EMTALA Regulations if you don’t know about it. Kitti’s post was not saying to hand hold these people, swaddle them back to health and give them free handouts. She was attempting to have a discussion with everyone about proposed alternatives that are realistic.

    • Ethan Waldorf, Jeff Sims, Anibal Gutierrez, Just because an individual is homeless does not mean they are completely nomadic and have no roots to any geographical location. If you ask a homeless individual who resides in the 661 if they would like to go to Downtown LA or elsewhere, most likely they will say no because it’s a foreign area to them. They consider Santa Clarita their home because a lot of times it’s the only place they have ever lived. It is completely ignorant to think that all homeless people should just hitch a ride to Downtown LA and call it a day. It’s not going to happen. In terms of the Homeless Shelter, Santa Clarita does have one but the resources are limited. I find it interesting that SCV is the 3rd largest city in the ENTIRE LOS ANGELES AREA with a population of over 300,000 as of December 14, 2014 AND our average household income is $87,000 per year. There is A LOT of influence here, in addition to individuals who could support our shelter being open year-round etc. etc. This boils down to priorities. This town does not place this issue as a priority they are willing to focus on. As long as this occurs then everyone can embrace for the inevitable which is increase of homeless population and an increase in drug use. Jeff Sims I agree with you that a majority of the population at this site refused help, therefore there should be a lack of tolerance for this kind of behavior, however, what are we really going to do about this? Prop 47 passed which has lead to less accountability and consequences for drug users and at the end of the day the police are not responsible for packing homeless people up and dropping them off out of our city limits. IF that were to happen, those individuals will make their way back here, not to mention, that is against the law ESPECIALLY if these homeless individuals are being discharged from the hospital. Read up on The EMTALA Regulations if you don’t know about it. Kitti’s post was not saying to hand hold these people, swaddle them back to health and give them free handouts. She was attempting to have a discussion with everyone about proposed alternatives that are realistic.

    • Thank you…for “getting it”…I know someone who did pass away out there…when I met him he was just out of high school…enlisted in the military…his future looked bright…after he returned
      …I don’t know how homeless started for him…could be job loss…eviction…I’m not sure. .he was homeless for many years I do know…somewhere towards the end of his life…he did turn to drugs…and he died from it…I didn’t “see” the homeless drug addict…I saw somebody’s son…that had been very proud of his accomplishments…something went wrong for him along the way…he was a nice kid with a whole life ahead. ..gone before 30 yo…and he could be anyone of us or someone we know…sometimes…people need a helping hand…I hate to think someone else’s family member dosnt perish because it just became 100% harder for them to survive…

    • Thank you…for “getting it”…I know someone who did pass away out there…when I met him he was just out of high school…enlisted in the military…his future looked bright…after he returned
      …I don’t know how homeless started for him…could be job loss…eviction…I’m not sure. .he was homeless for many years I do know…somewhere towards the end of his life…he did turn to drugs…and he died from it…I didn’t “see” the homeless drug addict…I saw somebody’s son…that had been very proud of his accomplishments…something went wrong for him along the way…he was a nice kid with a whole life ahead. ..gone before 30 yo…and he could be anyone of us or someone we know…sometimes…people need a helping hand…I hate to think someone else’s family member dosnt perish because it just became 100% harder for them to survive…

    • Bill says:

      Send them to your house

    • Steve says:

      I know, how about your house.
      Insert your address here_________.
      Thanks for your corporation.

    • Kyle says:

      They can live with you!

  3. Staci Soles says:

    Kitti St John since you are so concerned let them live with you. Most of the people in these areas are young adults “wash kids” as they are called. They thought they would be “cool” and leave home cause they THOUGHT they could live on their own. Reality hit…they need jobs to survive. Not going out robbing businesses and people. They shower at the apts behind Pavilions and leave not only their germs, but needles in the bathrooms where parents try and enjoy a day of swimming. The city of santa clarita and the sheriff’s dept are NOT responsible for giving these people anymore options. They NEED to do their job and keep our streets clean and safe!

    • April Fiege says:

      Exactly! If they REALLY wanted help they would take the city up on their continuous offers or homeless shelters.

    • Kick them out and keep Santa Clarita clean!

    • Kick them out and keep Santa Clarita clean!

    • They’re trash and I know a good percentage of them they are filth

    • They’re trash and I know a good percentage of them they are filth

    • Ryan Moreno says:

      or maybe they felt like their parents didn’t really care about them and took their own lives in their hands.

    • Everyone is so quick to judge. So much for awesometown. I’m not saying they are all perfect, but they are not all trash.

      And fyi… a lot of them do go to the shelter, but it fills up fast.

    • Ryan Moreno says:

      yeah do any of you ignorant people know how many shelters are in santa clarita. or the dangers of staying at a shelter like getting your stuff stolen, or being raped?

    • Staci Soles says:

      Ignorant huh? Ignorant is you not seeing the big picture. These young adults need to get a job and be responsible. Our city doesn’t have to provide anything, but they do. These people hang out in front of businesses then rob them on a daily basis to try and survive. They can go to social services and receive aid for housing. I mean we pay the tax dollars for them to do so.

    • Staci Soles says:

      Read the law…once you are 22 years of age you qualify without having children or disabled

    • Whatever the law may be about them qualifying for aide, they are causing havoc on the streets!! It’s not our fault or problem that they are on the streets. If we have to work to provide for ourselves and families, they should too! And before anyone says I don’t know what it’s like or know their situation, you’re right I don’t! And I never will. Because I have always worked my ass off and didn’t make the decision to live on the streets. There is always a solution.

    • Staci Soles says:

      Amen Jamie Kealoha Miller

    • Staci Soles says:

      Jamie Kealoha Miller

    • Bill Beck says:

      Staci, where do you expect a homeless person to get hired? Are you going to give them a job?

    • Staci Soles says:

      There are places that will help them with housing and jobs Bill. Have you ever heard of temp to hire jobs or Labor Ready?

    • Bill Beck says:

      They’re largely ineffective.

    • It’s funny because I know a lot of trash and filth that own homes. Can we “get rid of them” too? I’ll bet the the people talking smack about the homeless out here cherry pick bible verses too. These are the poor. If you’re so pissed off about them, use your energy to help them. I personally know a few people who DO work and have had to spend several years living in the washes. One was a drug and alcohol counselor who has helped many people. I had a young baby at the time and could only offer meals and supplies that wouldn’t go bad. Do something! These are humans and it’s not your right to sit there on your throne and judge of you haven’t tried to do something. We are terrible to our poor. In fact, quit your job right now and go get another in time to not find your self on the street.

    • Staci Soles says:

      Well all of us had to start at the bottom somewhere Bill. I’m sure you started at the bottom….now you are providing for your family.

    • Ram Iro says:

      BLAH BLAH BLAH that’s all I hear from you . I bet you don’t know a single homeless person personally, your just to ignorant and to quick to judge!

  4. Thank you. There are other options and those were presented to the dwellers. Social Services was there and is always there to assist those in need, they don’t have to live in sewers and storm drains.

  5. There’s another important reason these sweeps are conducted -for the safety of the transients. This is rainy season despite the 80 degrees weather. All it takes is a 15 min downpour to create a flash flood and sweep these folks away. Happens more often than it’s reported in the news. So all the people getting worked up over this need to put it into perspective.

  6. Dan Aird says:

    About Time They Cleaned Up All The Wash Junkies.

  7. John Gilbert says:

    In the old days, we didn’t have these problems; The Sherrifs would drive them down The Old Road to the Los Angeles City Limits and tell them to keep going.

  8. Alan Duvo says:

    Drop them off on Jakes way in CC

  9. Obama says this can’t be true because he fixed everything!

  10. Ray Smith says:

    Wow! So much generalization going on here! Everyone has a story…. They are not all the same.

  11. Ray Smith says:

    Wow! So much generalization going on here! Everyone has a story…. They are not all the same.

  12. Eric Mrantz says:

    Nasty and Dirty. Open up a homeless center and not be liable. This will cost the city to clean up.

  13. Eric Mrantz says:

    Nasty and Dirty. Open up a homeless center and not be liable. This will cost the city to clean up.

  14. Martin Ramos says:

    Where else do you want them to live fix them system first

    • Odd Heart says:

      exactly…not all are criminals or drug users..and in this broken system and society can happen to anyone..There are so many different circumstances to be put in this position and there are people, humans, that are good people who sadly need help from a society that misjudges and stereotypes, and a crooked perception and not understanding because they’ve never had to experience what these individuals, couples, elders, women and children had to go through, are going through, and won’t understand unless it happens to them and have to walk in there shoes one day..In this economy anything can happen like this to anyone..

    • Chad Rogers says:

      Help has been offered several times. They don’t want it. If that’s the case, they’ve fit nothing coming…

  15. Martin Ramos says:

    Where else do you want them to live fix them system first

  16. God forbid none of you ever fall on hard times and need a hand out. Sadly 99.9% of u call yourselves “Christians”…..BUT ONLY ON SUNDAYS, RIGHT?

  17. God forbid none of you ever fall on hard times and need a hand out. Sadly 99.9% of u call yourselves “Christians”…..BUT ONLY ON SUNDAYS, RIGHT?

    • We all fall on hard times. Jesus will help when asked, you have to do to be blessed not just give up and hope..

    • Jeff Sims says:

      From what I read help was offered. Simply letting people live in filth is not helping.

    • Kristina Joy says:

      That is so stupid. 99% aren’t going through a hard time, they are choosing to be drug addicts in the wash. I know some of them personally, they are proud to live in the wash by pavilions, steal from your unlocked cars when you walk in, buy drugs on your dime. PROUD. So how about we let them stay in the wash, and when they all overdose and die, YOU can go fish out their dead bodies then.

    • Give food not cash

    • If you read the article, it states “a large percentage refused help” , or maybe they just didn’t want to better their situation. Time to go!

    • I don’t need to read the article to know that Santa Clarita is full of crap in “wanting to help” all this city cares about is maintaining the “perfect city” image

    • Keep believing everything u read

    • James Parker says:

      I hope you don’t vote Eileen Gatica

    • I do give, but you can see which are on hard times, and the ones who just want drug money. I moved here so I could feel safe with my grandchildren, but between being asked for money and looking around for the drugs, who can feel safe?

    • Kristina Joy says:

      Either way Eileen, you’re the reason there will be dead drug addicts in the wash. Like I said, I know a good amount of these people personally. And they have even refused help from MYSELF. I wouldn’t be surprised if they refused help from the city. Maybe YOU shouldn’t believe everything you read.

    • Hahahaha!!! Yeah “you’re the reason there will be dead drug addicts in the wash” lol! Save ur speach

    • Drug use is only okay when u live in a mansion in Calabasas right? As long as you’re not a eyesore to the city I guess it’s all fine and dandy

    • Kristina Joy says:

      As long as they’re not dead it’s fine and dandy. Like I said, I got friends in there. People like you who support them hiding out in there killing themselves, you’re the “real christian” aren’t you? Sickening

    • I don’t know who u know but not all of them are drug users refusing help. ……. Daniel who now works at food for less was one of those living in the was area (now renting a room) he never used drugs and kathy and her baby who was also living in a tent in the wash wasn’t either and let’s not forget about the 18 year old living out of her car (now on her feet) with her daughter wasn’t either

    • Joe, rick, Manuel & Jose all work and live in the wash because no matter how hard they try they just can’t make ends meet SO UR WRONG

    • Ralph and his girl walk around collecting cans all day just to eat not for drugs and when they can they rent a room

    • U said it yourself ” as long as they’re not dead it’s fine and dandy” so what the problem KRISTINA? As far as I know they’re not dead

    • U said it yourself ” as long as they’re not dead it’s fine and dandy” so what the problem KRISTINA? As far as I know they’re not dead

  18. Everyone needs help how and then, however most of the younger homeless want it that way. They don’t want rules at home so they leave and beg for money to get by. It’s a sad thing to do, go into their space and “clean-up” . I know because my brother in law has no option but to do this yearly as he is a city worker- not fun for either party.

    • Ryan Moreno says:

      all parents are not good parents. you have no idea about these peoples lives. have you suffered from domestic abuse by a parent? or maybe you have had parents(or maybe you have just one parent) thats drinks or does drugs. would you really want to be in that environment? people dont give up food, and warmth, and love because they dont want to clean up thier room. think outside your little suburb bubble you pampered babies.

    • You can’t report domestic violence? I think I would rather go to CPS than live in the wash. “Oh man I have a terrible home life, guess I’ll go live in the wash” doesn’t seem very logical.

  19. Everyone needs help how and then, however most of the younger homeless want it that way. They don’t want rules at home so they leave and beg for money to get by. It’s a sad thing to do, go into their space and “clean-up” . I know because my brother in law has no option but to do this yearly as he is a city worker- not fun for either party.

  20. The Santa Clara River by the old railroad bridge on the bike path north of Magic Mountain Parkway and the Christmas Tree farm there is a homeless village in the trees in the riparian area.

  21. The Santa Clara River by the old railroad bridge on the bike path north of Magic Mountain Parkway and the Christmas Tree farm there is a homeless village in the trees in the riparian area.

  22. Gabe Yanez says:

    Get the garbage OUT of Santa Clarita.

  23. Gabe Yanez says:

    Get the garbage OUT of Santa Clarita.

  24. Jasmine Feldman says:

    Its about time .

  25. I blame Obama! Right Michael?

  26. I blame Obama! Right Michael?

  27. Nina Miller says:

    Get rid of the trash in our wash. If you feel bad for these drug users take them into your home so they can steal your money. My brother is a drug using piece of trash who is now in jail for the 3rd time. I don’t feel bad for him at all.

  28. Nina Miller says:

    Get rid of the trash in our wash. If you feel bad for these drug users take them into your home so they can steal your money. My brother is a drug using piece of trash who is now in jail for the 3rd time. I don’t feel bad for him at all.

  29. Where they are there is human wastes all over the ground, filth and sanitary and unhealthy conditions. Also there is the environmental damage they do to the plants and wildlife the make the riparian area of the river.

  30. Where they are there is human wastes all over the ground, filth and sanitary and unhealthy conditions. Also there is the environmental damage they do to the plants and wildlife the make the riparian area of the river.

  31. I can see from some of the more heartless responses…that the quality of mercy in Santa Clarita is rather strained…hope it never happens to you…life can turn on a dime…don’t think it cant…it happens every day…

    • Kristina Joy says:

      Okay, let’s keep all the drug addicts in the wash. And when they all overdose and die, YOU can be the one fishing their bodies out of the wash.

    • Yeah, so let’s just keep them in the wash… since thats sutch a great place to exist.

    • Give, give, give always seems to be the answer. I for one WORKED for what I’ve got. No one GAVE me anything. I started at a minimum wage job like most people, worked my way up, added to my education and moved up the chain.
      The biggest problem in the world today is that everyone wants to be GIVEN something for free. Laziness and entitlement is the problem with this current generation!
      You want something GET OUT AND WORK FOR IT!!! I see jobs available everywhere all the time.
      When I was in college I had a low paying job and roommates. These days people can work at home depot, have “roommates”and afford an apartment. All it takes is a little motivation and A LACK of laziness and entitlement!
      Also the people in this story were offered options. Did you actually read the article to see all the agencies involved???
      They “chose” to refuse!!! That is their right. Breaking the law and making these areas high risk for crimes is not “their right!”

    • Kitti, You speak of judgmental people yet you are doing the same to the people who have these people in their front yards leaving trash and needles for their kids to stumble upon. Or their cars being broken into.
      Please answer me this, you are so concerned about them? When is the last time you walked down into the wash and tried to help them get their life back on track? Get them to rehab? Help them turn their life around? Give them a free room and board??? Let them borrow your car??
      Or are you casting stones from the same glass house??

    • Not every homeless person is who ve been described today…there are certainly people like that…both in homes and without. You don’t know how they got there…but not every homeless person is a drug addict. theif etc.. I’m not saying keep them in the wash either…I’m saying we have just taken everything…from people who had nothing…we treat foreigners in other countries better…we should render aid to our own people who need assistance…right here where we live…they should have shelter…bathrooms…showers food medical attention….and if we can’t help…we certainly shouldn’t harm…or destroy what little they had to exist on…I feel ashamed @ the lack of concern for human beings…

    • Not every homeless person is who ve been described today…there are certainly people like that…both in homes and without. You don’t know how they got there…but not every homeless person is a drug addict. theif etc.. I’m not saying keep them in the wash either…I’m saying we have just taken everything…from people who had nothing…we treat foreigners in other countries better…we should render aid to our own people who need assistance…right here where we live…they should have shelter…bathrooms…showers food medical attention….and if we can’t help…we certainly shouldn’t harm…or destroy what little they had to exist on…I feel ashamed @ the lack of concern for human beings…

  32. I can see from some of the more heartless responses…that the quality of mercy in Santa Clarita is rather strained…hope it never happens to you…life can turn on a dime…don’t think it cant…it happens every day…

  33. That right Mark. How is hope and change working out for you wash dweller?!

  34. That right Mark. How is hope and change working out for you wash dweller?!

  35. It’s called get a job and try duh! No sympathy they don’t even try to give a damn about anything but their drugs. If they have the money for that they can rent a room.

  36. It’s called get a job and try duh! No sympathy they don’t even try to give a damn about anything but their drugs. If they have the money for that they can rent a room.

  37. Mike Yanez says:

    Great news! Keep up the clean ups

  38. Mike Yanez says:

    Great news! Keep up the clean ups

  39. If lost everything and my
    job and was out in the street. I’d hitchhike down to Piru of Fillmore and go work with the illegal aliens picking fruits and vegetable. Hoeing weed along rows ect. There are
    jobs out there. It depends how hard you are willing to work. Me. I can’t take a hand out or live off of my neighbors.

  40. If lost everything and my
    job and was out in the street. I’d hitchhike down to Piru of Fillmore and go work with the illegal aliens picking fruits and vegetable. Hoeing weed along rows ect. There are
    jobs out there. It depends how hard you are willing to work. Me. I can’t take a hand out or live off of my neighbors.

  41. Give them a temp place to live and a J O B. I know most of the city worked don’t do squat!!!

    • Give, give, give always seems to be the answer. I for one WORKED for what I’ve got. No one GAVE me anything. I started at a minimum wage job like most people, worked my way up, added to my education and moved up the chain.
      The biggest problem in the world today is that everyone wants to be GIVEN something for free. Laziness and entitlement is the problem with this current generation!
      You want something GET OUT AND WORK FOR IT!!! I see jobs available everywhere all the time.
      When I was in college I had a low paying job and roommates. These days people can work at home depot, have “roommates”and afford an apartment. All it takes is a little motivation and A LACK of laziness and entitlement!
      Also the people in this story were offered options. Did you actually read the article to see all the agencies involved???
      They “chose” to refuse!!! That is their right. Breaking the law and making these areas high risk for crimes is not “their right!”

    • Ryan Moreno says:

      you know this, because you hang out with them right? you hang out with homeless people?

  42. Give them a temp place to live and a J O B. I know most of the city worked don’t do squat!!!

  43. Put them on a bus and send them to San Francisco, it is a sanctuary city, better yet send them to Nancy Pelosi’s.

  44. Put them on a bus and send them to San Francisco, it is a sanctuary city, better yet send them to Nancy Pelosi’s.

    • Who is going to put them on a bus? I am genuinely curious who you think is going to do this. Homeless individuals are some of the most resourceful people you will meet. They know where to go to find the food, places to wash up, etc. etc. Pan-handling can make someone a decent amount of money. If they wanted to get money and buy a GreyHound ticket to SF they would have by now. They aren’t going anywhere and if they do it won’t be for long.

  45. Kristina Joy says:

    I do feel bad that they have no place to go, but a lot of those people I call “friends.” And unfortunately I know they are ALL on drugs. So get them out, thank god!!! Get them out of hiding and into jail or rehab. Or pretty soon it’s gonna be dead bodies they’re fishing out of there.

    • Kristina Joy says:

      Okay I’m sorry lady, not all. But I’m gonna go with 98%. Because not only do I know a lot of the people down there, but I’ve been down there. And I know what happens. Go away.

  46. Blayne Blender, Carlie Garris Read all of these White, high school educated, Christian, suburban housewives’ comments. They are so funny.

  47. there is no shelter in Santa Clarita, right? If there is, I can’t find it…

    • The Santa Clarita shelter operates between November-March every year off of Drayton street. Their website is http://www.btohome.com.
      The following info is from the website “At the heart of the Bridge to Home’s services is its operation of the Santa Clarita Shelter. We provide emergency winter shelter to a maximum of 60 single men or women. It is open from November 25th through March 15, 6pm to 8am daily. We provide a safe, warm, welcoming environment with beds, showers and three meals. Clients have the opportunity to receive case management, health services and referrals for additional programs.

      The Santa Clarita shelter is located at 23031 Drayton Street, Santa Clarita 91350. The phone number in the shelter office is (661) 388-0086. We are open from 6pm to 8am daily November 25 – March 15th.”

      In addition, homeless individuals can recieve year-round homeless case management services from the Bridge Case Management team. Their operating hours, address & important contact is as follows: Case Manager, Connie Murray Connie.murray@btohome.com
      Director of client services, Linda Malerba (661) 993-6198 lmalerba@att.net@btohome.com

      The Bridge is located at 24405 Chestnut Avenue Suite #101, Newhall 91321. Please stop in Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5pm. You can also call us at (661) 254-4663. You can find out more information about their services off that same website.
      Everyone can also inform homeless individuals or others seeking information about any kind of resource by dialing 211 from any phone. It’s toll free and a live person will pick up and search on a huge data base for the resource that you’re looking for that is nearest to your current location.

      You can all write Santa Clarita’s mayor, Mayor Weste & ask for some answers, in addition to voicing your concerns. Her email address is

      • Deborah Duffy says:

        What was not mentioned above is that they are ALWAYS at full capacity here in AWESOME TOWN.
        40 men and 14 women and they house 12 families with 25 kids in housing. The younger kids are being taken care of but we could still use help with the teenagers. Here’s the breakdown: girls, 2 18 yr olds, 2 13 yr olds, 2 14 yr olds, 1 15 yr old. Boys, 2 16 yr olds,1 13 yr old, 1 15 yr old, 1 17 yr old.

        Most of us live one maybe two paychecks away from this fate, and I did notice that NONE pf the complaintants offered work, a bed, a tent, or food as assistance. This has been a hard few years and while the media says we are turning our current depression around now, the banks were very swift at removing people from their homes and that occured here too, not just other cities.

        In order to qualify for aided housing in Santa Clarita you must prove income to 2-3 times the rent. Seeing as rent for a small apartment here is $1000 -$1500 per month it strikes me as unlikely that they would be earning $3-4500 per month and living in a tent in the wash.

        General Relief is a monthly award given to the homeless that is a whopping great $221 per month in cash aid and food stamps. That just will not cover the rental requirements placed on our LOWER INCOME HOUSING APARTMENT COMPLEXES.

        As usual the “haves” say far too much and give nothing and the “we tryers” can not do enough to help and the “needy” are criminally accused of things that are untrue or exaggerated by the media.

        Our local murderers were all housed and working! So much of this conversation is merely ignorance, blame, and fear. Far easier to blame them for their situation than to try to help them. Far easier to complain than realize we do not have an answer to this problem for the majority of the year (THE 8 MONTHS WE HAVE NO SHELTER HERE AT ALL!).

        Strikes me that this fine and Awesome Town is filled with a lot of very heartless and unawesome people.

    • thanks- I’ve gone hunting for it before, there was supposed to be something on Golden Valley at one time, I thought… anyway, I’ll check it out :)

  48. Dang Melanie McCullough clean up your crap !

  49. The struggle is real folks – this is under the bridge by Chi Chis Pizza and Lowe’s – there were kid’s toys there and I remember thinking while I was on a walk that I couldn’t believe this is literally right under our noses as we drive across Bouquet Canyon – there were kid’s toys there or maybe they were toys for their animals but it was very sad and even scary because I didn’t know where they were while we happened to come across their “camp”

  50. Ryan Moreno says:

    maybe if you build a couple more shelters this might not be a problem

    • There are to many NIMBYs (not in my backyard) types to have more shelters. It’s sad to see the responses here. I have worked with the homeless and my agency does homeless outreach. Such stigma, lack of understanding, white picket fence community! I could have been homeless and no one would know and it only takes a kind heart and resources to overcome homelessness

    • Sorry to hear multiple additional shelters were defeated by the “NIMBYs”. Give us a link to the plans so we can see what you had proposed.

  51. So sad. Most of these people need mental health care

  52. Don’t want this in my neighborhood. I have been threatened by a mentally disturbed homeless man. Most belong in a mental hospital or in rehab but not on the street!

  53. Tired of seeing all these people holding signs asking for money in Santa Clarita . It’s sad when my child asks me why don’t they work if they want money .

  54. Discovery park, is full.

  55. Read the article. “A Large percentage refused help or to help themselves better their situation”

  56. So much for “awesome town” some people lack compassion. And these people are not all trash, they are human beings. And for those who are homeless where are they supposed to go? Why doesn’t this city make a support center for them! Its Just ignorant and biased for everyone to want to send these people to other cities.

  57. Santa Clarita winter shelter: For individuals who are without a home and truly want help there are a few options in Santa Clarita. The Santa Clarita shelter operates between November-March every year off of Drayton street. Their website is http://www.btohome.com. The shelter is located at 23031 Drayton Street, Santa Clarita 91350. The phone number in the shelter office is (661) 388-0086. We are open from 6pm to 8am daily November 25 – March 15th.”

    Year Round Homeless Case Management Services: Homeless individuals can receive year-round homeless case management services from the Bridge Case Management team. Address: 24405 Chestnut Avenue Suite #101, Newhall 91321. Operating Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5pm. Phone: (661) 254-4663. You can find out more information about their services off http://www.btohome.com
    Dial 211: Everyone can also inform homeless individuals or others seeking information about any kind of resource by dialing 211 from any phone. It’s toll free and a live person will pick up and search on a huge data base for the resource that you’re looking for that is nearest to your current location.
    You can all write Santa Clarita’s mayor, Mayor Weste & ask for some answers, in addition to voicing your concerns. Her email address is
    LWESTE@santa-clarita.com. I am a firm believer in offering assistance in the form of effective resource allocation, professional guidance and having faith that the systems that we pay taxes into set up working programs that get the people that want to get back on their feet the ability to do so. I have zero tolerance for individuals who are drug seeking/using and looking for handouts. We need to be careful as community to not demonize an entire population of people as all “bad” or “drug using.” Some really are looking for legitimate help and the help is really not that easy to find at times or extremely limited. We also need to take responsibility for the way we vote. Due to Prop 47, drug users who are arrested no longer live in fear of having a felony on their record. Now it is just a misdemeanor which pretty much is worthless in the eyes of “scaring someone straight.” I work with this population among many others and we as practitioners would always say that drug users will be motivated to get clean due to 3 things (pick one): Fear of Dying, Fear of going to prison or fear of losing their families completely. The “going to prison” bargaining chip is now off the table. The community also needs to fully grasp that when you are homeless & drug using most likely you aren’t walking around with an awesome PPO medical insurance card in your back pocket. Generally, homeless individuals are uninsured or have Medi-Cal. Do something…..Call up the nearest drug rehab that accepts Medi-Cal or ask for a County Bed. Now enjoy being told that there are no beds or the wait time for a county bed is 3-6 months long. I realize that this is still an option and I would like to think that if I was faced with a drug addiction, I would do everything in my power to get clean but we also need to realize that the resources that are available don’t make it very “easy” to access what is around. I have come face to face with people who are at their ropes end and are ready for a change, ready to get clean and ready to get their life together but then are faced with multiple roadblocks that make it extremely difficult to put a successful plan in action which ultimately tests their coping skills, stresses people out and guess what they do to decompress……..most likely use. I encourage people to take their voices off of Facebook and actually apply it where it can be more useful like emailing our Mayor, going to City Hall or coming together as a group of like-minded individuals who want to protect our town to figure out what can truly be done.

  58. They need to stop using drugs n go to work

  59. Ram Iro says:

    You all have no heart at all .. Just because you all live wealthy and probably rich doesn’t mean everyone else is .. Gets me mad how people like you guys are … Disrespectful ass people

  60. Ram Iro says:

    You all have no heart at all .. Just because you all live wealthy and probably rich doesn’t mean everyone else is .. Gets me mad how people like you guys are … Disrespectful ass people

  61. Dawn Rudio says:

    I must share . I run a business in Valencia with a wash behind my store . I am not safe there anymore . It is over run by teenage drug addicts that have chosen to leave home. I have needles and filth by my door everyday and constant harassment to myself and neighbor business.

  62. CMZ says:

    Hey, I’ve got an idea, why don’t we just feed and house them instead?

  63. Leave em alone. Let people live however they choose. I’ve known many homeless/travelers. Majority of the time they’re great people living a free life. You don’t like it? Don’t offer you help. Simple.

  64. Ryan Moreno says:

    all parents are not good parents. you have no idea about these peoples lives. have you suffered from domestic abuse by a parent? or maybe you have had parents(or maybe you have just one parent) thats drinks or does drugs. would you really want to be in that environment? people dont give up food, and warmth, and love because they dont want to clean up thier room. think outside your little suburb bubble you pampered babies.

  65. Wesley Smith says:

    I have lived in town center apts for the last 8 years and have and had been up and down the bike path at least 3 days a week and here are the FACTS like it or not! The homeless people up until about 2 years ago used to be very hidden, respectful, unseen, with clean/well kept camps. Just as you would see at a camp site. I was actually sometimes envious of how simple and peaceful life seemed for them. Some even had a couple dogs that were well fed and happy, clothes hung on a wire, etc.. I think kids clung on to the idea of how cool it looked/would be for them to do as well (not out of necessity). Thats my opinion snuck in but back to the FACTS. The last 2 years a younger generation came in and grew rapidly in numbers. They were/are not discreet at all. Not clean or sanitary. Not respectful of the people that pay to live nearby. You cant even leave a bike out LOCKED up to the staircases like you used to or even on your 2nd floor balcony. Thats right just last friday a residents bike was stolen from her 2nd story balcony. Unfortunately the thuggy trashy homeless kids ruined it for the legit homeless peeps. If your capable of climbing 2 stories or cutting bike locks i dont see why they are not capable of holding a job. Jobs are hard to come by yes, but there is no excuse for stealing or not picking up your trash. As far as a solution,,, homelessness has been going on my entire lifetime and there really is not one or there would not be any homeless? The answer is start at the bottom with a minimum wage job and use aid to get u shelter and clothing to be representable for it. The strong, eager, and most of all “willing” will survive and prosper

    • Wesley Smith says:

      Ya see i feel for the homeless and people that battle drug problems. But you cant defend or allow stealing, littering, and loitering. That does not mean you are not “christian” or a “person with no heart”. Im amazed to see the amount of enablers i see commenting on the post. These are young people with a whole life ahead of them. Allowing them to stay is the worst thing you could do for them. They need to make steps to rejoin the community ASAP the right way before it becomes too late.
      1. Get help for addictions.
      2. Get legit shelter/food aid (not where you prefer, but where you can).
      3. Get working/in a work program (not where you prefer, but where you can).
      There is tax payed aid/help i know for a fact. I know lots of people that are not even homeless that receive overly generous tax paid aid. They wont run out to the wash to give it to you but it is available.
      Bottom line is these kids may had rough upbringings but we all can make our claims to have had rough or even rougher upbringings. I can tell you in my life experience, i have never met someone or even encountered someone that has not been able to make it (legit) in this world/this town specifically that has put the consistent effort out. Ups and downs of course, we all have them. Thats life. You gotta fight the fight and be consistent. The alternative is being homeless (an individuals decision). Exceptions would be handicaps, vets, real mental probs, etc.. But there is “special aid” for that as well. Not the greatest set up im sure but id take it over the alternative. God bless America!!

    • Wesley Smith says:

      Ya see i feel for the homeless and people that battle drug problems. But you cant defend or allow stealing, littering, and loitering. That does not mean you are not “christian” or a “person with no heart”. Im amazed to see the amount of enablers i see commenting on the post. These are young people with a whole life ahead of them. Allowing them to stay is the worst thing you could do for them. They need to make steps to rejoin the community ASAP the right way before it becomes too late.
      1. Get help for addictions.
      2. Get legit shelter/food aid (not where you prefer, but where you can).
      3. Get working/in a work program (not where you prefer, but where you can).
      There is tax payed aid/help i know for a fact. I know lots of people that are not even homeless that receive overly generous tax paid aid. They wont run out to the wash to give it to you but it is available.
      Bottom line is these kids may had rough upbringings but we all can make our claims to have had rough or even rougher upbringings. I can tell you in my life experience, i have never met someone or even encountered someone that has not been able to make it (legit) in this world/this town specifically that has put the consistent effort out. Ups and downs of course, we all have them. Thats life. You gotta fight the fight and be consistent. The alternative is being homeless (an individuals decision). Exceptions would be handicaps, vets, real mental probs, etc.. But there is “special aid” for that as well. Not the greatest set up im sure but id take it over the alternative. God bless America!!

  66. Sharon Power says:

    Very well said Wesley Smith

  67. Embarrassed by my hometown. Educate yourself before assuming homelessness is due to drugs or unwilling to work.
    I hope none of you smart and fortunate never lose your ability to work or judge your fellow human.

  68. I’m Glad to read this. I’ve seen a huge increase in Homeless people living in the riverbed. They have been staggering around, dragging blankets and looking dazed. Young men mostly that I’ve seen.



  71. Thank you Deanna Michelle for all you valuable information. Our family considers ourselves as being socially aware and involved in the community. We did NOT know of the toll free phone number 211 and wish we had. Is it not possible to takeover one of those horrible bill boards on San Fernando and publish the number? For the citizens to know it exists and other citizens to use it ?? This country has never NOT had a homeless population and to think you can ‘clean’ it up is shear folly. I don’t remember who said it (some will) ‘there but for the grace of god go I ‘. And to those of such lousy lousy comments about their relatives etc, those of us who are trying to help know from where these people have come.

  72. Thank you Deanna Michelle for all you valuable information. Our family considers ourselves as being socially aware and involved in the community. We did NOT know of the toll free phone number 211 and wish we had. Is it not possible to takeover one of those horrible bill boards on San Fernando and publish the number? For the citizens to know it exists and other citizens to use it ?? This country has never NOT had a homeless population and to think you can ‘clean’ it up is shear folly. I don’t remember who said it (some will) ‘there but for the grace of god go I ‘. And to those of such lousy lousy comments about their relatives etc, those of us who are trying to help know from where these people have come.

  73. thats my buddys home i hope he is ok

  74. It’s not Nicole but some of our finest children also can’t get away from it even though they try. Dosnt make them bad kids. They need help. It’s like a alcoholic or a person who can’t stop eating. It’s very sad. Carlie had a heart of gold

  75. It’s not Nicole but some of our finest children also can’t get away from it even though they try. Dosnt make them bad kids. They need help. It’s like a alcoholic or a person who can’t stop eating. It’s very sad. Carlie had a heart of gold

  76. Wow sad, hope these people get help.

  77. Paul Daniel says:

    Don’t you guys have anything better to do! “F” the police and the city officials. Santa Clarita is a bunch of stuck up rich white folks that complain about everything. Let the homeless live their lives and worry about your damn selves.

  78. God helps those who help themselves………Amen

  79. Pat Tompkins says:

    Surprised people don’t know about 211. It is a number and resource available nationwide

  80. Criminal activity?? If they aren’t cooking meth then they are not breaking the law.

  81. Criminal activity?? If they aren’t cooking meth then they are not breaking the law.

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