Homeowners and nonprofits across Los Angeles County will see record savings of $620 million on their 2019-20 property tax bills, Assessor Jeff Prang announced this week.
“Growth in L.A. County property values means this year’s property taxes will deliver about $20 billion in essential funding for schools and other vital public services,” Assessor Prang said. “Equally important are the saving programs which bring down the cost of home ownership while allowing nonprofits to continue improving quality of life in communities across our county.”
This new record is driven by a substantial number of people taking advantage of the saving programs offered by Assessor Prang’s office. As an example, the 2019-20 local property assessment roll includes $62.04 billion in exemptions, which will provide a reduction in taxable value and more than $620 million in savings.
Key among the savings are the disabled veteran exemption, where participation jumped over 2018-19 and now sits at $5.25 million in savings, and the homeowners’ exemption at $7.16 million in savings. Exemptions for nonprofit institutions provide savings of $467 million for schools, hospitals, libraries, museums, religious organizations and community service providers.
In addition to these figures, the Assessor offers tax relief for victims of natural disasters such as earthquakes and wildfires, as well as exclusions from re-assessment for eligible homeowners, producing significant and ongoing savings.
“There are valuable resources available through my office that may be able to prevent potentially costly increases in a property’s tax burden,” said Assessor Prang. “I encourage everyone to get in touch with us to learn more and take advantage of these many saving opportunities.”
For more on tax-saving programs:
Online: assessor.lacounty.gov
By phone: 213/974-3211 or 888/807-2111
Via email: pio@assessor.lacounty.gov
On social media: @lacassessor
In person: assessor.lacounty.gov/office-locations
Click here for a brief introductory video from the annual homeowners’ exemption campaigns, which have helped to maintain high levels of participation despite shifting real estate trends.

South El Monte homeowners at one of many resource seminars offering expert advice on property tax saving opportunities.
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