By Tamara Sosa
Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital is partnering with the Hyatt Regency Valencia as they host the annual Donate A Bear Drive this month.
The drive gives every child that comes into the emergency room at the hospital a teddy bear. The event has taken place for the last few years as an opportunity to provide a sense of comfort for children.
“Just in 2014 alone over 10,700 children under the age of 14 went through our emergency room,” said Maria Strmsek, Director of Volunteer Services at Henry Mayo Newhall.
Henry Mayo originally started with a day event in September 2012 to celebrate National Teddy Bear Day and has grown into a month-long event in an effort to raise awareness.
“Last year we were lucky enough to have over 5,000 bears donated by various people and organizations throughout the community,” said Strmsek.

Donated stuffed animals must be new and range from nine to 11 inches in size and can be dropped off at the front desk staff at the Hyatt Regency Valencia or to Volunteer Services in the Main Pavilion at Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital.
“It’s important to give back to the community as much as possible and everyone should know that these donations don’t have to stop here,” said Amanda Benson, Business Travel Manager and Social Media Ambassador for the Hyatt Regency Valencia. “Henry Mayo appreciates teddy bears donated year-around.”
Contributors are encouraged to share their photos online with the hashtag, #DonateABear.
Other donations to the hospital can also be given online here.
Benson saw her own child experience the positive effects of receiving a teddy bear during a trip to the emergency room.
“In 2013, when I first heard about the drive I thought of my son who was 7 when he received his bear and how it struck a chord with me. I knew I had to reach out and find a way to get others involved,” said Benson.
She says her son still has the bear and that she felt the need to spread the word about the drive.
Since then, Benson has contacted local businesses and friends to help gather over 3,000 bears in previous years.
“The Hyatt dedicates the month of April to Hyatt Thrives where the company challenges
employees globally to give back. This event is perfect because it involves both the Hyatt and the community to order to help however we can,” Benson said.
Strmstek says it makes her feel good to see that people have always found so much compassion and pleasure when it comes to helping children.
“I just want to thank the community for supporting us and for continuing to be so genuine, gracious and generous.” she said.
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My son got a teddy bear at Henry Mayo 8 years ago and he still sleeps with it!
That’s awesome Rachel! My son too, well he doesn’t still sleep with it:) He was getting stitches on his cheek so he named his bear Stitchey.
My daughter has her bear still :)
Yup! My daughter still loves her bear from Henry Mayo 3 yrs ago!
Hi nurse Garry!
My son too. It was such a nice “gift” and we really appreciate the person/people who put this together.
We are so happy to hear this Julie. Seeing our community come together for such a great cause is wonderful and I’m glad I can be a part of it.
My daughter loves hers from this past December. She named him Henry. :-)
My son’s foundation, Cory Tarrant Forever Young Foundation has donated over 600 bears to the hospital who treated him in 2012 and also to our local hospital, Henry Mayo. I often wonder how the little kids react to the bears they are given. Thank you to all who have entered a comment to this story. My son’s kindness lives on through his Forever Bears and through his organ/tissue donations. April is also Donate Life month.
I love reading all these comments. These simple bears, make such a difference in a little one’s life. Thank you all in advanced for your donations.
I received one for my son just from one e.r visit
My daughter went to the ER last winter and got a stuffed animal, she named it nurse.
My daughter got a bear from Henry mayo and sleeps with it daily. Thank u!!!
My daughter got a bear from Henry mayo and sleeps with it daily. Thank u!!!
My 2 year old daughter received a sheep last month while in the ER in Henry Mayo and she kept it close to her during her hospitalization for comfort.
Fantastic idea! I’m excited for my kiddos to participate & Pay it forward!
Wonderful Donna! Pay it Forward indeed:) Thank you!! You can share from my FB page if you would like.
Garry –
This is sooo awesome. .I will def donate one. My son recieved a monkey recently. The staff was sooo great
This is wonderful Lacey. Thank you!
Love seeing all these comments on how a stuffed animal affected your childs experience. Thank you all for sharing!
My daughter was in the ER on Saturday and got one. It made her time there a lot better.
Thank you for all the heartwarming comments. I am pleased that we can provide such a service through our Volunteer Services Department along with our Auxiliary Volunteers and with the partnership of the Hyatt, Valencia.
Comments such as these lets me know that we are providing a wonderful service for the little ones treated in the ER which can be very scary and traumatic for them.
This community is wonderfully generous and I wanted to let you know that I personally appreciate all of your kindness.