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S.C.V. History
February 28
1890 - Jenkins ranch hands Dolores Cook and George Walton of Castaic slain by rival William Chormicle and W.A. Gardener [story]
Dolores Cook

If you think you see more motor deputies on the roads of SCV- you’re correct. The Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station now has a motorcycle detail of five deputies and one sergeant. According to Motor Sergeant William Lynch, the Motor Units has a mission – to significantly reduce traffic collisions, injuries, and deaths in the city of Santa Clarita.

On Saturday, April 29, 2017, between the hours of 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., three Motor Unit deputies worked a Distracted Driving Enforcement Operation in Santa Clarita that resulted in 33 tickets being issued to motorists for violating the state law that prohibits the holding and/or operating of a cell phone while driving. First time offense tickets started at a minimum of $160, while subsequent offenses started at a minimum of $285. The operation was funded by the California Office of Traffic Safety.

Drivers are prohibited from holding and operating their phones for any purpose — unless the device is mounted to a dashboard or windshield. Even then, it must be activated with only one finger tap or swipe. This law covers all smartphone uses, including mapping applications and music playlists. If the device is used in a hands-free manner, such as speaker phone or voice commands, that is legal, but never while holding it.

SCV Sheriff’s Traffic Sergeant Scott Shoemaker, urges motorist to go a step further when it comes to road safety, “Don’t text or talk on your cell phone while driving, even if it’s hands-free.”

According to the Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), in 2016 more than 54% of California drivers surveyed said they had been hit or nearly hit by a driver who was talking or texting on cell phone.

“If you need to make a call or send a text, wait until you stop in a safe place. Turn off all notifications on your phone when you get in the car, so that you are not tempted to check a text message, or someone’s Facebook status,” added Sgt. Shoemaker.

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  1. Good, it’s very much needed!

  2. Sue Jacobs says:

    We really need it , I’ve never seen so many careless drivers I’ve been hit twice by people on their cell phones. Help?

  3. Randy Worth says:

    That explains the motorcycle cop on Magic Mtn Pkwy peering through binoculars. Go get em!

  4. That is awesome thank you so much! Thank you Sheriff you have my support?

  5. Police just bleeding the poor dry in the SCV. That’s all this is.

  6. Jackie Hicks says:

    I saw 3 today giving tickets out. Thanks for keeping us safe

  7. D.j. Smetana says:

    If they did this every day they could erase the national deficit. Bout time

  8. Ron Contant says:

    ??????? that is great news

  9. Matt Peris says:

    This is half good and half bad and I say this only because I bet most of the people they are giving tickets to aren’t even the real bad drivers. Just stopping them for petty things while the ones that speed on a daily basis see the cops and slow down then speed off once they are gone cuz that’s wut they always do

  10. Connor McIntyre be careful

  11. Golden Valley and plum canyon needs more enforcement.

  12. Crystaline Gonzalez

  13. Elizabeth Nivon McAnnally

  14. I would be more supportive of this if I didn’t see sheriffs talking on cell phones while driving regularly.

  15. Saul Arista says:

    Newhall ranch before arriving to bouquet Canyon needs

  16. Jason Mejia says:

    How do you determine someone who is distracted?

    • by watching them text and drive, or have their phone to their ear, or on speaker in their hand thats how pretty simple

    • Jason Mejia says:

      I agree with you 100% my point is there are already laws in place to catch people doing the things you stated. When I hear “distracted driver” I hear we can pull you over without reason if we think you are distracted. I personally would like to know how that is determine. There is no such thing as a distracted driver violation.

    • I’m not so sure there is not a lot in regards to that I’m going to ask my share a friend because if there is no law for distracted driving you are completely and you’re completely correct

  17. Armando Bravo, Lulu Rubio be careful out there

  18. Mike Weaver says:

    That’s it 5 only 5. Wow we ran a detail with 8 in harbor today. Impounded about 28 cars.

  19. So Santa Clarita wants more ticket money. How about we focus on the drug problem or the escalated crime rate in the last couple years. I think this crappy use of our tax dollars.

    • Todd Crites says:

      So true, well said. But unfortunately, fearless leaders out here do not want to admit that, therefore, will continue to ignore it. Reality is, more about an additional revenue stream than safety. Speeding and red light tickets are excellent sources of revenue – just another way to tax an already over taxed people.

  20. so cal guy says:

    Stop talking, texting and addressing our play list while driving and we wont have to worry about contributing to the pot of money people are complaining about. Oh yes, lets not forget about the life we might save by doing so. What a concept…saving lives. I’m pretty sure we cannot put a price tag on ones life. Especially if it is your loved one or your own. (Notice the we and us used in this text…because we all are guilty of this at one time or another) Be safe out there.

  21. Todd Crites says:

    Just another way to tax but disguised as safety first via speeding tickets. Remember, Valencia removed them red light cameras so there’s been lost revenue since then.

  22. Angel Reyes says:

    Karla Love-ReyesRobert Reyes ???

  23. TRAVIS says:

    It’s a start but there are worst things drivers are doing in our valley. Running stop signs in residential areas, speeding 50+mph down residential streets. I sent Sergeant Scott Shoemaker an email with pictures of what has happened in the last 6 months in front of our house.(2 car crashes) One lady in Prius passed a car going 25 on Alaminos and lost control. She hit my curb and blew out both tires and proceeded to drop her two kids off at Rosedale Elementary. We had two witnesses and I had the hubcap, it landed on my lawn. The reply I received back from the Sheriffs station was “This is a daily occurrence across SCV. What would you like us to do? “I don’t know maybe your job. Reckless driving, speeding in a residential area, child endangerment, fleeing the scene of a crash. Any of those will do.

  24. I think that they know which intersections are the bad ones. Most of the distracted drivers aren’t sitting at traffic lights

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