Michael C. Downs
Seven more potential victims of alleged pedophile Michael Downs have surfaced since the 19-year-old Valencia resident was charged with 29 felony counts of having unlawful sex with minors. The complaint was filed Monday by the Los Angeles County District Attorney.
Special Victim’s Bureau Detective Rich Simmons said the department is actively investigating the new allegations.
“We have 12 solid names and now we have the names of seven more,” said Simmons.
A dozen girls, age 12 to 16, were part of the original complaint.
The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office confirmed there has been no amendment to the complaint to add additional victims or counts.
Seventeen of the 29 counts are for lewd acts upon a child. Those charges involve seven different girls under the age of 14.
Ten of the counts involve four additional girls on mutliple charges of unlawful sexual intercourse, oral copulation of a person under 16, and sexual penetration by a foreign object.
Downs, a student at Bowman High School, is being charged on one count of unlawful sexual intercourse with a twelfth victim who is also a minor.
There is an additional count for sending harmful matter which involves distributing and exhibiting harmful matter to a minor “with the intent of arousing, appealing to and gratifying the lust, passions and sexual desires of defendant(s) and of a minor, and with the intent and for the purpose of seducing a minor.”
“Harmful material can be anything lewd. It could be photos, it could be texts, it could be all sorts of stuff,” said Simmons.
According to Simmons’ investigation, Downs reportedly met his victims at the local mall and some victims were friends of friends.
“He hung out in a certain circle of girls and kind of got to know all of the girls that way,” Simmons said.
Downs is being held on $1.8 million bail. His next court appearance is scheduled for Jan. 11.
For more on Downs and the original news story, click here: http://scvnews.com/?p=23560
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1 Comment
cool . seroisuly? like no matter what right now. michael is getting his time behind bars. we are all pretty sure that he has learned his lesson already. no need to keep on going with these stupid counts,. you guys are lie in elemetry school. maybee instead of focassing on michael suffering more in jail, why dont you focas on these 17 girls being in harm. we get death threats constantly from cyber bullying-to somewere in public. it wont stop till’ you stop, michael has learned his lesson. he knows not to talk to under aged girls now. i know michael, and if he could he would changeit all around. but then, he wouldn’t have everyone on his back. just drop it,. please. let him spend his time behind bars , before one of us get’s hurt. me &&the 16 other girls are begging you. stop putting charges on him. he deserves more respect then that. how do you know that tghese girls maybee lieing off their tip of the tounge. that’s not michaels fault? you think about it..