From 2011 to 2015, the top reason people were killed in traffic collisions was because of unsafe speed followed by unsafe turning movement, following too close, driving under the influence and failure to yield, according to California Highway Patrol reports.
SCVTV reporters have complied a map of all of the fatal crashes in the Santa Clarita Valley area from Jan. 1, 2011 to mid 2016. The map below shows 115 crashes with information about where and when they happened, their primary collision factor and who was involved in the collisions.
Some collisions were covered extensively by local media and some have little information.
This map was created in an effort to create awareness about driving safely with the goal to prevent more loss of life.
For information about how the city of Santa Clarita, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and California Highway Patrol, check out the links below:
City of Santa Clarita
Traffic and Transportation Planning
Youth Grove
Los Angeles County
Lowering Speed Limits
Zero Fatalities
Safety Reports
Law Enforcement
Teen Driver Safety
Every 15 Minutes
A study was also recently done by the Estey & Bomberger law firm on the most dangerous intersections in Los Angeles County. Click here to view the study.
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This is fantastic work and great information! Hope it is utilized well.
Tailgating and speeding is the norm in SCV.