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Today in
S.C.V. History
July 3
1925 - By letter, Wyatt Earp beseeches his friend William S. Hart to portray him in a movie, to correct the "lies about me." Hart never did. [story]
Hart-Wyatt Earp

[KHTS] – A Valencia man was arrested Tuesday evening when Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s deputies found him with 3-1/2 gallons of liquid ecstasy, according to Sheriff’s Station officials.

It was a routine traffic stop in the Santa Clarita Valley where Sheriff’s officials found 32-year-old Luca Spigno with one-and-a-half gallons of GHB, or the liquid form of ecstasy, said Lt. Charles Norris from the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station.

Spigno gave deputies consent to check his home, in the Bridgeport area, and when deputies entered the home, they found another two gallons of the liquid GHB, Norris said.

At the home, they also found a lab where Spigno was allegedly producing liquid GHB, Norris said.

Spigno is being held on $160,000 bail, Norris said.



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  1. I’ve been telling everyone Valencia is nothing but crime!!

  2. ^hahahahaha. #stillbetterthaneverywhereelseinLA

  3. If that’s the worst Valencia can report, that’s nothing. All other parts of L.A. and the SFV have a million things worse going on on an hourly basis.

    • They could report worse but then it would bring property values down… The sheriff’s limit the information. ..

    • They could report worse but then it would bring property values down… The sheriff’s limit the information. ..

    • No – we have a pretty good idea of all the drama here.

      We just don’t want this place to turn into L.A. and the SFV.

    • No – we have a pretty good idea of all the drama here.

      We just don’t want this place to turn into L.A. and the SFV.

    • To late. .. sorry but I lived in santa clarita for over 20 years. It used to be a great place to live. The entire santa clarita Valley was nice. Newhall was always a little edgy then it trickled to Canyon country… then Saugus. … Half of valencia. … The sheriff’s are bigger criminals then the people they arrest… I have personally watched the corruption between the sheriff’s and the DA. (No it had nothing to do with me)… 1000 Oaks is the way to go.

    • if you dont like it in SCV – move!!

    • Suzie Acosta says:

      Property values won’t decrease. The average sized house here is still in the mid $400-500k. Take that house and put it anywhere closer to the heart of Los Angeles and the value goes up. Where drugs are more comment and pot dispensaries are on every corner. If you put a Starbucks in the hood – a venti chai latte with no foam and a side of uggs is still $5 no matter what. Am I right?

    • Remember, the lesser of two evils is still evil! Nobody ever said Santa Clarita is perfect! I just remind everyone that was recently putting down canyon country, aka, Jakes Way, to just thank our sheriffs for helping to keep US ALL safer than in most other places.

    • some people are so narrow-minded…it’s pathetic.

    • Hollie Hardiman Montgomery duh!!! Moved in 2011 when I saw a white tweeker jacking off behind a billboard at 6 am on a Saturday morning jogging the bike trail. Figured that was a good time to leave.. but thanks for the advice anyways… not narrow minded just live in reality

    • Again eye witnessed corruption in the sheriff’s dept… Some people should not talk about narrow minded. .. The people protecting this town also are corrupt. ..

    • Suzie Acosta no your not right.. The houses that are 400-500k were worth that same amount 20 years ago…. so santa clarita bulldozed more mountains to make more houses. there might not be a dispensery on every corner but yet prescription pills are in most medicine cabinets . . . My kids grew up there and have lost way to many friends or fellow schoolmates over prescription over doses. … Most of the kids got it from their own medicine cabinets… I don’t think pot is the issue in santa clarita. . I think it’s pills and meth.

    • Suzie Acosta says:

      Yeah exactly my point. Property values WONT decrease because of drug use. And you’re right about the drugs. But like I said drugs are prevalent anywhere you go. It’s what we do to keep people/children educated about the consequences. I too have lost friends due to drugs and have made it my mission for my life to NOT be like that and that’s all you can do.

    • Thousand Oaks isn’t exempt from drugs. Are you kidding? As long as people pay for them, there will be drug dealers. It’s a simple life decision? Do I want to live on hell on earth or not? It’s an absolute no do me. I will
      Never ever buy or take drugs. It’s a lame lifestyle

    • This won’t affect property values. I

    • Btw.. Property values are supposed to go up not stay the same.

  4. You know you’re old and irrelevant when you’ve never even heard of “liquid” Ecstasy before.

  5. thats not “nothing”! Idiots like this need to be stopped! They dont belong in our area!

  6. Oh no property value will go down now not good soo much going on lately bs. Someone needs to do something about it

  7. Rich N Winni says:

    Wilma Ignacio Tunnell

  8. Suzie Acosta says:

    everyone needs to calm down and stop acting like drugs are something new in SCV. when I went to VHS 12 years ago girls were smoking crack in the bathroom during class. Privileged girls with daddies money. So knock it off.

  9. Suzie Acosta says:

    everyone needs to calm down and stop acting like drugs are something new in SCV. when I went to VHS 12 years ago girls were smoking crack in the bathroom during class. Privileged girls with daddies money. So knock it off.

  10. Really glad those police road stop checks are working.

  11. Really glad those police road stop checks are working.

  12. I thought pure ecstasy was MDMA aka Molly.. Not GHB.. Which is the “date rape” drug?

  13. Sean Nichols says:

    Thank you Suzie Acosta for being a voice of reason. The drug problem in this valley is decades old. But for those of you that are shocked, or complaining that this is a part of the SCV going downhill-all I can say to you is open your eyes.

  14. Since when is GHB liquid ecstasy??

    • Courtesy of wikipedia: “GHB is often taken because users find that it enhances their experiences of being in a club, party, or rave; small doses of GHB can act as a stimulant and aphrodisiac. GHB is sometimes referred to as liquid ecstasy, lollipops, liquid X or liquid E due to its tendency to produce euphoria and sociability and its use in the dance party scene.[18] Despite this nickname, GHB has entirely separate chemical and pharmacological modes of action compared to MDMA (ecstasy).”

  15. Kids in this valley have too much money
    Decades old problem people

  16. Ckay Walker says:

    Glad they caught him. Hopefully saved some people from being raped.

  17. Ckay Walker says:

    Remove your blinders. Santa Clarita Valley is still safer than most cities in the US. If you don’t think so do some research before bashing your hometown.

  18. Looks like he will be moving out of Bridgeport

  19. And nobody is wondering where the other 1/2 gallon went?! Haha I guess it’s better than finding loaded weapons and heading towards Canyon Country.

  20. This has been going on for years in the Santa Clarita Valley… Be realistic…. Its EVERYWHERE…. Drugs have been up here since the times of the Heart Era, that would be the turn of the century …. Money and privilege kept it quiet …. You just here more because our valley is much more populated

  21. Gabe Yanez says:

    Liquid extacy?! Never even heard of that. I’m more shocked that extacy is a liquid these days?!? Damn whipper snappers

  22. GHB is used to make the date rape drug, so instead of saying “oh this exist don’t act surprised” be glad there is one less dirt bag out there selling it & doing God knows what else.

  23. Dk Persing says:

    Peopl act like drugs are not present in the world. I’m sorry by they are everywhere and always will be because drug users aren’t limited to social class. Rich and poor, young and old, among all classes there will be users among them. And whoever thinks it’s going to drive property values down because of this is a moron. I would think a father that murdered his baby daughter or a power ranger stabbing his roommate with a sword is more likely to affect who moves to scv rather than a guy prepping for hard summer.

  24. Shirley says:

    Drugs are everywhere…..nothing new. And yes I agree, if you don’t like living here you should move. It is still better than alot of other places.

  25. Folks here think they live in Stepford, try to get a bit more involved in your families…….

  26. GHB is the date rape drug and I’m 100% positive it was GHB not liquid ecstasy. “G” is what they like to call it. It is VERY popular out here! People have no clue. See someone at a bar who’s drunk but had only one drink? Blame GHB! If you take a certain amount it will make you feel drunk and give you that spinning feeling without having to drink a thing. And no hangover. This is what I’ve heard, not by experience. If you give too much it knocks you out, hence the “date rape” part. I know many many friends who have set their drinks down in local bars in Scv or in Hollywood and they get drugged after one drink. Men will walk around pouring that stuff into girls drinks while they aren’t looking and watch from a far and prey on them. It’s sick.

  27. omg……Dustin Alleman

  28. Every time I wonder why people look at the general population of the SCV as complete morons, comments like these bring it all into focus.

  29. Dina Caddy says:

    So glad they got itoff the streets.

  30. I actually knew the guy who got arrested. He was struggling very badly before this arrest and this may be the very thing that saves his life. Really sad that he made life choices that ended him up in jail. Hopefully he will learn his lesson and turn his life around. I work for a local non-profit that helps young people who are addicted to drugs and one thing I do know for sure is that addicts are just hurting people.These people aren’t all inherently bad. Addiction can make awesome people do HORRIBLE things. Instead of talking about how people like this are giving our community a bad name or effecting the tax payers, why don’t we pray for them that they will get help and find peace? There are so many broken people like Luca walking around SCV that need help. Let’s be proactive about it instead of standing back in judgment.

  31. Mike Petett says:

    I am in shock! The SCV cops actually did their job!?

  32. David Adrian Agüero lol

  33. Jacqueline Wanke says:

    I actually knew the guy who got arrested. He was struggling very badly before this arrest and this may be the very thing that saves his life. Really sad that he made life choices that ended him up in jail. Hopefully he will learn his lesson and turn his life around. I work for a local non-profit that helps young people who are addicted to drugs and one thing I do know for sure is that addicts are just hurting people.These people aren’t all inherently bad. Addiction can make awesome people do HORRIBLE things. Instead of talking about how people like this are giving our community a bad name or effecting the taxpayers, why don’t we pray for them that they will get help and find peace? There are so many broken people like Luca walking around SCV that need help. Let’s be proactive about it instead of standing back in judgment.

  34. I have lived in Scv for 35 years and we have always had a drug problem so all you new people coming in you might think it’s a shock but us that have been here forever we know it happens. We know what areas and witch schools are the worst. These kids these days have way to much time and money on their hands so yes it has gotten way worse. Don’t get me wrong I can’t wait to get out of here lol… Not the same still a good town but nothing like it used to be.

  35. Jesse Madden says:

    GHB and ecstacy aka MDMA are not the same thing and they shouldn’t be confused.

  36. Now just to find out who’s supplying the kids with heroin would be nice too.

  37. Damn, next thing you know, Mexicans and black people will move here.

  38. Kids dying from heroin and the one place to go for help only takes insurance or a lot of money. Sad.

  39. True they have been around however I appreciate the officers who take as much as they can off the streets.

  40. The town we live in smh Christal Johnson Brandon Paul Johnson

  41. HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahagGagahahHhahahHahahahHhahahahHahahHahahahahHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahaaaahahahaha

  42. I’d love to know of a town that has no drugs… Oh ya there aren’t any

  43. Valencia is x and crack, Saugus is meth, Newhall is heroin, and canyon country is weed! At lest that’s how I remembered it back in high school! I agree with everyone… This isn’t new! No where close to new… I’m makin an assumption but, if your shocked by this with 1 of 2 things; 1. You live under a rock and/or 2. You are new to Awesome Town! Best way to talk about SCV…? “Polish a turd, it’s still a turd!” I wouldn’t say SCV a is going down hill at all! I would say there is a slight chance it may be getting better!

  44. Ryan Zike says:

    What lol what girls were smocking crack at Valencia bahaha not sure about that one but black tar has taken over Santa clarita

  45. You know SCV is still a good place to live, as long as threads like these continue to gather a ton of responses. Why? Because it proves once again, half the people who live here still don’t physically see drugs and crime around them. So when social media talks about it, it’s a big shock. That’s actually great. Again, the surprise of drugs and crime here just goes to show it’s still hidden from most people or the level is low enough where people still think it doesn’t exist. I live in BOTH the SCV and SFV and like I said at the start of this thread, you guys have absolutely no idea how much worse it can get. What’s reported here is a tiny tiny tiny percentage of the crime rate taking place in the SFV. You should all be thanking your stars you live in such a great city. You have no idea how much worse it could be. Good day.

  46. Jenna Jordan Spencer Stearns Tiffany Monaco Kelly Armstrong

  47. Steven Payne daayyuumm!! Haha

  48. I agree with you Brittany Tavalaro. This town is not all at like it used to be when we were growing up here. It is sad that drug sellers know many kids here have money to purchase drugs. Should make parents think twice about how much cash they are dealing out to their kids.

  49. Derek Dean says:

    I’m pretty sure GHB and ecstasy are two completely different substances, but 3-1/2 gallons of it is an INSANE amount. He was more than likely planning to distribute.

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