Each week I listen to hours of speeches and videos. My mind is filled with useless garbage from the audio and visual assaults that I endure for my audience weekly. This week, I heard the words “We the People” repeatedly.
The president of these United States, for the first time in one of his speeches, used it more times than he used the words “I” and “me.” In his inauguration speech he used it 88 times. Yes, 88 times he aligned himself with “We the People.”
Who the People? When he said “We the People” needed to deal with climate change, what he meant was you American taxpayers – all of you, not just the rich – need to start paying to fix the problems all of mankind supposedly has inflicted on the climate. Interestingly, we the people, as a whole, don’t even believe manmade climate change exists. More and more scientists are running away from climate change. Why do you think they renamed it from “global warming” to “climate change”? They couldn’t sell the freak snow storms and crazy arctic blasts as part of global warming, that’s why.
He said, “Progress does not compel us to settle centuries-long debates about the role of government for all time, but it does require us to act in our time.”
Government’s role was determined by our founding fathers. It was to be the least intrusive entity in our lives. Government should be as noticeable as grass growing.
He said, “My fellow Americans, the oath I have sworn before you today, like the one recited by others who serve in this Capitol, was an oath to God and country, not party or faction. And we must faithfully execute that pledge during the duration of our service.”
Seriously. President Obama has made it clear that God has no place in government. He has refused to attend or issue a proclamation about the yearly prayer breakfast. To invoke God after that is blatantly hypocritical. Saying a botched late-term abortion leaving the “fetus” twitching on a table to die when it actually could still be saved (by the way, Mr. President, the fetus, once it leaves the womb, is now scientifically called a “baby”) and then invoking the name of God is hypocritical.
How is it that President Obama trusts the few remaining scientists who tell us climate change is real, but when a majority of scientists believe a life begins at conception, they must be wrong? If we can believe a single frozen cell recently found on Mars is a life form, then a fetus with millions of cells should be given at least the same value. Using scientific evidence only when it serves a desired goal is dishonest.
One pundit said: “I can’t think of a better way for him to have begun his second term. It was a speech of unity and tolerance, but also one intended to remind everyone that citizenship carries responsibility with it. While I’m sure there are some exploding wingnut heads, I do think reasonable people should hear what he said for what it is: A reminder that it’s not just about Barack Obama, but every one of us.”
She means every progressive. “We the People” was not “Me the People.” The majority of Americans still think the healthcare plan in its current state is a bad idea, and they still think the country is headed in the wrong direction.
Mr. Obama, what “We the People” were you referring to? Your speech was about power over which you seem to think you have total control. That is not “We the People.”
Listen up, “We the People”: We are in for a world of hurt in the coming years unless you wake up make some changes.
Joe Messina is host of The Real Side (TheRealSide.com), a nationally syndicated talk show that runs on AM-1220 KHTS radio and SCVTV [here]. He is also an elected member of the Hart School Board. His commentary publishes Mondays.
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As a journalist, why is it so hard for you to see that the IPCC has only ever said a crisis “might” and “could” etc. happen, and never have they said it “WILL” happen without “maybes”.
Help my house could be on fire maybe?
Couldn’t agree more, sir!
Wow. Now MY mind is filled with useless garbage from the textual assault I just endured reading this column. What a gasbag Joe is. Draws conclusions before even analyzing the issue. So he hates the president.. what’s new? Wheew! That problem sure got solved quick! Thanks Joe!