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Today in
S.C.V. History
1955 - Actor and nightclub owner Ace Cain incorporates the Rocky Springs Country Club in Sand Canyon [story]
Ace Cain

Power, Responsibility, Guns
Saturday, Feb 21, 2015

Every once and awhile, wisdom comes from unexpected places – like, say, a comic book movie. “With great power comes great responsibility.” – Uncle Ben in Sam Raimi’s “Spider-Man” I learned, thanks to Wikipedia, that those words in the world of Spider-Man originated...

Kindness Day
Saturday, Feb 14, 2015

It’s Valentine’s Day, and this past week was International Random Acts of Kindness Week. Plus, Random Acts of Kindness Day is coming up Feb. 17. In short, it’s a good time to focus on spreading love and on treating others with kindness and understanding. The shootings in Chapel Hill remind me of...

Put the Children First
Saturday, Feb 7, 2015

Telemundo came to Val Verde Thursday night. They weren’t there to cover the potential expansion of the Chiquita Canyon Landfill, which would have been a perfectly reasonable reason for them to be there. Nor were they there to cover a sensational act of violence or a sexy story of fraud or something...

Trauma and Treadmills
Saturday, Jan 24, 2015

When two jumbo jets struck the World Trade Center, I was at the YMCA in Dorchester, Mass., and watched the events live, like so much of the world. And like much of the world, I watched in horror, but among strangers. Many people were at home when it happened and watching either alone or with loved ones....

Women’s Year
Saturday, Jan 17, 2015

Last of three parts. Here’s the rest of my A-Z list as I look back at 2014. U is for Ukraine – The Russian invasion of Ukraine and subsequent violence that followed dominated headlines for much of the year and made many question Putin as Russia’s leader. Many doubted his motivates and the...

Reflections A-Z, Part 2
Saturday, Jan 3, 2015

This time of year is often a time for reflection. I decided last week to write my own A-Z list for 2014, highlighting the past year’s news that stuck out for me. I drew inspiration from some great A-Z lists I’ve read lately, most notably “The A to Z of Women in Film 2014” in Indiewire’s Women...

2014 A-Z, Part 1
Friday, Dec 26, 2014

This is the time of year for reflection. I’ve read some great A-Z lists lately, my favorite being “A to Z of Women In Film 2014” in Indiewire’s Women and Hollywood blog. I’ve decided to use the A-Z format, as well. Here’s the first part of my A-Z of this past year’s news, highlighting the...

All I Want for Christmas
Wednesday, Dec 24, 2014

…is for eyes to be opened and lives to be renewed and validated. Starting with myself, I realize I often do not feel I am “enough.” I need to be a better mother. I need to work harder for my company. I need to do more, more, more. But when I step back, I face the reality that even if I achieved...

An Old Elevator
Saturday, Dec 20, 2014

I was taking a long bus ride about 15 years ago from Cairo to Jerusalem to spend Christmas Eve in Bethlehem with my “new boyfriend,” who is now the father of my two children and both my business and life partner. That Christmas Eve celebration was amazing – beautiful in so many ways, but especially...

Compassion 2014
Saturday, Dec 13, 2014

Rather than making a New Year’s resolution for 2014, I selected a guiding word for the year, and the word I chose was “compassion.” The selection feels even more appropriate now. At the start of the year, I embraced my guiding word with a “14 Days of Loving-Kindness Challenge” on my blog. As...

Newest Additions to SCVNews.com
The city of Santa Clarita Film Office has released the list of eight productions currently filming in the Santa Clarita Valley for the week of Monday, Feb. 17 to Sunday, Feb. 23.
Feb. 17-23: Filming This Week in the SCV
Median rental prices in Santa Clarita climbed 5.9% in January, the second-highest increase in the Los Angeles metro area according to a report prepared by Zumper Los Angeles, an online rental platform.
Zumper Los Angeles Reports Santa Clarita has 10th Highest Rent
The city of Santa Clarita is wranglin’ volunteers for the upcoming Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival to be held Saturday and Sunday, April 12-13 at William S. Hart Park in Newhall.
Volunteers Needed for Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival
1955 - Actor and nightclub owner Ace Cain incorporates the Rocky Springs Country Club in Sand Canyon [story]
Ace Cain
Tax season is here and the California State University, Northridge’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program is operating at 15 different sites throughout Los Angeles county, ready to assist low-income taxpayers.
CSUN VITA Clinic Offering Free Tax Preparation Services
California State University, Northridge’s Institute for Sustainability is collaborating with Conservation Concierges, as well as CSUN’s Department of Geography and Environmental Studies and the College of Social and Behavioral Studies to host a wildfire lecture and career symposium, 2:30 p.m. Friday, March 7.
March 7: CSUN Wildfire Symposium on Environmental Education, Employment
The Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency will hold its regular board meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 18 starting at 6 p.m.
Feb. 18: Santa Clarita Water Agency Regular Meeting
Spring is here, and there’s no better time to explore everything Santa Clarita has to offer. Whether you’re looking to try a new hobby, sign your child up for sports or discover recreational opportunities near you, the city’s Seasons magazine is your ultimate guide.
Ken Striplin | Your Guide to an Exciting Spring in Santa Clarita
With grocery prices having risen more than 25% over the past five years, the personal-finance website WalletHub has released its report on the "States Where People Spend the Most & Least on Groceries" to offer insight into where Americans are having the most trouble affording food.
Wallethub: States Where People Spend More on Groceries
Guitars for Vets Newhall Chapter has announced a Celebration Day, 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21 to recognize three of its veterans who have successfully completed 11-week guitar instruction program.
Feb. 21: Guitars For Vets Celebration Day
The Santa Clarita Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 6 p.m., in City Hall Council Chambers. It will consider an application for a new Verizon Wireless facility.
Feb. 18: Planning Commission to Consider New Verizon Facility
Sponsorship opportunities and tickets are now available for Vine 2 Wine, Circle of Hope’s signature wine-tasting event which will be held 6:30 p.m. Saturday, March 22 at the Sand Canyon Country Club.
March 22: Circle of Hope’s Vine 2 Wine Sponsorships Available
The regular meeting of the William S. Hart Union High School District’s Governing Board of Trustees will be held Wednesday, Feb. 19, beginning with a closed session at 6:15 p.m., followed by an open session at 7 p.m.
Feb. 19: Hart Board Public Hearing on Initial Teachers Union, District Proposals
The Santa Clarita Symphony Orchestra invites music lovers and Broadway enthusiasts to its Broadway Classics concert at 4 p.m., Sunday, March 16 at Canyon High School Performing Arts Center.
March 16: Santa Clarita Symphony Presents Broadway Classics Concert
1949 - Short-lived oil drilling operation on Newhall's Arcadia Street ends [story]
Arcadia Street rig
2000 - Rancho Camulos designated a National Historic Landmark [story]
Rancho Camulos
1939 - Los Angeles premiere of John Ford's "Stagecoach"; approx. 7 seconds shot in SCV [Watch Clip]
Stagecoach movie
Since the beginning of time, art has been a unifying force, a medium through which people connect, express and envision the world in new and exciting ways.
Bill Miranda | Art, Innovation and Community
The Saugus Union School Board of Trustees regular meeting will include a discussion of practices and provide direction to superintendent and cabinet on consequences for students with "Big Behaviors."
Feb. 18: Saugus School Board to Discuss Student ‘Big Behaviors’
The California Department of Public Health reports seasonal influenza cases and activity are high in California, but it’s not too late to get the flu shot to prevent severe illness and hospitalization.
Flu Activity Remains High, But It’s Not Too Late to Get Vaccinated
Join the Valley Industry Association on Thursday, May 15 for the 2025 Workforce Development Conference to be held at the Hyatt Regency Valencia.
May 15: VIA 2025 Workforce Development Conference The Future of Work 2.0
Among several important topics, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors will hear a report on the county’s implementation of the people experiencing homelessness missions at the Tuesday, Feb. 18 regular board meeting.
Feb. 18: Supervisors to Hear Homelessness Report
The Safe, Clean Water Program Watershed Area Steering Committee Santa Clara River will meet on Thursday, Feb. 20 at 1–3 p.m.
Feb. 20: Safe, Clean Water Program Watershed Area Steering Committee
The Master's University women's basketball team scored the first basket of the game in the first four seconds and never looked back to defeat the Embry-Riddle Eagles 72-61 Wednesday night, Feb. 12 in Prescott, Ariz.
Lady Mustangs beat ERAU in Arizona