[DACC] – Circuses have been entertaining the public, especially children, for more than100 years. Part of a typical circus show involves elephants, a very intelligent and social animal. “Their size and magnificence has made them popular in circuses,” said Marcia Mayeda, director of the County of Los Angeles Department of Animal Care and Control (DACC). “Unfortunately, their use in entertainment, wild nature, and sometimes dangerous behavior have also made their inclusion problematic for circuses, public safety officials, and animal lovers,” stated Mayeda.

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“We receive a steady complaint flow from the public whenever elephants are performing in a circus that is in our area, so the announcement of the policy change regarding phasing out elephants by Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus is welcome news,” Mayeda said. “Use of these giant, gentle pachyderms in local circus performances has always been controversial and we are pleased at the decision to phase them out of the shows.”
The DACC commends those that have pursued efforts resulting in this change. It has been a long fought effort on the behalf of the circus elephants and DACC looks forward to the day when the last elephant walks off the trailer and into the sanctuary in central Florida. “Times are changing and so are the lives of our elephant friends.”
Visit our web site at animalcare.lacounty.gov, find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/CountyofLosAngelesAnimalCare, or follow us on Twitter @LACoAnimalCare.
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finally letting them go is the best decision i ve heard so far
Rose Willymina Candelaria
Thanks to peta petitioning free the elephants!!